Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2844 What you think is impossible is the truth


On the dark sea, a boat more than 20 meters long left the dock and sailed towards the depths of the sea.

Jin Enzai stood on the deck and said to Chen Xin'an beside him: "Brother Yanjun, can you tell me now what we are going to do?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Chaojing Yaohan has a shipment of goods coming, and we want to destroy it.

This is the Saint Master's business, and it is very important to him.

Do you understand now? "

Jin Enzai's eyes widened, as if he was shocked.

After a while, he asked Chen Xin'an: "Since it is the product of the Holy Master, the Flying Star Team will definitely come!

You should have told me earlier and brought more people here to be more confident! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "If there are too many people, this anti-smuggling boat can't even fit in.

Moreover, this operation must be quick and ruthless, and try to avoid confrontation. It is useless to have too many people. "

Jin Enzai thought about it and realized that there was indeed no need for the human sea tactic.

The skills of Dr. Yanjun and his friends are comparable to the combat effectiveness of a fully armed army of four to five hundred people!

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, Jin Enzai took a deep breath, smiled and asked Chen Xin'an:

"Brother Yanjun, I have thought about making a comeback and returning to Chaojing Yaohan.

I also thought about having a fight to the death with Mitsuda Hoshikai to fight for more chances to survive.

But I never thought that one day I would stand on the opposite side of the Holy Master!

Because I never feel that I am his opponent. To deal with him is to seek death!

But from you, I see hope! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said nothing.

Jin Enzai narrowed his eyes and said: "The Holy Master in Dongchao is like a legendary god!

Each of the eight major Dongchao financial groups is inextricably related to him.

His power in Dongchao is unimaginable.

You are the only person I have ever seen who dared to confront him head-on, and yet you didn't suffer any loss.

Until now, I don't know how you did it.

But as a brother, I still have to remind you.

The Holy Master is not that easy to defeat.

Even if our operation succeeds this time, it will not cause any harm to the Holy Master, it will just make him lose a few hairs.

This man cannot be defeated, but he can be provoked.

His revenge will be crazy when the time comes. Have Brother Yanjun figured out how to deal with it? "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "What's wrong, Boss Jin, are you scared?"

"Hahaha!" Jin Enzai laughed, shook his head and said: "When Chaojing Yaohan left, I had already died once.

I once threw my dignity and life on the ground and let others trample on me.

For me, there was nothing left to lose.

What else am I afraid of?

It’s nothing more than a cheap life!

If you don't die, you'll just have to start all over again.

There is no one or thing in this world that I am afraid of!

except you! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, turned her head and pointed at his nose: "Are you afraid of me?"

Jin Enzai nodded and said seriously: "I know the greed of the Holy Master, I know Li Guangmin's ambition, and I know Moon Jae-hun's gloominess.

But I still don't know what you want and what's the point of doing this.

I know something about Brother Snake, but I don’t believe that you came to Dongchao from Da Ying just for him, causing turmoil in the entire Dongchao.

Brother Yanjun, you should be employed by a very large organization in China, and you have a deep purpose in doing these things.

I know there are some things I shouldn’t ask, but actually I just want to plead. Seeing that I am sincere, please don’t burn bridges..."

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, and Li Qi looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Luo Xiaoman patted Jin Enzai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Old Jin, your usual temper is very suitable for me, but what you said is a bit of an asshole!

You have known Lao Chen for only a day or two. Has he done anything to burn bridges? "

Li Qi looked at Jin Enzai and said: "What you think is impossible is actually the truth.

We came to Dongchao to save Brother Snake, because he is our brother.

Boss Jin, do you believe that if you were chased by Chaojing Yaohan's people, the boss would not hesitate to save you?

Because you are also our friend, the boss will never hurt a friend, nor will he abandon a friend! "

Jin Enzai lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about something. After a while, he raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an, and nodded vigorously.

Although he didn't say anything, Chen Xin'an could tell that from this moment on, the eldest brother of Guangtian City really started to have a heart-to-heart with him.

"Boss, the target has been found!" Wang Hao's shout suddenly came from the door of the central control room.

This time when we went to sea, Wang Hao and several brothers followed him.

They are the true crew and serve as the pilots of the ship.

With his own people, Chen Xin'an can rest assured that he doesn't have to worry about being betrayed or abandoned.

Everyone was refreshed and immediately followed Wang Hao into the central control room.

Although it is a decommissioned anti-smuggling boat, the equipment is well maintained and the boat can still be driven normally.

The performance is not as good as the advanced boats in the current anti-smuggling team, but it is more than enough for tracking large cargo ships.

"All dressed up and ready for contact!" Chen Xinan said to Jin Enzai: "Tell the brothers not to panic and follow the arrangements." Jin Enzai nodded, turned around and told Shangmin a few words, and Shangmin ran out. Now we are in the high seas. If you want to find a cargo ship in the endless sea, you really need luck. Fortunately, Chen Xinan already knows the other party's route, so the search range has been accurate, so it is not troublesome to find it. A tens of thousands of tons of ocean-going cargo ship appeared on the sea. The logo on the hull is the same as in the information, indicating that this ship is the target Chen Xinan is looking for! Two Dongchao people with guns on their backs carried a corpse to the side of the ship, shouted and threw the corpse from the ship into the sea. On the deck, about thirty Dongchao people holding various guns were looking viciously at a dozen Murphys who were squatting with their heads in their hands. The two Dongchao people who had just thrown away the bodies came back and reported to a leader-like man:

"Brother Yingshuo, all the bodies have been dealt with! The remaining people might as well..."

The Murphy people squatting on the deck showed a look of horror on their faces. It was obvious that many people could understand Dongchao language.

The leader snorted, turned his head and shouted to the Murphy people: "Listen to me!

You Murphy people are lazy, greedy, stupid, and barbaric!

You dare to threaten us and go on strike with us!

Originally, all of you lowly animals should be slaughtered, but since you are still useful, I will temporarily keep your lives!

We are about to arrive in Chaojing, don't do those little tricks with me, I will keep an eye on you!

Whoever dares to be lazy will end up like those who were killed before!

When you arrive in Chaojing, you will get every cent you deserve.

If you want to be a rogue, I will let you know how powerful our Feixing team is!"

A group of Murphy people looked terrified and dared not speak.

At this moment, someone suddenly ran over and shouted: "Brother Yingshuo, it's bad! There are people from the maritime anti-smuggling team coming ahead!" Brother Yingshuo frowned and asked curiously: "Why are the maritime anti-smuggling team here? No, we haven't entered the Dongchao waters yet, how can the maritime anti-smuggling team come to the high seas? What country are those people from?" "We are from Dongchao! Brother Yingshuo, we will meet them in about three minutes. There is still blood in our cabin that has not been washed away..." "Then why are you still standing there, tell someone to clean it up!"

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