Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2861 I want to send my people back today


This kid is not rebellious, he just has the temper of a young master.

I have some brains, but not enough.

When dealing with this kind of person, don't use too many tricks, he won't understand.

Speak directly with strength, tell him who is the one who really gives orders, what should and should not be done, and what kind of punishment will be given if he does it wrong.

Let him understand and he will be honest.

Seeing Wen Chengmin's frightened eyes, Chen Xin'an let go of him and said coldly:

"You do whatever you have to do, and I will do whatever it takes to save their brothers and sisters.

There is no need to send any manpower to help, they are all a burden to me!

Go away, people will come find you when they come back! "

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an looked at the group of gym alliance thugs and said, "Go back and tell Li Guangmin that I will find him soon!"

A group of people also knew that there was no point in lingering anymore, so they lowered their heads and came over, wanting to take Cha Zhengxian away.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "I asked you to take him away? If you want to be with him so much, then just stay like him, okay?"

The faces of the people in the Gym Alliance changed, they didn't dare to talk nonsense, turned around and ran away.

The black business car had left for a long time, and Chen Xin'an knew that he couldn't catch up if he wanted to.

Now he can only go to Chaojing. Fortunately, he had this plan.

After making a phone call, Luo Xiaoman soon drove over in the Thunder Horse.

Throwing the still unconscious Che Taixian into the car, Li Qi drove, and the three of them immediately headed to Chaojing.

Let Wen Chengmin's people ride the motorcycle back and ask for it when they get back.

Chen Xin'an now gives Wen Chengmin a very clear understanding that you are the chairman I support, and I am your creator.

So I can create you or destroy you. Being obedient and doing things is the best way for you to secure your position.

A needle was inserted into Che Zhengxian's head and he was gently twisted.

Cha Zhengxian, who was originally in a coma, let out several painful shouts and opened his eyes.

He saw Chen Xin'an and a stranger staring at him coldly in front of him, and he was so frightened that he got up and ran away.

But with a scream, he realized that he was seriously injured and both legs were disabled.

Looking around again, he found that he was in a car, and there were no goons from the gym alliance around. He was not as aggressive and stubborn as before, and started to cry.

"Let me go, my leg is broken!

Now I have to go to the hospital quickly, otherwise I will be finished and become a cripple!

Mr. Chen, please spare me.

I was wrong, I shouldn't have brought people to trouble you.

I just run errands for others. Today’s task is what Mr. Li asked me to do! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said coldly: "Let me ask you, who was the person who drove away the Liu brothers and sisters?"

Che Taixian cursed: "It's the fourth child! He is also the direct disciple of the Holy Master. He ranks fourth, and his name is Han Guangzai.

He took this mission with me, but that bastard actually left me and ran away!

You bastard, it's like this every time, grab the credit when you have it, and run away when you're in danger..."

Chen Xin'an slapped him in the face impatiently and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense! Listen, you answer whatever I ask, don't talk nonsense, don't hide it, do you hear me?"

Cha Taixian covered his face with his hands, looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, and nodded vigorously.

Now he is well aware of the strength gap between the two sides.

It can be said that his life is in other people's hands. If he is not honest and cooperative, it is impossible for him to return to Chaojing alive.

It's time to get off work, and cars are coming and going in front of the headquarters building of Chaojing Yaohan Group Company.

As soon as this time comes, Chaojing Yaohan's security personnel will take to the street, block two sections of the intersection, and let the cars of his company's employees leave first.

It seems that such a move has become accustomed to the citizens who often take the road these days!

But today there was a thorn in the side.

A silver-gray thunder carriage forced its way through the security blockade.

But within ten meters of driving out, there were two motorcycles blocking the road ahead.

The security personnel who came for reinforcements got out of the car, raised the sticks in their hands, and hit the hood of the thunder carriage's engine hard.

"Get back here right away!

It's blinding your dog's eyes, right? Didn’t you see that the road has been closed?

If you take one more step forward, I will smash your old car! "

"Everyone else is just waiting, so it's your car that rushes forward, right?

Can you afford to compensate us for delaying our company's employees from getting off work? "

"I have to wait over there for urgent matters!

This road is strictly prohibited when our company is off duty!

This is such an old rule, don’t you understand? "

Chen Xin'an, who was sitting in the car, sneered and said to Cha Zhengxian next to him: "Chao Jing Yaohan, so majestic!"

Che Zhengxian sat awkwardly, not daring to say a word.

Chen Xin'an said nothing and just waved forward.

Li Qi smiled slightly and stepped on the accelerator!

The car made a roar, and the faces of the security personnel blocking the front changed greatly and they hurriedly dodged.

But there was another person who moved too slowly and was directly hit by the starting car. With a clicking sound, two motorcycles were also knocked down and ran over directly!

"Stop it, you're looking for death!"

"Stop them! Don't let the car go any further!"

"Are the people inside crazy? How dare they break in? Do you know the consequences?"

A group of security personnel were cursing and waving sticks, but no one dared to get close.

Li Qi didn't care about this. He roared forward and stopped at the entrance of the headquarters building.

A group of security personnel rushed over nervously and blocked the front of the thunder carriage.

The car door opened, and Chen Xin'an got out of the car. He looked at the security personnel in front of him with disdain, then turned around and dragged someone out of the car and threw him on the ground!

"Brother Zhengxian!" The team leader screamed when he recognized the person on the ground.

A group of security personnel also had incredible expressions on their faces.

This is the chief instructor of the entire Chaojing Yaohan Security Brigade. Why has it become like this now?

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone coldly and shouted: "Tell Li Guangmin to send the person I want to the door of Sanhe Hotel at the intersection in front. If you don't send it here tonight, I will burn this building tomorrow!"

After saying these words, Chen Xin'an turned around and got into the car.

The thunder carriage roared, turned in a circle, and headed in the direction it came from.

No one in a group of security personnel dared to stop him. They waited for the car to drive away before rushing over and surrounding Che Zhengxian.

Someone shouted: "Drive over here immediately and take Brother Zhengxian to the hospital. His leg is broken!"

More people turned their heads and looked at the direction in which the thunder carriage disappeared, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Who was the person who spoke just now? He was so arrogant. Not only did he break into the forbidden area without permission, but he also injured the chief coach of Chaojing Yaohan's brigade.

He even threatened Mr. Li by name!

It's really eye-opening that there are such arrogant people in Chaojing who are not afraid of death!

Sitting in the car, Luo Xiaoman complained to Chen Xin'an with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Old Chen, why are you pretending to be so stupid?

This is Chaojing, and what we are dealing with is Chaojing Yaohan!

Wouldn't it be enough to secretly find the Liu brothers and sisters and take them back?

If you behave like this, Chaojing Yaohan will definitely take strict precautions!

This is their territory, it will be even harder for us to find people!

You didn't have a bad temper before. What happened today? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Aman, we came to Chaojing not just to save the Liu brothers and sisters!"

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