Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2853 Are they all hidden?


Not bothering to listen to his nonsense, Chen Xin'an suddenly took action and stabbed him back and forth with the iron arrow inserted in his neck!

The splattering blood was like an artificial fountain, covering the entire carriage in an instant!

The fishy smell made people's stomachs churn, and the companion next to him vomited all over the floor!

Chen Xin'an seemed to not be able to smell it at all. He just stood up, tore off a section of the shirt from the gunman who was still struggling, wiped the blood on his face, looked at the gunman on the right and asked, "I There is no patience for this..."

The man looked pale and said in a trembling voice: "Xingyaotang, Chaojing Yaohan's bounty killer!"

Jin Enzai mentioned this organization, which belongs to Li Guangmin's private armed forces.

Specially carrying out some kidnapping or assassination missions for Li Guangmin, all they did were shady things.

Since they are here, it means that Li Guangming already knows that it is Chen Xin'an who is responsible for what happened at sea.

Jin Enzai will not betray him, because if this matter is leaked, he will not benefit at all, and he will not be able to survive.

The only ones left are Zheng Zaizhong and Jin Xiu.

Although none of them participated in this operation, they knew everything about it.

If nothing else, it was Jin Soo who leaked it.

Because Zheng Zaizhong is likely to be with Jin Eunzai, and Ah Qi called just now, and it has been confirmed that Jin Xiu was arrested by Yaohan.

Now Li Guangmin is like a madman, not letting go of any clues about those black goods.

After catching Jin Xiu, it was natural to wonder why Jin Enzai came to Chaojing.

Under severe torture, it is reasonable for Jin Xiu to betray Chen Xinan and others.

Chen Xin'an had no intention of hiding it for too long.

It just depends on how long that old Yinbi can hold it in before it comes out.

Since Li Guangmin knew it, Lao Yinbi must have known it too.

Come and take revenge if you can, or snatch back that box of black goods.

As long as he shows up, Chen Xin'an will have a way to deal with him!

As for these Xingyaotang and Yidao-style killers, this is not the first time Chen Xin'an has dealt with such people, so he won't be afraid at all!

"How many of you are here in total?" Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked.

The killer said in a trembling voice: "Ten people! There are six here, and the remaining four went to the Sunset Cruise!"

That was Kim Eun-jae's property, and there were rumors outside that it was Kim Eun-jae's home base.

This group of people didn't know where Chen Xin'an was going, so they could only attack Jin Enzai.

Chen Xin'an frowned and glanced out the window.

At this moment, the gunman suddenly bent down and picked up the pistol with extremely fast movements!

Unfortunately, before he could point the gun at Chen Xin'an, he heard a thud!

Chen Xin'an pulled the iron arrow and used the arrow shaft to forcibly cut off the gunman's throat.

That guy didn't seem to expect that Chen Xin'an could be so powerful and cruel.

He covered his throat, which was constantly spurting blood, with both hands, but his face became paler and paler, and he slumped down on his seat, his eyes gradually dimming.

Chen Xin'an opened the car door, threw all the bodies out of the car, then sat in the driver's seat, restarted the car, and drove forward.

The motorcycle was still running wildly on the road, and the black car behind it was chasing after him.

Luo Qianhe's driving skills were not as good as Chen Xin'an's, and he was not as bold and life-threatening as Chen Xin'an, so he could never get rid of the tail behind him.

He didn't need to get rid of him. His senior brother was still behind him. Although he didn't know what the situation was, he knew that his senior brother would follow him and come to find him. He wouldn't leave him here alone to risk his life.

Sure enough, the car that stopped just now caught up again, accelerated directly, and hit another black car!

Luo Qianhe didn't need to look back, he could guess that the person driving at this moment must be his senior brother!

He simply stopped the car and waited on the side of the road. After the senior brother dealt with these people, he would definitely go with him.

But now he needs to protect himself first and not be affected by the battle.

"Asshole!" Seeing their companion driving into them, everyone in the black car became furious!

I originally thought it was an unintentional collision due to poor skills, but when the other party increased the accelerator and knocked their car over, they discovered that the driver in the other party's car was no longer his brother!

It was that target, and he actually killed everyone in the car in just a few minutes!

Before they had time to think about how he did it, everyone opened the doors and climbed out of the overturned car.

They all held pistols and pointed them at the black car parked nearby, but before they could pull the trigger, the other party had already fired!

Intense gunfire rang out, and the gunmen had no room to escape. They didn't even have time to find a bunker before they were hit by bullets.

Just because Chen Xin'an doesn't like using guns doesn't mean he can't shoot.

In fact, his marksmanship is very good. After all, he was specially trained by the Montenegrin Tigers. It is not a problem at all to make perfect shots at such a close distance.

Poor these gunmen, they were clearly standing next to the overturned car, but they didn't even have a chance to bend down and hide behind it. In just a few seconds, they were beaten to a pulp!

All four people, without exception, fell into a pool of blood.

Chen Xin'an threw away the gun in both hands, turned and walked forward without looking at the body on the ground.

A motorcycle stopped next to him. Chen Xin'an got on the motorcycle. With the roar of refueling, the motorcycle took off and quickly disappeared from the sight of passers-by.

Until then, the stunned passers-by Fa Ying came over, shouted loudly, took out their mobile phones, and called the police one after another.

Instead of going back to Jindu Building directly, Chen Xinan took Luo Qianhe to the beach and found the Sunset.

From a distance, everything seemed normal here, but when he saw the faint red bloodstains floating on the beach, Chen Xinan frowned.

"Pigeon, you ride your bike and hide first, I want to go up and take a look!" Chen Xinan whispered to Luo Qianhe.

Luo Qianhe nodded and rode away on the motorcycle.

His kung fu was not outstanding, but he didn't need to worry about finding a place to hide and escape.

There were six people chasing their brothers, and four of them came to Jin Enzai's cruise ship.

Chen Xinan and everyone are now wearing the masks they used in Daying. The Saint Master must have given the photos or portraits to the people of Xingyao Hall.

So this group of people can find him directly.

This is also what Chen Xinan did on purpose.

If you want the old yin to show up, it is definitely not possible to use a strange face.

Jin Enzai did not entrust Chen Xinan to help take care of his brothers, but since they are friends, Chen Xinan will not sit idly by if his brothers are in danger.

What's more, these people were originally looking for him!

On the cruise ship, it looked peaceful and calm outside, nothing unusual.

But if you open the cabin door and walk into the cabin, you will find that it has become a Shura battlefield.

Four Xingyaotang killers in dark blue uniforms, each holding a knife, walked leisurely in the corridors, searching for those hiding here.

As long as they saw people, regardless of gender, age or young, they rushed up and chopped them with knives.

At this moment, they were like playing a cat-and-mouse game, and they enjoyed it.

Because these people's strength is too weak!

Whether they attacked by surprise or teamed up to fight together, they were easily knocked down, and there was no chance to escape!

Amid shrill screams, a Xingyaotang killer put the still-bleeding machete on his shoulder and shouted to the empty corridor in front:

"Are you all hidden? I'm coming!

Don't let me find you!

Because once I find you, I'll cut your neck with a knife!

I'll squat beside you and watch your blood spurt out, and you die little by little!

Isn't it fun?

Hahaha, if anyone calls and asks your boss where he is hiding now, I'll let him go!"

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