Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2881 The Hermit Appears


Li Guangmin, whose face was pale, was trembling with fear and did not dare to act recklessly again.

Only then did he realize that all his little moves were seen by Chen Xin'an!

Liu Minyong shouted anxiously to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, let us go! Who shot this? It scared my sister!"

Liu Jiyan stared blankly at the body on the ground, then bent over and vomited.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Chen Xin'an helplessly, and when he nodded, he walked up to Liu Minyong, took out his dagger and cut the rope on his body and said:

"Why are you in a hurry? It's not like I won't let you go! Follow me later and don't move around..."

Liu Minyong said impatiently: "I know! Now I won't go wherever you want me to go! This time it was too scary, I almost died!"

When the rope on his body was cut, Liu Minyong said to Luo Xiaoman: "Give me the knife, and I will cut my sister's rope. No need to trouble you!"

Luo Xiaoman was still a little worried, so Liu Minyong said to him: "What, my sister is now the fiancée of the literary president of Xinghai Group, and we cannot let other men touch her.

It doesn't matter if I am my brother. Give it to me quickly! "

Now that he said this, Luo Xiaoman stopped insisting, handed him the dagger and said, "Then do it yourself, I'm too lazy to touch it!"

Liu Minyong took the knife with a smile, walked to Liu Zhiyan, and cut the rope on her body.

Turning to look at Li Guangmin who was motionless with his hands raised, Liu Minyong couldn't get up, walked over with a knife, pointed at Li Guangmin and cursed:

“You bastard, you hit me and even my sister!

Do you really want people to insult her?

Did you know she is getting married soon?

If you bastards really succeed, how can you let her see anyone! "

Liu Minyong, who had been holding back his anger, finally found a chance to vent his anger, and punched and kicked Li Guangmin!

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and she pulled Liu Minyong away and shouted: "Don't do anything, stay back!"

Li Guangmin covered his face with his hands and shouted loudly: "Do you still want to watch? Are you going to wait until I am beaten to death before you take action?"

At this moment, one of the five men in suits suddenly moved and slapped Chen Xin'an on the head.

Because everyone's positions were disrupted by Liu Minyong's rush in, the sniper couldn't find the angle to shoot from.

After a gunshot, the bullet passed by Chen Xin'an and hit the ground, shocking everyone.

But it also gave the group of men in suits a chance. They rushed up at the same time and surrounded Li Guangmin.

Liu Minyong was stunned. He didn't expect that when he took action, everyone would move, and even Chen Xin'an almost got shot. At this time, he no longer dared to move!

Luo Xiaoman grabbed his arm, pulled him behind him, and scolded him: "I told you not to move, but you have to move. It's dangerous now. Follow me and stop running around!"

The positions of everyone just now seemed chaotic, but in fact they were all sniper positions that were most beneficial to the sniper.

No matter which side's sniper gets the gun, he can control the enemy within his sniper sight.

Now that Liu Minyong is interfering in this way, his position is completely messed up.

Even snipers like Li Qi didn't dare to shoot easily, as it would be too easy to hurt one of their own.

On the contrary, Han Yunmei was ignorant, fearless, and a little nervous. She wanted to kill Li Guangmin and fired a shot, but she almost hit Chen Xin'an. She was so scared that she almost threw away the sniper gun!

When Chen Xin'an saw a man in a suit trying to pounce on him, he waved his hand and slapped him back.

But when his hand was halfway up, he felt a strong sense of danger. He immediately turned his palm into a fist and rushed towards the opponent's wrist!

Unexpectedly, the other party also clenched his fists and punched him head-on!


There was a muffled sound, but the other party remained motionless. Chen Xin'an took a step back, shook his sore arm, glared at the man in suit in front of him, and shouted: "Hermit!"

I never expected that Lao Yinbi, who I had never seen before, would be disguised as a killer of Xingyaotang and stand here all the time!

Chen Xin'an was also secretly shocked. This guy's ability to hide his aura was already superb!

With his super perception, he didn't even know that the hermit was standing next to him, and he couldn't feel any danger. He only took precautions at the last moment after he took action. He is indeed an old Yinbi!

Chen Xin'an also broke out in a cold sweat. If he had just slapped him casually, his arm would probably be useless by now!

The man in a suit waved his hand and asked the people next to him to take Li Guangmin away first.

The woman and the man who had just woken up came to his side, seeming to want to fight with him.

"Chen Xin'an, since you want to meet me so much, I will help you!

But have you thought about the consequences of meeting?

You may die here today! "

As he spoke, he tore off the mask on his face, revealing a face that showed no age.

Of course, this face is no longer young, and the eyebrows and beard have turned white.

But he doesn't look too old, at least there aren't too many wrinkles on his face.

However, Chen Xin'an knew that this guy had successfully practiced martial arts and had reached the stage of staying in shape.

But it cannot reach the legendary state of rejuvenation.

Otherwise it becomes a myth.

Chen Xin'an smiled coldly, shook her head and said, "Old Yinbi, it's not certain who will live and who will die!

After being a coward for so long, I finally came out. I have to have some fun with you!"

The hermit didn't care about Chen Xin'an's rudeness. He laughed and looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration and said:

"I, Li Wuzang, have lived for most of my life, and it has been a long time since anyone dared to be so presumptuous to me!

There are not many people who can arouse my interest, and you, Chen Xin'an, are one of them.

Let's put it this way, Chen Xin'an, I don't want to care about the trivial matters of the children.

You just need to tell me where the truck sent from the star sea went, and I will let you choose a more comfortable way to die, how about it?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and said, "I'm more generous than you!

Old cunt, you just need to kneel on the ground and kowtow to my friend Snake Brother and call him grandpa three times.

I will tell you the whereabouts of the truck! What do you think?"


"Bold! "

The man and woman shouted at Chen Xin'an and wanted to rush over to teach him a lesson.

Luo Xiaoman sneered and swept his foot across, forcing them back. He cursed with disdain:

"With your little strength, how can you challenge Old Chen?

Do you think you have a backer now that this old bastard has appeared?

He can't even protect himself, so how can he take care of you..."

Before he finished speaking, the hermit suddenly took action, his body left a residual image, and suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xiaoman, punching him in the chest!

Luo Xiaoman was shocked. He didn't expect this old guy to start a fight as soon as he said it, without any signs and at an absurd speed!

It was too late to resist, so he simply exchanged injuries for injuries, ignored the opponent's attack, and kicked the opponent's crotch!

"Hey! "The hermit didn't seem to expect Luo Xiaoman to be so desperate, and he also felt that even if he killed the opponent with one punch, he would have to take this kick! The key is that the position of this kick is a bit mean. Even if he has a strong defense, he will inevitably be injured, and it will definitely be unpleasant! But this kid thought that this would make him withdraw his move, he was wrong! A mere third level of internal strength, do you really think you are a master in front of him? Bang! The hermit did not retreat but advanced, took a step forward, clamped his legs together, and clamped Luo Xiaoman's right foot tightly! At the same time, the hermit's right fist had already landed on Luo Xiaoman's chest!

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