Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2878 When you speak and act, you need to show evidence


I didn't expect that this kid actually had someone helping him, and it was a girl!

Li Qi said helplessly: "It's too dangerous for you to follow me! The people over there are my boss and brothers, they will protect you!"

Chen Xinan said to him: "Forget it, just let her stay with you!

At this time, we are not safe at all, it doesn't matter where she is!"

Li Qi stopped talking.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan said to Luo Xiaoman: "We will go there later. Boss Jin and Brother Zhong will stay in the car and wait for news..."

"Brother Yanjun, you don't take us two brothers seriously!" Jin Enzai frowned and said to Chen Xinan:

"You are risking your lives, and we are hiding here, being cowards?

Sorry, I really can't do this!"

Chen Xinan laughed and said to him: "In this case, Boss Jin, there is really a job for you to do!

Find out the manpower brought by Li Guangmin, and try to knock down all their cars.

Once we leave, they can't chase us!

This job is not easy to do, can you two do it?"

Jin Enzai glanced at Zheng Zhong, and the two grinned and said to Chen Xinan: "Don't worry, leave it to us!"

At this moment, Jin Enzai's mobile phone rang.

He picked it up and answered it, and his face suddenly showed an ecstatic look!

"You got in? All right, come to the National Plaza, I'll wait for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Jin Enzai excitedly said to Chen Xinan: "Brother Yanjun, some of my people have come in, I asked them to come to the square!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "You came at the right time! The outer side is up to you, and Aman and I will deal with Li Guangmin."

Jin Enzai patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, leave your back to us!"

After chatting for a while, Chen Xinan heard his phone vibrate, took it out and took a look, and saw the confidence sent by Li Qi: Boss, I'm in place!

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked in the direction of the commercial building.

Sure enough, two black spots were found on the roof, as if waving to him.

Chen Xinan also waved his arm, did not reply to the message, and put the phone in his pocket.

When doing things for Li Qi, Chen Xinan just told him what to do, as for how to do it and what results to achieve, Chen Xinan didn't care at all.

Because he didn't want to limit Li Qi's performance, he had his own independent way of doing things.

"Brother Yanjun, here we come!" Jin Enzai suddenly said to Chen Xinan.

Following his gaze, Chen Xinan turned his head and saw a row of cars approaching the National Plaza quickly and slowly stopped on the north side of the square.

That place is not close to Chen Xinan, about two or three stops away.

From a distance, a group of people surrounded a fat man and got off the car. Jin Enzai gritted his teeth and said, "It's Li Guangmin, he came in person!"

Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman's eyes fell on the car behind Li Guangmin.

A man and a woman staggered out of the car. They should be Liu Minyong and Liu Zhiyan.

But they were surrounded by Xingyaotang's killers, and their spirits were relatively weak. They should have been tortured!

Chen Xinan's face darkened. Since you dare to touch my friend, don't blame me for burning your house!

In the middle of the square, there is a statue of a warrior in armor, about ten meters high, with a musical fountain below.

Li Guangmin and a man and a woman entered the square, and the younger brothers who had just got off the car stood by the car waiting.

The Liu brothers and sisters were also escorted by six men in suits and followed behind Li Guangmin.

Li Guangmin stopped when he walked to the statue and took out his cell phone.

Soon Chen Xinan's cell phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Li Guangmin calling.

After answering the phone, Chen Xinan said straight to the point: "I've seen you, and I'm coming over now." Seeing Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman coming over, Liu Minyong's eyes lit up, and he excitedly said to Liu Zhiyan: "I said that Mr. Chen will definitely come to save us! You don't doubt it now, right? That Wen Chengmin is a coward, he doesn't care about our life or death at all!" Chen Xinan had already walked in front of them, shook his head and said to Liu Minyong: "Wen Chengmin wanted to bring people to Chaojing, but I didn't let him get involved. I have promised him that I will take you back to Guangtian City!" Liu Zhiyan said with red eyes: "I knew he wouldn't give up on me!" Chen Xinan stepped forward and frowned and asked: "Did they attack you?" The man in a suit next to him thought that Chen Xinan was going to pull Liu Minyong away, so he quickly pulled Liu Minyong's shoulder and took two steps back. Chen Xinan squinted at the men in suits. Are these the masters that Li Qi mentioned? A man in a suit turned his wrist and a short knife appeared in his hand.

With a flash of cold light, the blade was already on Liu Minyong's neck, and he said coldly to Chen Xinan:

"Back off and keep your distance! When the boss agrees, I will let them go!

You'd better not mess around, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Chen Xinan glanced at him, smiled coldly, turned around and said nothing.

The man in the suit also snorted and took away the short knife.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman on the side suddenly turned around and kicked back, sweeping the guy's short knife away!

The man's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to take out his pistol.

Several men in suits next to them also lifted their clothes and looked like they were pulling out guns.

However, Luo Xiaoman was one step faster than them. He took out his gun with both hands, sometimes crossing his arms, sometimes spreading his arms, and aimed at them all.

"Come on, let's see who gets shot first!" Luo Xiaoman said with a sinister smile on his face, not taking these people seriously at all.

Li Guangmin turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I came here with sincerity this time. There's no need to be so nervous, right?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Then let these wastes you bring be honest!

My brother has a bad temper and irritating him will do no good to any of you! "

"Who are you calling a waste!" A group of men in suits were all angry, waiting for Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, as if they were ready to take action at any time.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at them with disdain and said, "Just say you, you are a bunch of trash, what's the problem?"

Several men in suits were fuming and just about to scold back when they heard Li Guangmin shout: "Shut up!"

He took a deep breath, turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, I have brought the person you want. Is it time for you to return my things to me?"

Chen Xinzhi asked stupidly: "Your things? I haven't taken anything from you. Mr. Li, please don't accuse a good person unjustly!"

Li Guangmin gritted his teeth and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, do you dare to do it or not?

Where is the truck sent from Xinghai Group now?

Where did you hide those black goods on the high seas?

Don't pretend to be ignorant, I know you are the one behind it!

Chen Xin'an, I can let him go and leave him in your hands.

But you must send back all the things I lost without missing a thing!

Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave the National Mall alive today! "

Chen Xin'an sighed and said earnestly: "Mr. Li, it's a good thing that you are still the head of Dongchao's largest conglomerate!

What you say and do must be based on evidence, and you cannot just talk nonsense!

You said I was the one doing the trick, did you really think I was the one who took it?

I won’t take the blame for this.

Most importantly, you just said that I would never leave the National Mall alive?

Are you trying to kill me here?

I want to ask you, who gave you the courage and confidence to speak to me like this?

Is it these wastes, or the group on the roadside? "

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