Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2877 National Plaza


It was strange, how could Li Qi know this place.

Coming to Chaojing was an emergency, and no one checked the environment and road conditions in advance.

So Li Qi, like Chen Xin'an, could only use maps and navigation to understand the environment of Chaojing.

When the car arrived at the National Plaza, Chen Xin'an was more clear about the benefits of Li Qi's choice of this place.

It was very empty here. It was neither a holiday nor a weekend. There were not many people coming early in the morning.

So if the hostages were placed here, it would be clear at a glance whether there was an ambush.

If Li Guangmin wanted to do anything, Chen Xin'an would go back to Lihuayuan and destroy his lair!

After calling Li Guangmin, Chen Xin'an told him to meet at the National Plaza in an hour.

And told him to deliver it in person, without giving him a chance to refute, he hung up the phone directly.

He took a backpack from the car and turned back to the villa courtyard.

The bodyguard captain who had been secretly observing Chen Xin'an and the car turned pale and dared not breathe when he saw Chen Xin'an coming back.

The security system that was proud of its strength was useless in front of these people.

The whole villa was open to people who wanted to enter and leave as they pleased, and they couldn't stop them at all!

This battle destroyed the morale and fighting spirit of the Xingyaotang assassins!

Chen Xinan walked straight up to him and grabbed his neck!

The bodyguard captain was so scared that he retreated again and again. Seeing that he couldn't escape, he made up his mind and took out his gun to fight to the death!

But Chen Xinan didn't give him a chance. Before he raised his gun, he had already grabbed his neck!

The bodyguard captain instantly felt a terrifying suffocation and his eyes went black.

Then there was a sharp pain on the top of his head. Chen Xinan stabbed two steel needles into his head and said coldly:

"Pull it out by yourself, you will die!

If you don't pull it out for more than 24 hours, you will die!

If the head injury affects the needle, you will die!

There is only one way to live, be obedient!

Do you understand?"

The bodyguard captain trembled and nodded.

Chen Xinan turned his head and asked the bodyguards around him: "Did you hear it too?"

A group of bodyguards looked at him in confusion, but the next second, when they saw Chen Xinan took out a bunch of steel needles, their faces changed.

"Fight him! I'd rather die than be controlled by him!" A bodyguard shouted, suddenly pulled out a gun, pointed it at Chen Xinan, and pulled the trigger!

Within ten meters, the gunshot rang out.

But at the same time, Chen Xinan's body shook, avoided the bullet, and stood in front of him!

Before he could react, Chen Xinan had raised his right hand and slapped him in the face!

The bodyguard's body was still in the posture of shooting, but his head turned three times on his neck, and his head fell to his chest!

It was obvious that the cervical vertebrae were all broken, and only the skin was connected!

Everyone was shocked by this horrible scene!

That guy was able to dodge bullets!

And he killed a person with just one slap!

This powerful strength scared everyone, and no one dared to talk nonsense anymore!

Chen Xinan didn't bother to care what they were thinking. He took out the steel needle and injected them one by one.

Anyway, those who didn't obey could be killed directly. He didn't need to show mercy to these killers of Xingyaotang.

After all the living bodyguards were injected, Chen Xinan took out some small bottles from his backpack and said to them:

"I will put these things in the living room.

Take out your mobile phones and call each other so that I can see the numbers.

I will call you randomly, and you will light the oilcloth on the bottle.

Note that before lighting it, drive away all the people upstairs!

I just want to burn this villa and don't want to kill anyone anymore.

So if you are obedient, you can all live.

If you are not obedient, then die together!"

A group of bodyguards trembled all over and looked at Chen Xinan in horror.

The captain of the bodyguards said to him in a trembling voice: "If we do that, President Li will kill us with his own hands!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said: "So you'd better pray that Li Guangmin can honestly release my friend.

Don't play tricks on me, want to set a trap for me, and make me angry, then you have to make your own choice.

Do you want to die of pain, or do what I say, and then leave, and stop helping the evil?"

A group of bodyguards were all silent.

Chen Xin'an ignored them, carrying a backpack into the living room, and placed some medicine bottles made by Lao Xiao in a conspicuous place.

These things are not only easy to burn, but also release some pungent smells, which make people unable to get close and unable to rescue.

Of course, they are not as effective as those made by Li Qi, but the villa is decorated in a high-end manner, but there are not many fireproof materials, because that thing is not up to standard.

So once it is ignited, it will easily spread throughout the villa and turn it into a sea of ​​fire!

In fact, Chen Xin'an can think with his toes that Li Guangmin will not be obedient.

Even if he wants to release the Liu brothers and sisters, he will set a trap for him to fall into.

It is even possible to invite the hermit to come in person!

Chen Xinan will certainly not miss this opportunity, so even if he knows that the other party has set a trap, he will go!

The Liu brothers and sisters must be rescued, and the hermit must be killed. As for Li Guangmin's trap, it depends on how clever he is.

It is not so easy to make Chen Xinan fall for an ordinary small trap!

In fact, leaving it to these bodyguards to deal with is also a psychological warfare.

It doesn't matter if they are disobedient. Now that Chen Xin'an knows this place, is there any difference between coming here once and coming several times?

Then it’s not impossible to do it yourself!

Walking out of the villa, Chen Xin'an got into the car and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Let's go to the National Plaza!"

It's a kilometer away and you'll be there in a few minutes.

There were really not many people there early in the morning, and there were no programs scheduled. The whole square seemed empty.

However, to the east of the square, there is a row of six or seven-story row buildings, all of which are shopping malls and the like.

The car was parked in a roadside parking lot and we had to walk to the square.

Jin Enzai said to Chen Xin'an as he walked: "This place was built less than two years ago.

Originally, it was planned to move the Chaojing Business Center here.

However, within three or four years, the place would not become lively.

That row of commercial buildings fetched sky-high prices at the beginning.

Now it is given away to others for free, and no one wants the rent for several years. "

Chen Xin'an looked at the row of buildings on the east side of the square and narrowed her eyes.

The phone rang, and Chen Xin'an took it out to answer it. The voice on the other end was very low: "Boss, I'm on my way.

Li Guangmin also has arrangements, and this old boy will not be so obedient.

I will arrive in about twenty minutes. If Li Guangmin's people are not transferred from other places, I can get ahead of them.

I saw the Liu brothers and sisters, but not the hermit.

However, a few people came over temporarily and got into Li Guangmin's car. They should be experts. "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said to him: "I'm right next to the square. I saw a few good locations. I'll tell you when you come over..."

"Boss, we can't meet! I must hide in the dark from beginning to end, so that I can have a greater chance of winning!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said into the phone: "Okay, be careful!

To the east of the square is the commercial building. If you can get to the top of the building, it's a good sniping position. "

"Okay, I understand! By the way, boss, I have a girl here who is Sister Hua's informant. When we get there, I will ask her to find you..."

Before Li Qi could finish speaking, a girl's voice suddenly came from the phone: "No, I'm with you!

Don't worry, I won't drag you down. If there is danger, I will protect myself.

I don't trust others, I only trust you! "

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