Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2852 They are already here


It was already dark. Originally, Yin Zhihuan wanted to invite brothers Chen Xinan and Luo Qianhe to dinner, but they refused.

Leaving the hospital, Chen Xin'an rode a motorcycle with Luo Qianhe sitting behind, preparing to return to Jindu Building.

Xiao Zhang, Brother Snake, and Lao Han were all possessed by the evil spirit. They would rather run to the hospital every day, change dressings, and undergo rehabilitation than bother them, but they had to go back to Jindu Building at night.

In fact, it was just to live with my brothers.

Chen Xin'an asked Jin Enzai to help, and rented several houses in Jindu Building, and asked more than 30 crew members to come over and live together upstairs and downstairs.

Jin Eun-jae also hired several nannies to cook and clean the room for everyone.

I invited a Chinese aunt, and she cooked Chinese food. There was big fish and meat every day, and the food was not that good.

In this regard, Chen Xin'an has never cared about money.

He just wanted to replenish the energy of his brothers, and send Brother Snake and Lao Han away when they were completely fine.

The past two days have been calm, and Chen Xin'an doesn't run around. He comes back to have dinner with everyone every night, and tonight is no exception.

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and Chen Xin'an said without looking back: "Pick it up!"

Luo Qianhe put his hand into his pocket, took out his cell phone, took a look at it, frowned and said, "Aqi called!"

As he spoke, he took off his helmet and put his cell phone to his ear.

Chen Xin'an rode her bicycle, looked at the rearview mirror next to her, and slightly increased the accelerator.

After a while, Luo Qianhe hung up the phone, stuffed it back into Chen Xin'an's pocket, and said to him:

"Boss Jin hasn't come back yet. There was chaos in Chaojing last night, and there was internal fighting in the Yaohan Group, which had a great impact.

But early this morning, Yaohan Group resumed normal work.

Jin Xiu, who had a scar on his face, was captured by the Flying Stars, and the whereabouts of Boss Jin and Zheng Jaejoong were unknown.

Aqi asked if you need to send someone to Chaojing to inquire about the situation? "

Chen Xin'an was silent for a while and said loudly: "No need to go, they are already here! Put on your helmet and hold on tight!"

Luo Qianhe immediately put his helmet back on without saying a word.

As soon as he fastened the belt, Chen Xin'an suddenly increased the accelerator. The front wheel of the motorcycle was tilted up high, and he rushed forward on the road with only the rear wheel!

About twenty meters behind, two black cars also accelerated at the same time, chasing the motorcycle.

When the two sides were less than fifteen meters apart, two people each leaned out of the back seat of the car, holding pistols on the left and right, and started shooting wildly at the motorcycle in front!

At such a speed, even a sharpshooter cannot accurately hit the target, so the marksmanship is left to chance.

What's more, Chen Xin'an would not be stupid enough to drive in a straight line. The motorcycle was constantly overtaking, and its route was irregular.

But he didn't expect that the people chasing him would be so unscrupulous. Even in the busy streets, they would dare to race like this, and even dare to shoot openly!

Although I know the opponent will miss, bullets are flying in my ears. What I am afraid of is not the gunman's accuracy, but being accidentally hit by a stray bullet. That is the real injustice!

Chen Xin'an turned his head slightly and shouted to Luo Qianhe: "Geve, you come and ride while I deal with the pursuers!"

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath and said to him, "Okay!"

Chen Xin'an said loudly: "I call one, two, three, you move forward immediately!"

Don't worry, as long as you don't make a sharp turn, you'll be fine! "

Luo Qianhe poked his head and glanced at the odometer in front of him. The speed of the car was already over 100 kilometers per hour!

In fact, at such a speed, even a small bump may cause a car crash and death.

But Luo Qianhe is not afraid!

Senior Brother will not let anything happen to him, so as long as Senior Brother is here, Lord Yama will not dare to come to his door!

After seeing the road ahead, Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said loudly: "Get ready! One! Two! Three! Change!"

With a loud shout, Luo Qianhe leaned forward, grabbed the handlebar with both hands, and while pulling back, slid his feet forward hard, and moved his body one step forward!

At the same time, Chen Xinan raised his hands, stood up, retracted his legs first and then stretched them out, and stepped over Luo Qianhe's head!

As his body landed, he crossed his legs, twisted his body, and almost silently sat down where Luo Qianhe was sitting before.

But at this moment, he was back to back with Luo Qianhe!

The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye, smoothly and smoothly, and the people in the car next to me were dumbfounded!

The moment he sat down, Chen Xin'an bent down, pulled out a few metal frames next to the pedals, fiddled with them dizzyingly, and completed a crossbow in an instant!

Two black cars stepped on the accelerator and caught up. The gunman once again stuck his head and hands out of the car window and aimed at Chen Xin'an.

But at this time, what they saw was an evil smiling face.

An ominous shadow instantly surrounded them, and before they could react, a volley of iron arrows shot towards them!

In the splashing rain of blood, screams could be heard endlessly!

Chen Xin'an showed no mercy at all, quickly replaced the arrow magazine, held the crossbow in both hands, and pulled the trigger on the two vehicles continuously!

Three of the four gunmen were shot by arrows in an instant, and the remaining one retreated back into the car, even raising the window glass, not daring to show his head!

However, they did not stop chasing. Instead, they increased the accelerator and rushed towards the motorcycle!

Chen Xin'an hung the crossbow on the hook next to the pedal, grabbed an iron arrow in his right hand, and shouted to Luo Qianhe: "Brake the brake!"

Luo Qianhe didn't hesitate, and immediately applied the hand and foot brakes. The motorcycle's wheels suddenly stopped, and the car tilted and slid forward.

A car had already arrived behind the motorcycle and almost hit it!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an jumped up on the hood of the car!

With the inertia of this jump, Chen Xin'an raised his arm, held the iron arrow tightly in his hand, and hit the windshield with a loud bang!


The entire windshield was smashed and covered with spiderweb-like cracks.

Chen Xin'an raised her foot and kicked it. The entire windshield fell off and hit the driver!

The driver's face turned pale with fear and he subconsciously braked suddenly!

Chen Xin'an had already leaned up and grabbed the steering wheel with her right hand.

This sudden brake caused his whole body to fly up, and only his right hand was still firmly holding the steering wheel.


Chen Xin'an's body hit the engine cover hard, and the car stopped!

The driver hurriedly reached into his arms and prepared to draw his gun, but Chen Xin'an had already pulled the steering wheel and rushed into the cab!

There was a click, and the driver felt his body suddenly loosen up. Before he could react, he was kicked again with a bang!

The whole person tilted to the side, and his head smashed into the car window glass!

At the same time as he screamed, the car door was opened, and another kick came. The driver had no way to dodge, and was kicked on the head. His neck cracked and fractured, and he fell to the ground!

The gunman behind was still gritting his teeth and pulling out the iron arrow from his head with his hands.

A man suddenly broke into the car and started a fight with the driver, scaring them so much that they wanted to take action too.

But in less than ten seconds, the driver had been eliminated.

Their faces were covered in blood, and before they had time to pick up the guns that had fallen at their feet, the man who broke in had already pulled out the iron arrows on their faces, and stabbed each of them into their necks one by one!

The opponent's stabbing position is very tricky, avoiding the throat and major blood vessels. Although it is not fatal, once the opponent pulls it out with force, the arrow barb will cut their blood vessels and trachea!

Let them belch in extremely painful ways in a short period of time!

Chen Xin'an looked at the two of them and asked coldly: "What organization? Who asked you to come?"

The gunman on the left gritted his teeth and went to get the gun, cursing: "Don't even think about knowing anything from us..."

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