Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2887 I can’t completely trust you yet


We must get this thing!

Chen Xinan said to Ding Maochang: "President Ding, can you help me arrange a meeting between me and Li Enze?"

Ding Maochang frowned and said: "This is not difficult, but Mr. Chen's identity is sensitive, and Li Enze is Li Guangmin's younger brother. Even if we really meet, I am afraid we will return empty-handed!"

Chen Xinan smiled and shook his head, and said to Ding Maochang: "President Ding, don't worry, even if he is Li Guangmin's biological son, I can still handle it.

But I have a question. With the Saint Master's caution, it should not be easy to install surveillance around him?

The alertness of a Kung Fu master is very scary!"

Ding Maochang said to Chen Xinan with a serious expression: "Li Enze used to work in the Blue Magic Cube, but later retired due to injury!"

What is the Blue Magic Cube?

Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman looked at each other, and the name could not be found on the map.

Jin Enzai explained: "Hongshitai's intelligence agency, where spies are trained.

But I heard that Li Enze only worked in the engineering logistics department and did not involve too confidential areas, so he was able to retire normally."

Chen Xinan nodded.

I didn't expect that Li Guangmin's younger brother was not a small one.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising.

This kind of Dongchao chaebol giants have more or less some relationship with the official. Without a big background, it is impossible to reach the current status.

Chen Xinan stared out the window, pointed with his hand, and said with a smile: "Chairman Ding, do you know that person?"

"Who?" Ding Maochang turned his head and looked out the window, and suddenly there was a sharp pain behind his head!

He shrank his neck with an ouch, and touched his right hand back. Unexpectedly, there was a steel needle stuck in the middle of the back of his head!

He turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an with anger and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "President Ding, don't be nervous, I will take the needle out immediately!"

While speaking, he had already stretched out his hand, pressed the steel needle behind Ding Maochang's head, turned it a few times, and slowly pulled it out.

During the whole process, Ding Maochang couldn't resist, as if all the strength in his body had disappeared.

In fact, even if his hands and feet could still move, he couldn't resist.

Whatever Chen Xin'an wanted to do to him, he could only bear it obediently and couldn't struggle at all.

After taking out the needle, Ding Maochang exhaled, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden, and said to Chen Xinan angrily:

"Mr. Chen, didn't you say that we are already friends?

Is this what friends should do?"

Jin Enzai laughed and said to Ding Maochang: "President Ding, don't be angry, brother Yanjun was joking with you!"

Chen Xinan put away the needle and said with a smile: "To be honest, I can't trust you completely now.

If President Ding really wants to be my friend, Chen Xinan, I was just joking.

If President Ding plays both sides and informs the Saint Master after leaving here, then the needle just now can kill President Ding!"

After hearing this, Ding Maochang's face changed instantly. He stared at Chen Xinan and shouted: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Xinan An pointed at his head and said, "Chinese acupuncture and meridian sealing technique! I just used a needle to seal President Ding's Naohou acupoint.

Within an hour, it will cause blood congestion in President Ding's brain.

But please rest assured that this blood congestion will not affect President Ding's life.

Within three days, blood clots will form, and after a week, it will become a tumor, which will endanger his life.

And after two days, President Ding will have a severe headache.

But I will remove the blood stasis and relieve the pain for President Ding at any time.

Of course, President Ding can also go to a doctor for treatment himself.

But I remind you that this is Chinese acupuncture. If you want to completely cure it, you must also be a master who understands Chinese ancient medical acupuncture.

If there is a slight mistake, the consequence is death, and even gods can't save you!"

"You..." Ding Maochang was angry and scared, staring at Chen Xinan and couldn't say anything.

Chen Xinan shrugged and said, "Friends are not just words, but actions.

I will not hide it from President Ding. We are not completely confident in you now, so we can only use this method to provide more protection.

But President Ding, don't worry. As long as you don't betray us, we will be healthy and safe.

This matter is over, I will unblock the acupoints for President Ding!"

Ding Maochang knew that it was useless to say anything now, so he could only pull his face, snorted heavily, and asked Chen Xinan, "Can I leave now?"

Jin Enzai patted his shoulder and said, "Old Ding, don't you have some information in your hands?

Give it to us now!"

Ding Maochang said helplessly, "Why would I keep those things on me? I hid them all at home!

I will call you and hand them over to you in person after I sort them out, okay?"

Chen Xinan smiled and said, "Don't you need to be so troublesome? We can go home with President Ding to get them!"

"You are really..." Ding Maochang was furious!

What do you mean?

It's not enough to seal the acupoints, do you want to know which direction my door faces now?

If I betray you, will my whole family suffer?

But now he couldn't refuse at all. Since he was on the pirate ship, he could only follow the thieves.

Taking a deep breath, Ding Maochang said to everyone in a bad mood: "Let's go! No. 128 Jinglan Road!"

Chen Xin'an got out of the car, walked to the BMW, opened the door and got in.

Ding Maochang watched him through the car window holding a steel needle and pricking each person's head twice. After a while, he came out and said to him:

"You can get in the car! They have forgotten what happened just now.

Just go home normally and we'll follow you! "

Ding Maochang got into the BMW suspiciously. The driver was lying on the steering wheel just now, but now he got up, shook his head, and asked strangely:

"Why did I fall asleep? This is... boss, where are we going?"

Ding Maochang frowned and looked at him and cursed: "Go home, didn't I tell you just now? I went down to do something and came up, and you forgot?"

The driver rubbed his eyes and said: "I'm sorry, boss, I didn't sleep well last night, I was a little confused just now!

Let’s leave now, the boss’s home is…”

There was a confused look on his face, and Ding Maochang cursed angrily: "Jiangnan City, No. 128, Jinglan Road, do you forget to go there at least twice a day?"

The driver's face turned red and he kept apologizing, saying that he might have been asleep and had really forgotten.

Ding Maochang stopped caring and waved for him to drive.

Seeing the secretary and bodyguard with splitting headaches and dazed eyes, I believed what Chen Xin'an just said.

They really forgot everything that happened before!

The terrifying and magical ancient Chinese medicine acupuncture!

Ding Maochang turned pale and touched the back of his head. He seemed to feel a dull pain. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand and glanced at the commercial car following behind.

Jiangnan City is also a relatively famous place in Chaojing. The people who live here are the upper class of Chaojing.

A good family background and a decent job are the goals that countless Chaojing people strive for.

There were guards at the door, and Ding Maochang said hello in advance, so he didn't block the commercial vehicle and let it pass directly.

Two cars stopped in front of an eight-story building. Ding Maochang's home was on the second floor of the building.

Every inch of land in Chaojing is valuable, and only plutocrats like Li Guangmin can afford to live in villas and have independent courtyards.

People with Ding Maochang's status need to live in this kind of commercial building.

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