Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 281 Xiaojiu Must Die

All the security brothers who stayed in the company, no matter who worked the day shift or the night shift, had been called up by Li Chen and gathered on the thirteenth floor.

"We have someone in our company now!

Brothers, please work hard tonight.

We are divided into four groups. Husband, you lead the two groups to the top of the building, and then check down layer by layer.

I led two groups up from the first floor!

Note that the equipment is all available, so don’t take action if there are any suspicious situations.

After confirming that it is the target, call someone first and then deal with it!

Remember, call people first, deal with them later!

We must ensure safety, understand? "

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

Li Chen nodded: "Act!"

The black figure on the fourteenth floor was hiding in the darkness and looking at the phone screen. Although there was no sound, he could tell that these people were looking for him!

At this moment, there was a sarcastic look on his face. A group of security guards were just a group of ants in front of him. How could they be worthy of competing with him?

At this moment, there was a rustling sound beside him, and there was a trace of annoyance on the black shadow's face. This haunting guy is here again!

When he came out tonight, he met a little thief on the bus.

That kid really didn't know how to live or die, and he actually attacked him.

Who is Tchahuntu? International King of Thieves!

You, a little thief, dare to attack the king of this industry. You are simply seeking death!

So he gave the boy a severe lesson and disabled his right hand!

Unexpectedly, this was like poking a hornet's nest. I don't know how many thieves were following him along the way to cause trouble for him!

Of course he was not polite, he killed several of them one after another!

If this were done abroad, the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys would be out, and no one would dare to harass him again.

But these Chinese people are evil. The more ruthless you are, the more they will fight against you. They are a bunch of little thieves who don't seem to be afraid of death. It's really annoying!

Among them, there was a little girl who chased him the most tightly and couldn't get away, which really made Chahongtu really angry.

He didn't see the other person's appearance, but he could tell from her figure that the other person was a woman, and she was very young.

The most important thing is that he saw the shadow of his enemy in this girl!

As the international thief king, Chahongtu had countless enemies in his life.

There are not many people who are actually regarded as his enemies. An old Chinese man named Meng Fei is one of them.

Chahongtu, who was already famous internationally at that time, suffered a big setback at the hands of Meng Fei.

Twenty years ago, Chahongtu once stole a world-famous painting collected by a Chinese businessman in Tailan. When delivering it, he found that it had been stolen.

It turned out that the businessman invited Meng Fei from China and stole the painting back under his nose.

He also replaced it with a painting at the level of a three-year-old child, which made him completely embarrassed and humiliated in front of the buyers!

Moreover, the other party became so angry that he almost killed him!

It took him a lot of effort to escape!

Since then, Meng Fei has become Chahong Tu's enemy. He once led people to sneak into China and wanted to secretly kill Meng Fei. Everything was arranged, and Meng Fei was almost certain to die.

Fortunately, he met a master of ancient Chinese martial arts. Three of the four of them were killed on the spot, and he was the only one who escaped. At the cost of losing one of his right arms, he fled from China!

Twenty years have passed, and every time he accepts a mission, as long as it comes to China, he directly refuses it, even though he has developed a left hand that is more flexible than his right hand back then!

It wasn't until a few years ago that he heard that the Chinese master who taught him a lesson was long dead, so he dared to take over China's work.

But he didn't dare to be unscrupulous. After all, he didn't know if he would meet someone like the master back then!

But tonight he couldn't control his murderous intention!

That woman's movement is so similar to Meng Fei's!

Could it be that she is the old ghost's daughter?

No, that old ghost is older than him, she should be his granddaughter!

Maybe that old ghost Meng Fei is dead, and he may have no hope of revenge in this life!

But now, if that woman is really his relative, then killing her can be regarded as avenging the past!

I originally wanted to get down to business first and deal with you later, but now you are really not done with it, rushing to die on your own!

Okay, let’s deal with you first and then get down to business! It's so easy to clean up the films of a little girl like you!

Waiting for the sound in his ears to get closer and closer, it seemed that he was already behind him. Chahongtu did not move. His whole person seemed to be hidden in the darkness, blending with the surrounding environment.

A slender figure appeared not far away, wearing tight-fitting black leather clothes and a black mask on his face, only revealing a pair of big and smart eyes.

She looked around warily, shrugged her nose, as if trying to distinguish the smell in the air, then turned around suddenly and looked at the black shadow.

Chahongtu walked out of the darkness and said in a hoarse voice: "Do you know what the consequences will be if you keep following me? People will die!

Even if I don't like killing, but you keep offending me, then I will let you know what the price of doing so is! "

The black figure was Xiao Jiu. She glanced at Chahong Tu and snorted coldly: "Don't like killing people?

Didn't you just kill someone in the past two days?

The murderous aura and bloody energy in your body have completely exposed you! "

Chahongtu was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiaojiu, his eyes exuding excitement.

"Are you Meng Fei's granddaughter? With your sense of smell, which is more sensitive than that of a hound, you should have inherited it from that old thing! Right?"

Xiao Jiu frowned and looked at him and asked: "Why are you asking so many questions, Chahongtu! Since you have hurt so many of my brothers, I have to settle this account with you!"

"Do you know my name?" Chahongtu was a little surprised and looked at Xiaojiu in disbelief. In foreign countries, most people call him the nickname King of Thieves. Few people call him by his real name, and they don't know his real name!

Xiaojiu said sarcastically: "Is it weird to know your name?

The little Tailan pickpocket dares to call himself the world's king of thieves just because he has done a few big deals and has never met a real master?

You are so shameless! The frog in the well doesn't know how big the world is!

My master doesn’t want to argue with a frog in the well like you, but you still dare to come to China to cause trouble?

You still dare to hurt our brother, if I don't teach you a lesson, will our Chinese thieves still be able to be so angry in the future? "

Chahongtu looked at Xiaojiu with sudden realization and said: "So you are the disciple of that dead old ghost!

Although he is not his relative, it is a pity.

Killing you won't have much impact on him.

But anyone who is a dead old ghost should die! "

The real reason why he couldn't let Xiao Jiu go was because this girl actually knew that he had just killed someone!

Killing Miyamotosai was not an order from above.

He and this Zhaipo man didn't like each other.

In addition, I was afraid that this guy would confess all three of them.

Without stopping, he went to the hospital overnight and killed Miyamotosai!

If the people above knew about this, he would be in a lot of trouble, especially the Zhaipo people, who would not let him go!

So this little girl must die to save her big mouth.

At that time, it will be said that Miyamoto Sai died under the torture of the Chinese police, and there will be no proof!

Xiaojiu looked at him coldly and said, "Back then, my master was framed by your despicable and shameless design and lost one eye and three fingers. I will not let you go tonight!"

Although the master survived the disaster, his body collapsed. After so many years, I have been unable to reach my peak state again, and the hidden dangers in my body have never been cured!

If it weren't for the internal injuries, Master wouldn't have been injured by a character like Miyamoto Sai. Even if he couldn't be beaten, it should be more than enough to leave!

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