Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2862 You Won’t Kill Us


Jin Enzai is also trapped here, and has not been found by Chaojing Yaohan's people yet.

If you want to contact them as soon as possible, you must let them know that Chen Xin'an has come to Chaojing in the shortest possible time.

This is the real purpose of what Chen Xin'an said just now in front of the Chaojing Yaohan headquarters building.

What happened this afternoon will definitely spread to every corner of Chaojing in the shortest possible time.

That way, Jin Enzai, who is hiding in the dark, will know that Chen Xin'an has arrived in Chaojing, and will contact them as soon as possible.

As for the choice of Sanhe Hotel, it was because Che Zhengxian said that this five-star hotel was the property of Chaojing Yaohan.

No matter how stupid Li Guangmin is, he will not be stupid enough to start a war in his own hotel. It will be his own loss!

So this most dangerous place has become the safest place.

Of course, being monitored throughout the whole process is inevitable, but Chen Xin'an doesn't care at all.

The biggest fish is that old Yinbi.

I've brought it to your mouth, and you're too cowardly if you still don't eat it, right?

If this is the case, the prestige of everyone around him will drop off a cliff.

That affects not just credibility, but all aspects!

Even if he is a hermit, he cannot bear the consequences. He will definitely show up in person to deal with Chen Xin'an.

The room has been opened just now, 0505.

In other hotels, you can stay on high floors to enjoy the scenery and clean air.

But not here.

The fifth floor is the lowest accommodation floor, with restaurants and shopping malls below.

Once any movement occurs, it will affect the entire hotel, making people from Chaojing Yaohan afraid to mess around.

The hotel security guard had obviously received the message from the headquarters, and his eyes looked at Chen Xin'an and the three of them with hostility.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and the others preparing to go upstairs, the security captain blocked the elevator entrance.

"You are not welcome here, get out now!"

Chen Xinan turned his head and winked at Li Qi.

Li Qi tacitly took out his mobile phone, pointed it at the group of security guards, and started recording.

Chen Xin'an squinted at the security captain and asked, "What did you just say? Say it again!"

The security captain frowned and cursed: "Who asked you to film it? Turn it off!"

Several security guards stepped forward and tried to snatch the phone.

Luo Xiaoman on the side was not polite. He stepped forward and kicked all the security guards to the ground!

Chen Xin'an said loudly to the people around her: "Everyone has seen that we paid the money and opened the room according to the procedures, and we are the guests staying here!

The security guard of Sanhe Hotel insults the guests for no reason, drives them away, and even beats them. Is this the way Sanhe Hotel operates? "

As a hotelier, the most important thing is reputation.

Once the reputation declines, the entire hotel's business will be greatly affected, and the consequences will be very serious.

The security captain was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

You kicked several of us down, and now you are saying that I assaulted a guest?

I originally wanted to help the headquarters get some credit and drive these people away, but I didn't expect that I hit a hard wall!

Other guests never dare to cause trouble in Sanhe Hotel because they all know that the background here is Chaojing Yaohan.

These guys are so confident that the security captain can't help but call for reinforcements!

If I had known that these people were so arrogant, I shouldn't have let them rent a room just now!

Who knew these guys could be so cunning. They first opened a room and then went to make trouble in front of the headquarters building. Now they can't retreat even if they want to!

The security captain had a gloomy face and lowered his voice to Chen Xin'an: "I advise you not to make trouble, otherwise you will die in an ugly way!"

Chen Xin'an pointed at his nose and shouted loudly to the people around him: "Did everyone hear it?

This guy is threatening us and saying he's going to kill us!

Are you comfortable staying in a hotel like this?

A group of bandits have come for no reason. They want to drive you away and threaten your lives!

Is there no one in charge of the hotel?

Who will protect the lives and property of our guests? "

The surrounding guests didn't know what grudges Chen Xin'an had with these security guards. They just saw that the three people were stopped by a group of security guards as soon as they entered the hotel.

I originally thought that they had barged into the hotel without getting a room, but now I realized that they paid money to stay in the hotel just like me.

Some people couldn't stand it anymore and started to curse at the security guards.

"How can any hotel treat guests like this? Who dares to come here?"

"That's right! They spent money to open a house, why can't they live in it? Why should they be driven away?"

"He even threatened the guests. I have been to so many cities and stayed in so many hotels, but I have never encountered such an arrogant security guard! Sanhe Hotel is really too much!"

People throughout the hall were blaming the security guards, and more and more people gathered.

A middle-aged man in a suit walked over quickly and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I am Park Xincheng, the room manager of the hotel. I apologize to you on behalf of the hotel!

It is true that our security training was not adequate, which caused some misunderstandings and caused unnecessary trouble to you and these two friends.

I will handle this matter personally. Please rest assured that the hotel will compensate you for the rudeness just now!

You guys, bow to the guests and apologize immediately! "

The security captain glanced at Pu Xincheng and frowned when he saw that he was glaring at him fiercely.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "Forget it, I can't bear it!

Maybe they were forced by you to apologize to me now, and then they broke in, closed the door, and beat us up with so many people!

Or find an opportunity to drug us and kill us when we are unconscious. Who should we ask to reason? "

Pu Xincheng looked embarrassed, bowed to Chen Xin'an and said: "No, Mr. Chen, I promise you, such a thing will never happen!

If Mr. Chen and these two guests suffer any damage or threat during their stay at Sanhe Hotel, the hotel will bear full responsibility!

Please also supervise all guests present now. The hotel will wholeheartedly protect the safety of guests and safeguard the interests of guests. "

Chen Xin'an grinned, turned to look at the security captain and asked, "Can I go in? You won't kill me, right?"

The security captain's face was red and he looked aggrieved, but he didn't dare to show it, he just lowered his head and remained silent.

Chen Xin'an ignored him, sneered coldly, pushed him away and walked towards the elevator.

Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman also laughed and followed Chen Xin'an into the elevator.

The security captain was so angry that he couldn't get angry. He waved his hand and said to his men: "Let's go!"

If you can't afford to offend me, can you still afford to hide?

At the corner of the hall, a group of security guards took out their cigarettes, cursing and smoking.

Someone came over, and several security guards quickly stood up, bowed their heads and shouted: "Manager Park!"

The security captain was still leaning against the wall, looking up at the sky and blowing out smoke rings.

Park Xincheng came over and slapped him on the face, which made the cigarette butts fly away!

The security captain became anxious, glared at Park Xincheng and cursed: "Why did you hit me? I'll tell my sister later that you don't even think about entering the house tonight!"

Pu Xincheng took out his mobile phone, opened the web page, and cursed at him: "See for yourself!"

The security captain took the phone inexplicably, took a look at the news on it, and his expression suddenly changed!

"Why did it make the headlines in Chaojing in such a short period of time? What the hell are you talking about? Isn't this slandering us?"

Park Shin-cheng angrily scolded: "There are big international news pushers behind them, and they will push them as soon as they are released!"

"Who is this kid? Why does he have such a strong background on the Internet?" The security captain looked confused.

Pu Xincheng slapped him on the head again and cursed: "You don't even know who he is, so you dare to threaten him?

Let me tell you, he is Chen Xinan! "

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