Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2879 Your technological face is like a shoehorn


After hearing what Chen Xinan said, Li Guangmin was so angry that he trembled all over.

The men in suits next to him had gloomy faces and slowly surrounded Chen Xinan.

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, looked at those people with contempt, sneered, and hooked his finger.

The woman standing behind Li Guangmin said to Chen Xinan: "Mr. Chen, we have already investigated clearly that Liu Guangxian is just a pseudonym, and his real name is Xiao Zhang.

This Mr. Xiao Zhang is actually Mr. Chen's man.

The goods that were originally sent to Yaohan Group were lost, and the whole thing was planned by Mr. Chen.

We have investigated this matter clearly and the evidence is conclusive.

If Mr. Chen wants to deny it, we have some information and photos here.

It can fully prove Mr. Chen's connection with this matter.

Does Mr. Chen need to see it now?"

Chen Xinan turned his head and glanced at the woman who looked confident, and sneered:

"Then do you have any information about the true origin of the goods in the car?

Do you have any information about the Dongchao people in order to rob the cargo on the ship? , privately seized the ship, sent the owner to prison, and stole the full ship of goods for themselves? "

The woman smiled and shook her head and said, "I don't need to know those.

I only know that Yaohan Group purchased that truck of goods with legal procedures and reasonable procedures, and it should be protected by trade!"

Chen Xinan sneered and said, "I forgot that you Dongchao people always like double standards, and you are never shameless to take advantage!

Since you think you have no problem and pay so much attention to the procedures, then go and hold your trading party accountable.

It is their responsibility that they did not deliver the goods. You are looking for trouble with them, but it is not your turn to look for us!"

The woman still smiled and looked at Chen Xinan and said, "It is the responsibility of everyone in Dongchao to fight criminals."

Chen Xinan laughed loudly, looked at the woman with disdain and said: "Then you can attack! I am the criminal, I am standing in front of you, do it!"

The woman shook her head, looked at Chen Xinan and said: "Mr. Chen is very powerful and has extraordinary kung fu.

In Mr. Chen's eyes, we are no match at all.

But Mr. Chen is a flesh and blood after all, not a superman.

No matter how powerful the strength is, there are weaknesses!

I know that Mr. Chen can dodge the bullets of the pistol, and I admire such skills.

But I want to know more, can Mr. Chen dodge the sniper rifle?"

Luo Xiaoman's face changed drastically, and he said to Chen Xinan in a deep voice: "Old Chen, don't move! There is a red dot on your head!"

"Hahaha! Chen Xinan, you've been fooled !” Li Guangmin laughed, pointed at Chen Xinan with contempt and said:

“Do you think I will really give in to you?

Then I will listen to you and hand over the person if you ask me to?

You are really too naive!

Chen Xinan, you are just a reckless man who doesn’t know how to live or die. You dare to go against the Holy Master just because you know a little bit of boxing?

Like a stray dog, the Holy Master drove you from Daying to Dongchao.

You come to go against me again!

Chen Xinan, this is not China, not a place where you can run rampant!

This is my territory!

No one has ever dared to let me, Li Guangmin, suffer any grievances!

Who do you think you are? You dare to come to Chaojing and challenge my authority, Li Guangmin! ”

He seemed to have been holding back his anger for a long time, and it finally broke out at this moment!

"You stole my treasure, my goods, and killed my people over and over again!

You dared to come to Chaojing and run around under my nose!

You even burned my office and made trouble at my house!

Mr. Chen, do you take me, Li Guangmin, seriously?

Do you really think that I only have this little trick?

Do you believe me if I let you die here today?"

Chen Xinan squinted at him, shook his head and said, "You have no manners!

I tell you, don't point at others when you curse!

You point one finger at others, and the other four fingers are all at yourself!"

Li Guangmin was stunned, looking at Chen Xinan as if he were a fool, and shouted angrily, "I fucking want to!"

Is this guy's brain filled with water?

His head is pointed at by a sniper rifle, and he is still criticizing himself for having no manners?

Isn't he afraid of being shot in the head?

Luo Xiaoman clenched his fists, looked at the people around him coldly, and said to Li Guangmin, "Believe it or not, as long as that kid dares to shoot, I will let all of you here be buried with him!"

Li Guangmin glanced at him.

Luo Xiaoman scolded him, "What are you looking at? I know you, a fool, don't understand. You will die soon. Do you believe it?" The woman turned her head with interest, looked at Luo Xiaoman and said, "Mr. Luo Xiaoman is also a master of ancient martial arts and the right-hand man of Mr. Chen Xin'an. Don't worry, since we have made arrangements for Mr. Chen Xin'an, we will not ignore you. There is also a red dot on your forehead now. So you'd better not move, otherwise your end will be very bad!" The woman actually spoke authentic Chinese, very fluently. Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, then he actually grinned and said to the woman, "Well, not bad, you still have vision! I hate to treat Lao Chen differently the most! I have met so many opponents, and only you have the best vision!" This made the woman unable to do it. Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? Is he still so happy when someone points a sniper rifle at him? The woman frowned, ignored Luo Xiaoman's words, and just looked around and asked:

"Mr. Chen's right-hand man is not just Mr. Luo, but according to our intelligence, there is also a gentleman named Li Qi.

It's just that we haven't found any trace of him since we determined your location.

Don't know where he went?

Can you tell me? "

The woman winked at Luo Xiaoman, as if everything was under control.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at her, snorted and said, "Why should I tell you?"

The woman walked up to Luo Xiaoman, stretched out her hand to touch his face, and said with a charming smile:

"Because your life is in my hands!

In fact, you should know that our primary target is Chen Xin'an.

You are just bewitched by him. If you can cooperate well, you may not be able to survive!

Of course, the premise is that you have to be obedient!

So, would you say no to a beautiful woman’s request?

Tell me, where is Mr. Li Qi? "

Luo Xiaoman turned around, covered his mouth with both hands, bent down and kept retching!

He waved his hand and said to the woman: "Please don't come so close to me, I'm going to puke when I see you looking like this!

So pretty? just you?

Look at the silicone fillers on your face!

Dongchao’s technological face, so long and pointed, could be my shoehorn!

Where do you get the confidence to say you are a beauty? "

The woman suddenly changed her color. No woman can tolerate others calling her ugly to her face!

She was so angry that she yelled at Luo Xiaoman: "You are looking for death!"

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman moved!

He was originally bent over, but now he got directly in front of the woman's belly.

Before the other party could react, he had already reached out and wanted to grab the woman's neck!

The woman scolded angrily and hid back!

Now she finally understood that Luo Xiaoman did this not only to disgust her, but more importantly, to use her body to block the bullets of the sniper gun!

This cunning guy!

Fortunately, her reaction was not slow, and she immediately retreated after noticing Luo Xiaoman's attempt.

But Luo Xiaoman's skills were better than she expected, and he followed closely.

The most terrifying thing was that the other party's hand had already touched her neck!

Fortunately, the man next to him rushed over and grabbed Luo Xiaoman's wrist!

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