Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2863 There are indeed things in this world that I dare not do


A month ago, this name was very unfamiliar to Chaojing Yaohan, and no one knew him.

But now, when it comes to this name, I dare not say that everyone knows it, but everyone in the middle and senior management and security personnel knows it!

The successive defeats of the Flying Star Team and Xing Yaotang cannot be concealed, especially among these security personnel, the gossip spreads very fast!

That is the person who is directly called Master Ban, making everyone in Xingyao Hall super fierce and never come back!

The security captain stammered: "Sister, brother-in-law, I just saw him making trouble, and then..."

Pu Xincheng scolded: "Can you have some brains? Who dares to cause trouble in front of Chaojing Yaohan's headquarters building, except Chen Xin'an, who has the courage?"

If you want to grab credit, you have to have your life to grab it!

If he had been cruel to you just now, you would be a corpse now!

How do you want me to explain to your sister? "

Not to mention the security captain, even a group of security guards next to him were sweating in the aftermath of the disaster.

The guy who caused Yaohan Group to suffer big losses one after another actually came to Chaojing?

And he lives in the hotel where he works?

I was really seeking death just now!

It seems that Chaojing will soon start a bloody storm!

Instead of going back to the room, he took Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi directly to the top floor.

Sanhe Hotel has a total of thirty-eight floors, and the top floor has become the place where the hotel washes carpets and dry linens.

Maybe there was a special explanation, but no one stopped the three of them from coming up.

Standing next to the fence, looking at the headquarters building of Yaohan Group not far away, and the large area behind it, this is the territory of Yaohan Group.

This is the western suburbs of Chaojing Industrial Zone, and nearly half of the site belongs to Yaohan Group.

Of course, this is only the corporate area of ​​the headquarters. There are many Yaohan Group's industries in other parts of Dongchao.

It is a large enterprise group covering many industries such as electronics, finance, logistics, construction, hotels, automobiles, machinery, etc., and its total assets have reached hundreds of billions of dollars!

Such a huge group company actually wants to have sales channels for black and white goods, which shows how greedy the head of the family is.

This is to put all the money in the world into your own pocket!

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, the place here is really too big!

We want the Liu brothers and sisters, where can we find them?

If that doesn't work, Ah Qi and I will sneak in and search for ten days and a half. We should be able to find out! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at the building in the distance and said, "There's no need to look for it yourself!

He told them to send it over and just wait here! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "I don't think these guys will be so obedient!"

"Then force them to obey!" Li Qi said with a smile: "Anyway, we have given them a time limit. If they can't do it, don't blame us for taking action!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Coming here seems to be their territory, but it is actually beneficial to us.

Because we are in the dark and they are in the light..."

Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "Old Chen, don't forget that you just showed up in front of that building and let it go!

We already know it now! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "This kind of light and darkness cannot disappear just by showing our face.

Put it this way, it is easy for us to defend against them. With the strength of the three of us, it is very difficult for them to follow us and monitor us without being discovered by us!

But it was difficult for them to defend us.

What do we want to do? Unless the hermit appears in person, who else can stop us? "

Luo Xiaoman thought for a while and grinned.

This is not bragging.

A king of special forces soldiers, a master of ancient martial arts with three levels of inner strength, and a guy who even he, a genius of the Luo family, has to admire.

Even at a young age, he has already broken through to the fourth level. Even he cannot estimate the true strength of this ancient martial arts freak.

If the three of them join forces, who will compete?

Let alone the hermit, if you look at the whole world, there is probably no kung fu master who can be stronger than these three people!

Whoever the three of them wanted to work together to deal with, the other party had no other choice but to kneel down and pray.

Even if it is a rich and powerful chaebol!

Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. He took it out, took a look at it, and said to Li Qi, "The sister Hua you contacted?"

Li Diding nodded, took the phone and put it to his ear: "Sister Hua, we are already in Chaojing.

Are you here too?

Have you brought what I asked for?

Okay, I'll go get it from you tonight!

No, don't come here, it's too risky!

Tell me your location and I'll just go there! "

After chatting for a while, Li Qi hung up the phone, handed the phone to Chen Xin'an, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, Sister Hua has arrived, everything is ready over there!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll inform my family and Da Ying.

As soon as the information arrived, I asked them to work together! "

"Boss!" Li Qi suddenly said to Chen Xin'an: "I think it's better to wait until Boss Jin and the Liu brothers and sisters come back before taking action.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that Li Guangmin will go to extremes in anger! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's right! You go prepare it that night, and if no one comes over, let's go to them to remember it, so as not to forget what I said!"

After staying on the rooftop for a while, the three of them went downstairs and returned to the room.

Just after sitting down for a while, the phone next to the coffee table rang.

The landline phone in the hotel's business room is a mobile phone, but they are all wireless landlines.

The master unit is placed in the bedroom, and the slave unit is placed in the living room.

Chen Xin'an picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. A suppressed and angry voice came from the other side: "Chen Xin'an?"

"Say it!" Chen Xin'an said lightly.

The person over there seemed to be gritting his teeth and said in an angry tone: "Chen, don't think that I can't do anything to you!

This is my territory, if you dare to come to my door yourself, I will make sure you never come back!

Tell me as soon as possible where you hid the car and the goods on the ship, and I will make your death more comfortable!


Chen Xin'an interrupted him and said: "It's right here, room 0505 of Sanhe Hotel. Come and get it!"

There was silence for a while, but then an even more angry voice came: "Chen, do you think I'm an idiot?

I'll give you one night. If you don't tell me the real situation tomorrow, collect the corpses of the brother and sister first, then stretch your neck and wait for me to chop off your head with my own hands! "

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said into the phone: "Li Guangmin, are you a fool?

If I was afraid of your threat, would I still come to Chaojing?

Let me tell you, if the Liu brothers and sisters lose a hair, you will not have a stable life in the future.

Let's do this, if I don't see the two of them at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, I will burn your headquarters building!

If you still dare to use them to blackmail me, the next unlucky person will be Building No. 1 of Lihuayuan!

I know that's your home there. I heard it's the most luxurious private villa in Chaojing?

Each square meter costs hundreds of millions of yuan?

I don’t know if it’s still worth the price after it turns into a pile of ruins! "

"How dare you!" Li Guangmin shouted angrily.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly: "In this world, there are indeed things I dare not do and people I dare not deal with.

But obviously, you Li Guangmin are not!

Not to mention you, even the so-called Holy Master, that old Yinbi, has no right to scare me!

I will only say this once, it is up to you whether you listen or not. "

"Chen Xin'an!" Li Guangmin seemed to take a deep breath and said coldly: "I said this is my territory, and I think there are too many ways and means to deal with you! Even if I don't take action, you think I will Is there nothing I can do about you?"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said in a disdainful tone: "Li Guangmin, do you want to use the government?

I advise you not to do that, you will regret it! "

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