Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2886 My people have been doing this


The biggest victims of this incident are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Dongchao investors.

If these secret operations were really carried out, I don’t know how many Dongchao families would face the tragic situation of financial collapse and family destruction.

At that time, Dongchao officials will definitely conduct a thorough investigation in order to quell public anger, and then Ding Maochang will naturally become a scapegoat!

This is the situation that worries Ding Maochang the most, and once that happens, it is impossible for the Holy Master to take the blame for him.

The Holy Master took the money away, but the prisoner asked him to do it. Maybe he wouldn't have to wait until he was in prison, and he would be beaten to death by the stock investors who had lost their minds, and he would have to pay for it with his own life!


Therefore, Ding Maochang declined with various excuses and did not agree to the Holy Master's proposal.

This also angered the Holy Master, who drove him away from the tribute day and ordered his men to beat him up.

Ding Maochang knew very well that he had been kicked out of the direct team by the Holy Master.

Even if he agrees to all the requirements of the Holy Master now, it will be difficult to return to the previous relationship.

In fact, the Holy Master had long been dissatisfied with him.

The Dongchao stock market has been relatively sluggish in the past few years. He wanted to do some tricks to collect more money without being too sensitive, because investors were already deceived by the previous raids by the Holy Master.

Therefore, if you can't perform very well on the tribute day to honor the Holy Master, you will naturally not get his favor.

He also knew very well that the Holy Master wanted to replace him for more than a day or two.

It's just that although the Holy Master is powerful, he can't directly intervene in an organization like the Securities Regulatory Commission. The position of president is not something he can change if he wants.

Ding Maochang also took the risk.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to fight now. He has to protect himself!

In the past, he would have thought that the Holy Master was invincible and resisting him would be seeking death.

But now, if he doesn't resist, he will be in bad luck!

Either listen to the Holy Master's instigation and go to jail.

Either you don't listen to him, you are squeezed out by him, or even your future is ruined!

After weighing the situation, Ding Maochang felt that it was most appropriate to cooperate with Chen Xin'an.

Because this person really has the strength to compete with the Holy Master.

Ding Maochang frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "The Holy Master is still staying in Dongchao for three days.

Chen Xin'an, are you really sure you can kill him? "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to him with a smile: "I'm not sure! Even if I'm sure he's staying at Feiya Villa, I'm not sure I can rush in and kill him!"

Ding Maochang turned pale and sighed: "I knew it! So even if I tell you everything, it's useless. It's just giving the Holy Master a reason to kill me!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook his head and said: "Being unsure doesn't mean you can't kill him, and my purpose is not just to kill him!

Just wait for me for a while! "

With a crash, Chen Xin'an opened the car door, got out of the car and walked straight towards the BMW.

He knocked on the BMW door, and when it opened, he suddenly took action!

Ding Maochang only saw him grabbing a bodyguard by the neck, getting into the BMW, and coming out less than two minutes later, holding several mobile phones in his hand.

Back in the business car, Chen Xin'an threw the phone in front of Ding Maochang and said to him:

"Look who your people were calling just now?

Now that I don't have to worry about them snitching, I let them all sleep in the car for a while.

Later I will give them an injection to make them forget what happened before.

Just relax, it'll be okay. "

Ding Maochang picked up the mobile phones on the seat in front of him and looked at them one by one. His expression changed from shock to horror, and then from horror to anger.

Throwing the phone back on his seat, Ding Maochang gritted his teeth and cursed: "I can't believe that even Yingji is a Saint Master!

I sponsored her through college and got her doctorate.

After she graduated, I personally recruited her to join the China Securities Regulatory Commission and became my secretary!

But she repaid me in this way!

This ignorant white-eyed wolf! "

He raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Mr. Chen, I don't quite understand what you just said. How do you want to deal with the Holy Master? Don't you want to kill him?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "The Holy Master is not that easy to kill.

I'm not just referring to his combat strength, but more importantly, his status in the Eastern Chao.

You Dongchao people gave him to Shinhwa, so I want to kill him. What I am facing is a situation where I am against all Dongchao people!

Even if he is defeated by force, there will still be many people, even officials, protecting him, making it difficult to kill him! "

Ding Maochang turned pale and looked at Chen Xin'an with despair.

Of course he knew that Chen Xin'an was not exaggerating. In fact, this was the influence of the Holy Master in Dongchao!

He murmured: "Don't we have any way to deal with him?"

"If not, we wouldn't have called you here!" Jin Enzai curled his lips, patted his shoulder and said:

"President Ding, you can always trust my brother Yanjun! That is your Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said to Ding Maochang: "Of course there is a way, we need everyone to cooperate.

Since the Dongchao people regard the Holy Master as a god, the first thing we have to do is to pull him off the altar.

The specific operation depends on the help of President Ding.

We must make all the dirty things done by the Holy Master known to the public, so that the people who were deceived by him can see the true colors of this hypocrite. "

Ding Maochang shook his head and sighed to Chen Xin'an: "This road will not work! I don't know how many people want to expose his dirty information.

However, the mainstream media in Dongchao are more or less related to the Holy Master and will not publish such information. "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "I don't need mainstream media reports.

To tell you the truth, I have several relatively influential online self-media companies under my control.

It also has an appeal that cannot be underestimated in international forums.

We published this information on the Internet to create pressure from public opinion.

This will force the Dongchao media to tell the truth.

Moreover, the influence of online public opinion is very large, and it is easy to create false impressions.

In reality, it may take many years for a person's fame to go from its peak to its decline.

But on the Internet, it only takes one night!

As long as the evidence is conclusive and once it is confirmed, the greater the reputation of the Holy Master, the worse the fall will be! "

Ding Maochang's eyes lit up, this method works!

He excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "I have some information in my hand that can prove some illegal operations of the Holy Master over the years.

But these may not be enough to bring down the Holy Master!

It’s easy to find a scapegoat if the official wants to protect you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Actually, my self-media friends have been working on this matter, and there is a lot of evidence, but there is a lack of information that can make a final decision!"

"I know where it is!" Ding Maochang pursed his lips and said, "It's just not easy to get!"

Seeing everyone's eyes falling on him, Ding Maochang took a deep breath and said:

"The public head of Feiya Villa Club is Li Guangming's younger brother Li Enze, and he has a pretty good relationship with me.

He had also been dealt with by the Holy Master, and he must have some resentment towards the Holy Master in his heart.

Once when he was drunk, he quietly told me that he had installed surveillance cameras inside and outside the Feiya Villa Club and had time backups.

Every move of the Holy Master here was recorded, including killing people in the box with his own hands!

If one day the Holy Master cuts the bridge and no longer wants him, he will make these things public!

But when I asked him the next day, he denied it and said he was drunk and angry.

I doubt he really did these things.

But there is nothing I can do about how to get this thing from him! "

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