Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2876 You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me


This time Chen Xin'an didn't hold anything back, he came up with a killer move!


The iron fist hit a fierce dog hard on the head!

Under the heavy blow, the fierce dog's face was completely deformed, as if it had been hit by a hammer, its eyes popped out, and it died instantly!

He grabbed the bulldog's neck and lifted its body up.

But the remaining two fierce dogs didn't dare to rush forward at all. They were frightened by his momentum and whimpered in fear.

Ignoring the orders of the bodyguard behind him, he turned around and ran into the yard!

Chen Xin'an carried the body of the fierce dog, looked at the bodyguards coldly, and then threw the body out!

The bodyguard captain was about to draw his gun, but he was hit hard by the dog corpse and took a few steps back.

Chen Xin'an had already rushed over and kicked him out!

The body weighing 130 to 40 pounds was kicked like a rubber ball. It rolled on the ground several times and stopped when it hit the wall.

The bodyguard captain endured the pain in his body, sat up, pointed at Chen Xin'an and ordered a group of subordinates: "Do it, kill him!"

The bodyguards drew their guns one after another, but the ones who were faster than them were Luo Xiaoman, Jin Eunzai and Zheng Zaizhong who were already waiting impatiently in the car!

The three of them fired at the same time, and with a bang, several bodyguards fell to the ground, motionless.

The bodyguard captain's expression changed, he endured the severe pain and got up, rushed into the villa compound, and then closed the big iron door!

But the next second, with the roar of the car, the big iron door was knocked open by the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country!

"Stop it!" the bodyguard captain shouted to his panicked subordinates.

But a group of bodyguards would just stand far away from the car and shout in vain, and no one dared to get close!

Because whoever gets close will be hit, or even fall to the ground and be crushed. No one dares to risk their lives to block the traffic!

In the villa, the family who had been awakened came to the door of the living room. They were scared and angry as they watched the Mercedes-Benz running rampant in the courtyard and breaking precious trees.

An old man in luxurious clothes turned pale with anger and kept yelling at the bodyguards in the yard, asking them to stop the car.

"My true cypress! The seedlings that were just transplanted were destroyed like this!

That’s what my son bought for a big price!

What do you losers do?

Why would you let these crazy people drive to your home?

Are you all there to watch the fun?

Everyone, come up and stop it!

Even if it kills you, it can't hit my tree again!

The lives of you people are not as valuable as my tree! "

Although the bodyguards complained in their hearts, they did not dare to say anything with their mouths.

Someone took the car out of the garage and tried to block the Mercedes-Benz off-road.

But Luo Xiaoman turned the steering wheel fiercely, turned the car around, and rushed towards the door of the living room of the villa!

"What are you doing? Madman! Stop him quickly, don't let him drive in!" The people standing in the living room were all frightened, retreating and shouting loudly.

But Luo Xiaoman didn't pay attention to that at all. As soon as he accelerator, the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country rushed up the steps, smashed the glass of the living room door with a crash, and rushed in!

"Asshole! You losers, stop him! My home has been destroyed!" The old man was so angry that he rolled his eyes and was about to fall to the ground.

The people next to him rushed over to support him, and several bodyguards ran over and carried him on their backs.

"Old man, go upstairs first. It's not safe here! Everyone, go upstairs quickly and don't stay in the living room!"

A group of people all ran upstairs, and Luo Xiaoman drove his car and rampaged through the living room without any scruples!

The lavishly decorated villa hall had changed beyond recognition in less than a minute.


The valuable leather luxury sofa was smashed into pieces and was completely run over by the Mercedes-Benz off-road, and the car also stopped.

The bodyguard captain felt that an opportunity had come and shouted angrily: "Come in all of them and kill them all!"

After shouting twice, a companion came out, and no one came in again.

The bodyguard captain was still about to get angry, but he saw Chen Xin'an walking into the living room calmly and said to him: "No need to call, I have settled the people outside, they can't come in!"

The bodyguard captain's expression changed drastically. He looked outside the door and saw his men lying in a mess in the yard.

He took the only remaining subordinate around him, and together with the two bodyguards who had just come down from upstairs, they blocked the entrance to the stairs and shouted in horror:

"If you want to go up, just run over our corpses!"


Luo Xiaoman stepped on the accelerator, and the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country roared, scaring the group of bodyguards to step back and swallow their saliva.

As the accelerator was increased and the brakes were lifted, the Mercedes-Benz's off-road wheels spun rapidly on the carpet, sending out a puff of smoke, forcibly running over the sofa and rushing toward the stairs!

"Ah!" Several people, including the bodyguard captain, no longer dared to stop him, and they all fled left and right!

However, the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country did not hit the stairs, but stopped in front of the stairs.

Luo Xiaoman's face showed undisguised sarcasm, and all the bodyguards who looked at him lowered their heads.

Chen Xin'an opened the car door, got in, and said to Luo Xiaoman, "Let's go!"

The Mercedes-Benz Cross-country roared, turned around half a circle, and then rushed out from the hall door!

Outside the gate of the villa, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and gestured to Luo Xiaoman to stop the car.

"Say it, I'm listening!"

"Chen Xin'an, you bastard! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to cut you into pieces! You broke into my house! You even had my company building burned down! You and I are irreconcilable..."

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone without saying a word.

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an smiled and said to everyone: "Our Mr. Li is already furious!"

The phone rang again, and Chen Xin'an waited until it was about to automatically hang up before answering. Li Guangmin on the other side shouted through gritted teeth: "How dare you hang up on me! You..."

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Shut up, okay? If you are making this call just to vent, then don't call.

I'm still in Lihuayuan now. At worst, I can burn your entire building and turn it into ashes.

If you want to scold me, then let me scold you as much as you want! "

It finally became quiet over there, and there was no sound for a long time.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "You can't speak without swearing? If you kill someone again, I'll turn off the phone immediately!"

Now Li Guangmin panicked and immediately said to him: "Chen Xin'an, I'll negotiate with you! Don't mess with my family, I'll let Jin Enzai go!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said mockingly: "What can you do if you don't let him go? I have already taken him away. Can you stop him or keep him?"

Li Guangmin, you can negotiate with me, but show me some sincerity!

You are stupid, don’t think that everyone has the same IQ as you!

What's wrong?

Are you not happy to call you stupid?

Li Guangmin, whatever your status in Dongchao is, it is of no use to me. It is nothing!

Let me tell you, let the Liu brothers and sisters go immediately!

You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, just tell me whether you want to let me go or not!

If you keep nagging me, I will burn your whole house down right now!

I'll pick the place, just do it and I'll contact you later! "

No matter what Li Guangmin said, Chen Xinan hung up the phone directly.

He immediately sent a message to Li Qi: "Ah Qi, Li Guangmin is going to release him. You pick a place and ambush him secretly. I'll be there right away!"

After a while, a message came from the phone: National Plaza.

Chen Xin'an told Jin Enzai the address, and he nodded and said: "It's not far from Lihua Garden, about a kilometer to the east!"

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