Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2846 The pain I have never experienced in my life


Seeing those men reaching for guns, Chen Xin'an let go of Mo Feiren and kicked Brother Yingshuo in the head!

This is the signal to take action!

A group of coast guards drew their weapons and pounced on the men!

After all, it's not a real coast guard. They have uniforms and police equipment, but they don't have firearms.

More than a dozen Coast Guardsmen faced off against more than thirty Flying Stars thugs. No matter in terms of numbers or combat power, there was no difference at all.

But there are two fierce men mixed in here!

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi!

With the two of them joining in, this group of coast guard is like a tiger coming out of the gate, disrupting the opponent's formation as soon as it comes up!

"Go to hell!" Someone got a gun and pointed it directly at the group of coast guards.

But before he could pull the trigger, there was a buzzing sound in his ears, and then his eyes stung and he couldn't see anything!

Amid the screams, a group of Flying Stars thugs covered their faces with their hands, and their heads were filled with iron arrows. They were rolling on the ground in pain!

Luo Xiaoman put away his crossbow and shouted to the group of coast guards: "Grab the gun!"

He didn't speak Dongchao dialect, but he learned this sentence after getting on the boat, so everyone understood it no matter whether he said it to a standard or not.

"Follow me!" Li Qi shouted and rushed forward!

A group of coast guard followed behind him and Luo Xiaoman, rushing forward desperately.

But this time everyone’s goal is not the cargo area, but the tool room!

Brother Yingshuo, who was lying on the ground, widened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "You are not the coast guard of the anti-smuggling team!

Who are you?

What do you want to do?

Do you know who owns these goods?

Whoever dares to move, I guarantee you will die miserably! "

Chen Xin'an walked up to him, knelt down with a smile, looked at him and said, "Chao Jing Yaohan, you just admitted it to yourself!"

Brother Yingshuo's expression changed, and he suddenly stood up. A cold light flashed from his right hand, stabbing Chen Xin'an in the head, and shouted: "You fucking die!"

Although the kick just now was powerful and heavy, he could still withstand it due to his physical fitness!

Lying on the ground and not getting up is just to paralyze the opponent, hoping to catch him by surprise.

Now that the goal has been achieved, this guy came to his side.

Even if this knife cannot penetrate the opponent's head, it can still make him seriously injured and fall to the ground, losing his fighting power.

Then use him as a hostage and let these guys with unknown origins throw a tantrum into the trap, and either get out of here or be captured obediently, and they are already under their control!

Unfortunately, he made a miscalculation. The police officer in front of him was not as easy to deal with as he thought!

The moment the dagger in his hand was about to pierce the opponent's head, his hand was already frozen in mid-air. The tip of the dagger was less than one centimeter away from the opponent's head!

But it was already difficult to move because it was pinched by two fingers!

Brother Yingshuo dare not say that he has experienced hundreds of battles, but he is also a person who has seen the world.

But I have never seen anyone dare to block his dagger with two fingers!

However, these two fingers were like a vise, tightly clamping the blade, making him unable to move forward even with all his strength!

While Brother Yingshuo had a look of horror on his face, Chen Xin'an twisted his fingers, snapped the dagger, and then with a pop, pierced the tip of the knife into Brother Yingshuo's forehead!

"Ah!" As Brother Yingshuo screamed, he collapsed on the ground and reached out to pull out the tip of the knife on his forehead.

But Chen Xin'an pressed his head and hit it against the railing next to him.

With a bang, Brother Yingshuo's head hit the railing hard!

The half-point of the knife also penetrated into the head. Brother Yingshuo rolled his eyes and fainted!

Chen Xin'an took out a steel needle and stabbed it into the back of Brother Yingshuo's head silently. With a howl like a beast, Brother Yingshuo woke up again with eyes wide open!

The severe pain in his head made Brother Yingshuo's eyes turn white and he was in agony.

He shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "You will die, Mr. Li will not let you go!"

Chen Xin'an pierced the steel needle into his head, twisted it slowly, and said softly: "Since you can see that we are all fake, you should have guessed that we are here for those goods!

Tell me where those goods are and I'll spare you! "

Brother Yingshuo wanted to say something harsh, but he had never felt such pain in his life!

It's like it penetrates deep into the bone marrow and pierces into the soul!

He raised his arm with difficulty, pointed to the cargo area, and said with trembling lips: "At 1, 1..."

Following his gesture, Chen Xin'an looked towards the cargo area.

Those containers have numbers on them, so just naming the container in which the private goods are hidden can save you a lot of trouble.

But at this moment, there was a puff, and a hot stream sprayed on his shoulder.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, only to see that Mo Feiren was holding the half-part of the dagger that had just been thrown on the ground, but at this moment it had been deeply pierced into Brother Yingshuo's throat!

With a loud cry, the Mofei man directly slit Brother Yingshuo's throat, and Chen Xin'an quickly retreated as the blood spattered, avoiding the end of being sprayed with blood.

Brother Yingshuo's eyes widened, and blood gushed out of his mouth. He pointed at Mo Feiren with his right hand, and then raised his hands as if he wanted to cover his neck.

But even Chen Xin'an was helpless with such a wound. It was simply wishful thinking to block the blood vessels with both hands to save his life.

He struggled only a few times, then slowly collapsed, motionless, and died.

Chen Xin'an stood up and kicked Mo Feiren away. He gritted his teeth and cursed, "Who asked you to kill him?"

Mo Feiren fell to the ground, coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood, and cried to Chen Xin'an: "My uncle was the captain, and he killed my uncle!"

Chen Xin'an walked over, grabbed his shoulders, lifted him up, and said coldly:

"I don't care what grudges you have, I just want those goods! You know what I'm talking about, take me there and find them out, do you understand?"

This time, he adjusted the translator to Eagle Flag Language and communicated with Mo Feiren without fear that he would not understand.

Mo Feiren spread his hands and said helplessly: "But I don't know where those things are.

My job is to maintain the machine room, and the loading and unloading of goods is not my responsibility..."

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Then find someone who knows!"

Murphy said with fear and anger on his face: "Everyone who knows has been killed by these bastards!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to get angry, but the thugs from the Flying Star Team had already rushed forward!

Without any time to say anything, Chen Xin'an turned around and rushed over.

There was chaos on the deck, in the cargo area, and even in the hold.

Before they could get hold of their firearms, the Flying Stars thugs pulled out their daggers and started fighting with those wearing Coast Guard uniforms.

They were outnumbered, and Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi rushed to the cargo area, so the entire deck became their world for a while.

Chen Xin'an was rude to these people and acted decisively and without mercy.

After knocking down a group of thugs one after another, he was surrounded by two people one behind the other!

The two men held scimitars more than one meter long in their hands. They cooperated with each other tacitly, and they actually slowed down Chen Xin'an for a moment!


The sword technique is quite good, and it is an obvious Da Ying style holding the sword with both hands!

A man of one sword style!

In fact, it is not surprising that these goods are very important to the Saint Master.

Although the Flying Stars were a private armed force, they were no more powerful than the killers he had personally trained.

It's natural to have a few masters in town.

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