Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2880 Don’t persuade others to be kind without their suffering


Unexpectedly, this man and woman were both very skilled.

As soon as they moved, the six men in suits also wanted to take action, but the woman shouted: "Don't move, watch those two people!"

The six men in suits all retreated, still surrounding the Liu brothers and sisters.

When dealing with enemies like Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, even a moment's negligence may lead to a decisive comeback.

Just like now, the two of them joined forces to deal with Luo Xiaoman, but they couldn't get the slightest advantage.

If he hadn't wanted to take hostages and force the snipers not to shoot, both of them would have been injured by now!

"Shoot! Shoot me now and kill them!" Li Guangmin shouted, waving his arms.

Chen Xin'an said mockingly: "Mr. Li, it seems like these people don't listen to you at all!"

Li Guangmin's face was ashen and his expression was ugly.

Indeed, these people are not his men.

Only the six men in suits were the top killers of Xing Yaotang. In fact, these men and one woman were not under his control. The snipers lurking in the distance were only under the orders of one man and one woman.

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "How about I give it a try? They might listen to me!"

Li Guangmin sneered coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes and said sarcastically: "They are all arranged by the Holy Master, and they want to tear you into pieces!

How could I possibly listen to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Guangmin couldn't speak anymore, with a look of fear on his face.

He clearly saw that the infrared aiming point that was originally shot on Chen Xin'an's forehead had slowly moved and finally stopped in the middle of his forehead!

At the same time, Luo Xiaoman had also stopped.

The woman raised her hands high, her face was pale, and her sight had caught the red line that was imperceptible to the naked eye, and now it fell on her body.

Just as the man next to him was about to speak, Luo Xiaoman punched him in the face.

The man covered his face with his hands and groaned. He wanted to fight back, but Luo Xiaoman directly grabbed his hair and kneed him heavily in the chest and abdomen!

The man rolled his eyes and fell to the ground unconscious!

Only by joining forces with a woman can we withstand Luo Xiaoman's attack, and this is if the other party does not want to lead to the killer.

Now he was left to do it on his own. He was no match for Luo Xiaoman and could be manipulated every minute.

Looking at the red dot on the woman's forehead, Luo Xiaoman was also very curious, and even stretched out his hand to pick at the red dot!

"Hahaha, what's going on? Are your snipers revolting?

Why don't you aim at me and aim at you?

I understand, people may also think you are ugly.

The monster created is an eyesore to you.

So take this opportunity to beat you to death! "

The woman was so angry that she almost wanted to fight this mean-mouthed bastard, but she was afraid of having her head exploded, so she had to endure it.

Ignoring this mean-mouthed guy, the woman looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a spiteful expression:

"I admire you! I have been looking for that Mr. Li Qi, but I didn't expect that the other party actually ambushed the person I ambushed!

It makes sense for Master to regard you as a great opponent.

Not only you, but also the people around you are troublesome people.

The only thing I don't understand is how did he know that our people would be ambushing that place? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing. Luo Xiaoman said with disdain:

"Playing sniping in front of A Qi? Do you know what it means to play with a big sword in front of Guan Gong, or pull a big saw in front of Lu Ban's gate?"

Play this, Ah Qi is the ancestor of you people! "

The woman took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen is really surrounded by capable people!

We know you people are not simple.

Because no matter what methods we use, we want to find out more about you people.

There is always a mysterious force hindering our investigation.

Even hackers cannot break into the level involving your data.

You are protected by the Chinese government!

Now it seems that you are indeed extraordinary! "

Li Guangmin's legs were trembling, but his upper body did not dare to move. He looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What is this? Why are you targeting me alone?"

The red dot that was originally on the woman's forehead shook a few times and then slowly moved to Li Guangmin's heart.

Now there is a red dot on Li Guangmin's forehead and one on his heart, which is equivalent to two sniper guns, both aimed at him!

Less than 300 meters away, on the roof of the commercial building, two snipers had been eliminated lying on the ground.

Li Qi and Han Yunmei stood beside the wall, each holding a sniper rifle equipped with an infrared sight.

The brackets were set up on the blocking wall, and they all closed one eye and aimed at the targets in the square.

Li Qi felt the movement of the muzzle of the sniper gun next to him, and said helplessly: "It's not time to kill him yet, don't act out of emotion!

Did you forget what I just told you? "

Han Yunmei took a deep breath and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't shoot without your order!

Although now I want to shoot him in the head!

But I also know that he shouldn't die so easily. He should be tortured and pay the price for what he did before! "

Li Qi felt relieved and said to her: "Have you really never practiced sniping? You are very talented as a sniper!"

Han Yunmei smiled slightly. Being praised always makes people feel happy.

“I learned shooting and also practiced it specifically.

But I have never been exposed to the sniper project.

Since you say I have talent, can I learn from you? "

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "I don't have time to teach you!

You know, I am Chinese.

After finishing my work here, I'm going back to China! "

Han Yunmei had a disappointed look on her face.

After a while, she said to Li Qi: "If I still have my life left after this matter is over and I have arranged everything here, I will go to China to find you.

Because apart from learning this skill, I can no longer find the meaning of living!

From now on, I will be a professional killer!

There are too many unfair things in this world, and the law cannot protect the powerless poor at all.

It doesn't matter, I'll protect you! "

Li Qi didn't move, although he wanted to take a look at the girl next to him.

What kind of experiences did she go through that made her have such an ideal?

But as a sniper, he had to keep his eyes on the target, so he didn't turn his head after all.

I didn't try to persuade her. This was her own choice and no one else had the right to interfere.

Don't encourage others to do good unless they have suffered.

Li Qi has never been a moral saint who talks sincerely and sincerely.

"Attention, this is a signal, the second one on the left is pulling out a gun!" Li Qi suddenly whispered, and then pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot, and a stream of blood spurted out from the head of the man in a suit standing next to Li Guangmin. His body fell straight back, and his right hand was thrown out of his clothes, still holding a gun.

Everyone else was stunned!

The remaining five men in suits no longer dared to move. Now they also realized that the sniper had indeed been changed, and his shooting skills were very accurate!

The guy just now wanted to bet that others couldn't see him, and took advantage of the shielding of other people's bodies. Others didn't pay attention to him, so he wanted to quietly draw his gun and reverse the situation.

Unexpectedly, he just moved and was shot to death!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and cursed: "Idiot!"

He turned to look at Li Guangmin and said, "You can continue to wink at them and see who can pull out the gun and rescue you?"

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