Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2860 It’s not time for your wings to harden yet


You have become this virtuous and are still shouting here. It is really unreasonable to deal with it!

Chen Xin'an didn't like him either, so she nudged him with her toes again.

Cha Zhengxian howled and cried like a pig being killed, looking miserable.

The thugs were so frightened that they stood nearby with horrified expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to rush in to save people but didn't dare.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk nonsense with him here. She bent down and grabbed Che Zhengxian's left foot, dragged him forward, and cursed at the thugs: "Get away!"

Cha Zhengxian's injured leg was dragging on the ground in unbearable pain. He screamed and shouted: "Leave me alone and stop him!"

Fourth child, what are you doing! Come and save me so quickly! "

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to what he shouted, let alone the people around him, and just dragged one of his feet up the stairs.

Although the people around him were wary, they did not dare to let Chen Xin'an go upstairs like this. After hesitating for a while, someone shouted, and a group of people rushed over with shouts!

At this moment, there was a roar of approaching vehicles below.

With the sound of brakes, countless people jumped out of the car. The leader was Wen Chengmin, who had red eyes. He gritted his teeth and looked at the people from the gym alliance in front of him. He waved his hand and shouted: "Hit me!"

A group of people behind them shouted and rushed over, raising their weapons and hitting the heads of the Gym Alliance people!

Someone who knew Wen Chengmin shouted loudly: "Third Young Master of the Wen family, please open your eyes and see clearly, we are members of the Gym Alliance!

We are all our own people, what do you want to do? "

Wen Chengmin yelled: "I'm going to fuck your own people!

My fiancée was kidnapped by you, why are you talking to me about one of your own?

Hand her over to me, otherwise I will tell none of you to leave Guangtian City! "

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Wen Chengmin, this is what President Li meant!

Do you dare to disobey Chairman Lee's order? "

Wen Chengmin gritted his teeth and cursed: "No matter who gave the bullshit order to kidnap my fiancée, they are my Wen Chengmin's enemies!

You bastards, you eat what I have and use what I have, and now you are attacking my people. You are a bunch of white-eyed wolves who can’t get enough to eat!

I'm warning you, those of Guangtian City, please stand aside. If anyone dares to stop me, from now on I will deal with you every day if I don't do anything else! "

After hearing these words, many people in the gym alliance quietly stood aside and distanced themselves from their companions.

The Gym Alliance is not easy to mess with, Chaojing Yaohan is not easy to mess with, and the Saint Master is even more difficult to mess with.

But is the Wen family easy to mess with?

He is the local emperor of Guangtian City!

This is why the county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

If you are taken care of by the Wen family, it will be a trivial matter if you don’t have financial support in the future. People will come to trouble you every day, so that you can’t even open a gym, and there is a shitty alliance!

Following Wen Chengmin's order, a group of people began to rush upstairs. The people from the gym alliance hurriedly stopped them, and a battle between the two sides was about to break out!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an saw a black business car quietly leaving from the side.

He frowned and dragged Che Zhengxian's legs to the window. He looked up and saw that the Liu brothers and sisters hanging in the air were gone!

He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he hadn't verified it yet, so he could only drag Cha Zhengxian up.

Wen Chengmin brought people here, which relieved him a lot of pressure. Basically, he didn't encounter any serious obstacles when he went up, not to mention that he still had a hostage in his hands.

Soon he met Li Qi who hurried down the stairs. As soon as the two met, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, there's no one up there! The crane lowered the person and put him into a commercial vehicle!"

Chen Xin'an sighed, nodded and said, "I saw it too. The car has left!"

The tortured and dying Che Zhengxian laughed hoarsely at this moment, looked at Chen Xin'an with a mocking look and said:

"How about it, you didn't find the brother and sister?

Do you really think we are unprepared?

We have never failed in what Mr. Li told us! "

Chen Xin'an kicked him and cursed: "You are an abandoned lackey who doesn't care about life or death. What can you be proud of?"

Che Zhengxian gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said proudly: "Whether it is for Mr. Li or the Holy Master, I will risk my life. This is loyalty..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an curled his lips and cursed: "A running dog is a running dog, there is no such thing as loyalty!

Since you are so willing to be a lackey, then I will break your dog legs and fulfill your loyalty! "

Che Zhengxian's expression changed drastically and he shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Don't..."

Chen Xin'an had already pulled up his left leg, and then stomped hard on his knee!

With a click, Cha Zhengxian's left leg bent inward, and the broken bone stubble was exposed through his pants, and blood poured on the floor!

"Ah!" Cha Zhengxian was lying on the ground, beating the ground hard and hitting his head on the ground!

The severe pain has made him lose his mind. Now he wants to give himself a shot to end this pain completely!

Chen Xin'an grabbed his hair, lifted his upper body, and dragged him downstairs.

The constant bumps on the stairs made it even more unbearable for Cha Zhengxian, who already had a broken leg. He rolled his eyes and finally passed out!

While the melee was still going on downstairs, Chen Xin'an shouted loudly, flicked his right hand, and threw Cha Zhengxian over.

Everyone was so frightened that they all ran away. With a bang, Cha Zhengxian lay on the ground, and the unbearable pain woke him up again.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes and horror.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Che Zhengxian, lowered her head and looked at him coldly and asked, "Have people been brought here?"

Che Zhengxian glanced at him feebly and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an kicked him on the knee of his right leg.

Che Zhengxian almost jumped up in pain, bounced his upper body a few times, and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Chaojing Yaohan! Do you dare to go?

If you go, you will die!

The Holy Master is also there, and he will deal with you personally!

He will kill you and avenge me!

Hahaha! "

He laughed crazily and looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of hatred.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Wen Chengmin turned around and shouted to everyone: "Let's go!"

"Stop!" Chen Xin'an shouted, walked up to him, frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

Wen Chengmin said with red eyes: "My fiancée was caught by him, where can I go? I want to go to Chaojing Yaohan to rescue Zhiyan!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked: "Just take them with you? Do you think these people can deal with the Feixing Team? Can they kill Xingyaotang?"

Wen Chengmin gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and said bitterly: "What should I do? I can't let Zhiyan be bullied by them!

Even if it means death, we must save her! "

Chen Xin'an pressed his shoulder and said: "You have no power to deal with Chaojing Yaohan, how can you save him? If you go, you will die in vain!

You don't need to worry about this matter. I went back to bring the two brothers and sisters back. "

Wen Chengmin stared at Chen Xin'an, and after a long time, he pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you!

Anyway, it was you who caused this!

I don't care about Liu Minyong's life or death, but you must bring Zhiyan back unharmed, otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an reached out and grabbed Wen Chengmin's throat, looked at him with narrowed eyes and said:

"What else can you do?

Moon Chengmin, you'd better not give me this attitude before your wings are hardened.

I can push you up, and I can kick you down at any time!

I went to save people because they were my friends, and Boss Jin was also there.

I don't owe you anything, understand? "

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