Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2845 Madmen also have human rights


In the control room, Shangmin used the loudspeaker to shout several times to warn the freighter to stop, and the freighter finally stopped.

Brother Yingshuo had asked the Murphys on the deck to return to their posts, and the people of the Flying Star Team had all put away their guns.

They all pretended to be ordinary crew members, watching the "anti-smuggling maritime police" climbing up the ladder.

These maritime police were of course pretended by Jin Enzai's people.

Zheng Zaizhong did not bring all the brothers who followed Jin Enzai from Yaohan with him. He used a group of local brothers who Jin Enzai had recruited again after he came to Guangtian City.

Fortunately, everyone usually dealt with those anti-smuggling police and knew the working procedures of those people, so they could imitate them.

Of course, it was no problem to deceive those Murphys, but it was difficult to deceive the Flying Star Team.

Because the top management of Yaohan must have said hello to the Dongchao police, but now they were stopped by the maritime anti-smuggling team, which was a bit abnormal.

But for Chen Xinan and others, it was also a bit unexpected.

With limited intelligence, I guessed that Yaohan Group would send the Flying Star Team to meet the freighter, but I didn't expect that they would escort the whole way!

But as long as we can get on the ship, everything can be done.

"Which police station's anti-smuggling team are you from? Why did you stop us?"

After Yingshuo and the coast guards got on the ship, he frowned and asked Chen Xinan, who was wearing a police uniform.

Chen Xinan didn't say anything, but just looked at the side railing. There was a dark red stain on it that was not very obvious, which should be blood.

Yingshuo frowned slightly. This was accidentally left when he threw the body into the sea.

I just cleaned the cabin and didn't notice that there was still here, but there was nothing I could do, after all, time was too rushed.

Brother Yingshuo moved his feet, leaned against the railing, covered the blood stain, and said to Chen Xinan:

"You are the chief of these marine police brothers, right?

Come, have a cigarette!

We can cooperate with whatever you want to check.

We are a regular trade freighter, and the goods on the ship must be sent to Chaojing, and all kinds of procedures are complete.

I will send someone to bring the bill immediately. Go in and have a cup of coffee first, sit down and wait, okay?"

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to Brother Yingshuo: "Are you the captain?"

"I'm not! I'm just the ship's broker." Brother Yingshuo replied with a smile.

Chen Xinan said impatiently: "Then ask the captain to come out and talk to me!"

Where is the captain? He was killed by me a long time ago!

If you bring the crew to strike with me, can you still stay?

Brother Yingshuo took a deep breath and said to Chen Xinan: "Officer, I have said that I am a ship broker.

I can fully represent the captain to cooperate with your inspection!

But the officer seems to have not told me, which police station's anti-smuggling team are you from?"

Chen Xinan looked at him coldly and asked: "I have already shown my work permit just now, do I need to explain it to you verbally again?"

Brother Yingshuo looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Sorry, the distance is too far and I can't see it clearly!

Please let me see it again, Mr. Officer!"

Chen Xinan snorted and said to him: "Do you know what the consequences are if you block our law enforcement?"

Brother Yingshuo said loudly: "I grew up by the sea and have dealt with the coast guard more than once.

I have never heard that the Dongchao Anti-Smuggling Team actually performs tasks on the high seas!

If you don't explain your identity clearly today, don't blame us for not cooperating!"

As soon as the voice fell, the group of crew members who looked honest just now all had fierce eyes and blocked the way of those coast guards.

The coast guards who were heading towards the cargo box area at the stern of the ship all stopped, and the atmosphere instantly turned cold when they looked at the crew members in front of them.

Chen Xinan said to Brother Yingshuo: "Get your people out of the way immediately, otherwise you will bear the consequences!" Brother Yingshuo pointed to the anti-smuggling boat below and said to Chen Xinan: "I don't care which police station you are from, get out of here immediately!

The owner of these goods is someone you can't afford to offend. A group of small anti-smuggling coast guards dare to come here to cause trouble. They are simply tired of living!

I give you two minutes to leave this ship and disappear from my sight. I will treat today's events as if nothing happened!

If you dare to cause trouble again, I guarantee that your skin will be peeled off tomorrow!

And you will have troubles in the future, and you will never live a good life in this life!"

Before Chen Xinan could speak, there was a muffled bang in the cabin, and then a Mofei ran out in a panic, shouting to the coast guards: "Help! Please save us!"

The situation was already a little tense, and it was even more tense at this time!

Brother Yingshuo had a ferocious look on his face, and he shouted to his men: "Pull him in!"

Several crew members rushed over and tried to grab the arm of the Murphy man.

But the Murphy man was tall and strong, and after struggling hard, the three men failed to trap him, and were knocked down by him!

The Murphy man rushed to Chen Xinan, knelt on the ground, and shouted in panic:

"They are thugs, they killed our captain! They will kill us as soon as the ship docks! I heard their conversation, please save us!"

At this time, Brother Yingshuo no longer cared about where these coast guards came from, but shouted to his men in anger and panic: "You bunch of trash! Take him away quickly!"

He turned his head and said to Chen Xinan: "Mr. Police Officer, this guy is a lunatic, and he got sick at sea!

So don't pay attention to his crazy words.

This is a small thing, even if I apologize to you for my inability just now! "

He took out a valuable lighter he brought back from abroad from his pocket, wanted to put it into Chen Xin'an's hand, and said with a smile:

“I will contact the boss immediately and ask him to speak to you in person.

I think this must be a misunderstanding. We are all law-abiding businessmen! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the lighter, took a look at it, stuffed it into his pocket, and when Brother Yingshuo gave him an understanding look and smile, he pulled the Mo Feiren up.

"Even if you are a lunatic, you still have human rights!

Okay, I'll just take him with me. Don't worry, it's just a routine check, just take a turn and leave. You don't have to be so nervous! "

While talking, Chen Xin'an pulled Mo Feiren towards the cargo area, where there were hundreds of containers.

This cargo ship is not too big, much smaller than the one before Brother Snake.

However, Xinghai Group compensated Brother Snake for a million-ton medium-sized cargo ship, which was considered a blessing in disguise for Brother Snake.

Although the ship is not big, there are hundreds of containers, and it is not easy to find those goods.

It would be much easier if we had the help of these crew members!

Brother Yingshuo was stunned. He had never seen such a shameless person!

The things are collected, why don’t you leave, and you actually have to take someone to check them!

Although the Murphy crew members didn't know what was hidden in the normal cargo boxes, they knew very well that those cargo boxes contained private goods!

When the time comes for these coast guard inspections, we will be in big trouble!

Seeing the Coast Guard pushing away the people from the Flying Star Team and preparing to go to the cargo area, Brother Yingshuo's face turned blue and white, and he gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Stop them for me! If anyone dares to mess around today, I'll kill them!"

Don't worry, the company will take care of you if something goes wrong! "

Hearing his greeting, the men who could no longer restrain themselves rushed to the tool room next to them and took out the guns they had hidden just now!

Brother Yingshuo turned his head, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You are so shameless!

A small anti-smuggling team still wants to check Chao Jing Yaohan's goods?

You're going to die here today, do you believe it? "

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