Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 282 You’re welcome, come on together!

When he heard this little girl say that he would not let him go, Chahongtu laughed and looked at Xiao Jiu with disdain.

"If your master said this, I believe it!

But now that it comes out of your mouth...do you have this ability?

Why don't you let me go?

Just because you, a little girl, learned this superficial skill from Meng Fei?

You are still too young! "

At this moment, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps in the corridor, and someone shouted loudly: "Are you sure it's on this floor? Okay, let everyone come up and guard all exits!"

Chahongtu narrowed his eyes, but there was no trace of worry or fear on his face. He just said with a sarcastic look, "You even called for help?"

Xiaojiu didn't deny it, nodded and said: "I marked it on the way here, and those security guys should be here now!"

"Hahaha!" Chahongtu laughed out loud, pointed at Xiaojiu and said, "I can't hold it in anymore! Are your helpers those security guards?

How can they help you? Did you know that I once killed a man in front of two policemen and walked away calmly?

The police can't do anything to me, so who are the security guards?

I can't bear to kill you now, because you are so childish and cute! "

Inside the security door on the fourteenth floor, Li Chen said to the brother beside him: "The elevator has stopped, right? Okay, focus on guarding the stairs!

Assistant Chen has called just now and he will arrive soon!

So we must hold on, it won’t last more than twenty minutes! "

When his cell phone rang, Li Chen quickly took it out to answer it. The brother at the door said on the phone: "Boss, there are a lot of people outside, saying they are the ones who broke the door! They want to come in to find their aunt!"

Li Chen was overjoyed and said into the phone: "Azu, let them in and drive the elevator up to the fourteenth floor!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Chen said to everyone: "Our help is here!

Assistant Chen just said on the phone that the person tracking the infiltrator was a girl.

That is, the person who left a mark for us!

You must protect him!

The group of people coming now are all her brothers, and they are here to help us! "

Soon, the elevator door opened, and a group of people rushed out of it.

Li Chen shouted in surprise: "How many of you are there?"

The leader was a young man with long hair, wearing a denim suit that had not been washed for who knows how many years. He shook his long hair that he thought was very elegant and said to him:

"More than a hundred! Some are still on the way. The thirty or so of us came first! Where is our sister-in-law? Take us to see her quickly!"

The strong smell of hair oil almost made Li Chen faint!

Li Chen didn't dare to delay and said to him: "I'm looking for it too, anyway, the mark shows that it's this floor!"

The long-haired man shook his hair and said to everyone: "Let's go find my aunt! Don't miss any corner!"

"I know, yuck!" Everyone covered their noses and dispersed.

Listening to those chaotic footsteps, Chahongtu was rushing here, with a mocking look on his face, and said: "What a bunch of idiots!"

He turned around and said to Xiao Jiu: "Little girl, you can't run away! But now I will let you live for a few more hours. When I finish what I need to do, I will come back to deal with you!"

"You can't leave!" Xiaojiu snorted coldly, flicked her wrist, and a rope flew out of her sleeve!

It is actually a hook rope with a steel claw in front, which can be opened and closed. It is a good helper for flying over walls and walls!

And this is also her weapon. The hook on the front can be opened and closed according to her control. Once it bites someone, it can tear off a large piece of leather and flesh!

Chahongtu snorted coldly, suddenly twisted his body to the side, and slapped her hook!

The hook bounced back and hit her chest impartially!

Xiaojiu took two steps back, covering his chest with his hands, his face turned pale and he couldn't breathe.

Chahongtu looked at her with a sarcastic face and said: "Your skills are far inferior to your master! You want to trap me? You are simply dreaming!"

As he spoke, he was hidden in the darkness and then disappeared.

All the security guards have come up, so there are no security guards on other floors of the building. He can do whatever he wants.

As for this little girl, he can just come back after he has finished his business. She won't be able to run far. Now that she knows her identity, how can she fly out of his hands?

Li Chen rushed over with everyone. The emergency lights were turned on and shined on Xiao Jiu. Li Chen shouted: "Who are you? Don't move!"

"Sister-in-law!" The long-haired man behind him rushed over, pushed Li Chen away and wanted to run to Xiao Jiu.

Xiaojiu quickly took a step back, waved her hand and said to the long-haired young man: "Changmao, don't come over here! I'm fine! Who is the person in charge of security?"

Li Chen now also knew that this girl was the person Assistant Chen had specially confessed to on the phone, so he quickly said: "I am the security captain Li Chen! Where is the person?"

"It's up there!" Xiao Jiu pointed to the top of his head and said, "The air-conditioning ducts extend in all directions throughout the building, you can't catch him!"

Li Chen said anxiously: "What should we do? We can't let this mouse hide inside all the time, right?"

Xiaojiu shook his head and said: "Kick him out! Go and prepare some things, be quick!"

Three minutes later, Chahongtu, who had reached the ceiling of the R\u0026D room, felt like he was about to get cold!

The people in this building are absolutely insane!

Have you ever seen the weather at the end of October or the beginning of November, when you are already wearing autumn clothes and long trousers, and you still turn on the cold wind in the middle of the night?

This is such a freezing rhythm!

Chahongtu felt that his eyebrows and beard were covered with frost. He tremblingly opened the baffle of the exhaust window and was about to go down. The access control at the door of the R\u0026D room was opened, and a group of security guards rushed in!

These damn ants!

Chahongtu couldn't wait to go down and kill all these guys!

But in this way, he will lose some time, so he can only avoid them now!

There was nothing he could do. Even though he was shivering from the cold, he retreated into the pipe and braved the cold wind to continue moving forward. He first went to hide somewhere else for a while.

After a while, he came to the men's room on the thirteenth floor and finally thought of a good way to temporarily avoid the air conditioning.

You can go hide outside first!

These guys are also in the building, and they are all wearing very thin clothes. I don’t believe they don’t feel cold!

Always turn off the cold air!

After taking off the vent baffle on the toilet, Chahongtu jumped down. His nose itched and he couldn't help sneezing a few times. He rubbed his almost frozen hands and opened the window.

At this moment, he saw a fresh puddle of wetness on the windowsill, touched it with his hand, put it under his nose and smelled it, cooking oil!

He put his hands on the window sill and stuck his head out to look outside. Sure enough, the sewage pipes had been splashed with oil!

Do you want to kill me? A group of ants have really pissed me off!

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and the ants were already chasing me!

Chahongtu jumped on the spot a few times, flexing his muscles and bones, his face full of murderous intent!

Originally, I wanted to do business first and then deal with these ants.

He never expected that these ants would hinder him so much that he couldn't even do his business now!

Well, since you all want to die, I will grant it to you first! Just killing a few security guards is like crushing a few ants. How long will it take? It doesn't exist!


The toilet door was knocked open. Chahongtu had a ferocious face and disdainful eyes. He waved to the group of people who rushed in and said, "You're welcome. Come up and die together!"

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