Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2875 The best weapon is onion, ginger and garlic


The sky has turned white, and everyone is exhausted after working hard all night.

In the woods on the seaside road, the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country has been hiding here for more than two hours and has not been discovered.

The trees nearby obscured the car's body. Xing Yaotang's car came and went several times, but no target was found hidden in the woods on the roadside.

Although it is daybreak, it is more dangerous for Chen Xin'an and the others.

Because everyone will not be able to hide, Li Guangmin will soon know their exact location.

But Chen Xin'an didn't panic at all. After two hours of sleep, he felt much better.

He took out his phone and saw that Li Qi had sent him a message half an hour ago. There were only two words: Done!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, clapped her hands and said to everyone: "Get up! Let's go!"

Everyone woke up. Jin Enzai rubbed his eyes, looked outside, and asked Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, where are we going?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the front and said: "Lihuayuan, Building 1!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an with a puzzled look on his face: "Old Chen, are you going to Lihuayuan now? Are you going to Pingping Li Guangmin's house?"

Jin Enzai laughed and said: "Brother Yanjun, have you finally figured it out?

This is the fastest way to achieve your goal!

What kind of grievances and grievances in the world will bring harm to the family!

Those are all..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said with a straight face: "Don't get me wrong! The bottom line is not to attack the elderly and children.

Let's just go to Lihuayuan to make some noise and put some oil on the fire! "

"Fire? What fire?" Jin Enzai didn't know why.

Luo Xiaoman smiled at him and said, "Don't ask so many questions. Just do as Old Chen said!"

Follow the seaside avenue and turn a fork in the road, and you will see a residential and commercial area lined with high-rise buildings. That is Chaojing, and even the wealthy area famous for the entire Dongchao City.

Building No. 1 is on the left hand side when entering Lihua Garden. It is a large villa with a courtyard in the front and a swimming pool in the back.

It is said that it is one of the most expensive private residences in Dongchao, with a total value of about 100 billion Chaozhou dollars.

Whenever a stranger approaches the gate, the ferocious dogs kept inside will bark loudly, and bodyguards will soon come to check.

There are security guards standing guard at the gate of Lihua Garden, similar to community gate guards.

A BMW was blocked at the door, and the security guard refused to let in with a sullen face.

The driver stuck his head out and begged the security guard: "I'm really here to pick you up!

She spent the night here last night and just called me to pick her up. Just let me in!

Her phone is out of battery and I can't get through.

Wait for me just below Building 18! "

The security guard scolded with a straight face: “Do you hear me telling you to leave?

What kind of place do you think this is that you can enter if you want?

Either you ask the head of the household to notify us, or you wait nearby and don't block the road! "

The security guard next to him waved his hand and cursed impatiently: "Hurry up and leave! There are so many people trying to get in every day that I don't even want to count them. They can use whatever tricks they can think of!"

Luo Xiaoman parked his car outside and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, it doesn't look like it's easy to get in!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "It's okay, just drive away. I'll deal with it when you stop it!"

Jin Enzai snorted coldly and said: "The security guards at Lihuayuan are the most snobbish in Chaojing. They look down on others!"

Zheng Zaizhong took out his mobile phone and checked his address book, and said to everyone: "Wait a moment, I remember a friend who works here.

I asked him if he was still there! "

At this moment, the security guard had noticed the car, quickly waved the car in front of him to go away, and saluted the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country.

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an. Seeing him nodding, he drove in without hesitation.

The BMW owner angrily asked the security guard: "Why can he get in without you asking, but why can't I get in?

Because it's a Mercedes?

It’s not even as high-end as my car! "

The security guard sneered coldly and said: "It doesn't matter whether you are high-end or not! Can't you read the license plate? That's Chaojing Yaohan's car!"

Who dares to stop Mr. Li's bodyguard car? "

I didn’t expect that the stolen car would receive such treatment, but it saved a lot of trouble!

Luo Xiaoman drove his car and turned in front of the gate of Building 1. As soon as he stopped, there was a sound of dogs barking in the yard.

This kind of villa has a dedicated road. Generally, cars will not come here, and there is no such thing as passing by.

As soon as the car stopped, someone had already opened the lookout port on the door and took a look outside.

When they saw that it was the Mercedes-Benz SUV from Xingyaotang, the people inside seemed stunned for a moment, and then a sharp whistle suddenly sounded!

Then the door was opened, and three fierce dogs rushed out, barking and jumping on the roof of the car.

Obviously, the news that the car had been hijacked had spread throughout Xingyaotang, and even the entire security department of Yaohan Group knew about it.

These bodyguards never dreamed that this car would actually come to Lihuayuan!

Since there was no notification that the car had been recovered, the person sitting in the car must be an enemy!

Seeing the fierce dog charging up, Jin Enzai's expression changed and he exclaimed:

"Careful! Close the window quickly!

These are fighting dogs specially trained by Li Guangmin and bought from abroad at a huge price!

One can be worth the attack power of three killers! "

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to hear, opened the car door and walked out.

Jin Enzai saw that he had not even drawn a gun, not even a knife, and shouted anxiously: "Brother Yanjun, be careful of these beasts!

They are not tempted, they only obey their master's orders!

Forget it, Jaejoong, get off the car with me and help Brother Yanjun deal with it together! "

Just as Zheng Zaizhong was thinking about it, Luo Xiaoman said with a smile: "You two don't need to get out of the car, just leave it to Lao Chen!"

While he was talking, three fierce dogs as tall as an adult rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an took a step forward, clenched her fists, and struck a head-on blow at the fierce dog that rushed towards him with its mouth open!

Pure head-to-head confrontation!

Iron fist hits steel teeth!

The fists and teeth met, and the fierce dog's mouth was deformed. The teeth that were hit instantly broke and fell off, and the body flew back!

With almost no pause, Chen Xin'an grabbed the front leg of a fierce dog next to him with his left hand, lifted it up, and hit the other fierce dog hard!

With just one encounter, the three fierce dogs were knocked down and howled horribly!

He tried to stand up, but failed. He only used his two front legs to crawl to the side, but he didn't dare to rush forward!

A fighting dog that is said to be the best of three, was killed in just one glance?

Not to mention the group of bodyguards who rushed out of the gate, even Kim Eun-jae and Zheng Jae-joong who were sitting in the car were dumbfounded.

Luo Xiaoman, on the other hand, looked unfazed and said with disdain:

"Fighting dog? A beast is a beast!

Fortunately, it was Lao Chen who took action. If I had taken action, hum! "

Jin Enzai looked at Luo Xiaoman with a shocked face and asked: "Brother Xiaoman, do you have more powerful means to deal with this kind of fierce dog?"

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said: "That's a must! I'll let you see it if I have the chance.

What's the best weapon to use against this beast?

Let me tell you, it’s onion, ginger and garlic!

Prepare some star anise, longan, bay leaves and chili, stir-fry over high heat or simmer over low heat. The taste will be different depending on the method.

But they are all delicious! "

Kim Eun-jae: "..."

Zheng Zaizhong: "..."

You can’t tell, but this is a foodie!

The bodyguard was yelling, seemingly dissatisfied with the dogs' retreat.

Under the command, the three fierce dogs endured the pain on their bodies and stood up again.

He kept baring his teeth and growling at Chen Xin'an, and then pounced on him again!

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