Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2888 The boy who mutilated himself


However, it is not easy to live in such a small high-rise building in Chaojing.

The houses here are more than half as expensive as those in high-rise elevator rooms.

Because every house here is large, Chen Xin'an made a rough estimate and found that Ding Maochang's house is at least more than 150 square meters.

Although the house is large, there are not many people living there.

My wife is a stay-at-home woman who doesn't work. She has two daughters and a son, plus a nanny, so there are only six people in total.

What's more, the eldest daughter is in college and only comes back on weekends.

The second daughter is in high school. She is away during the day and comes home at night.

The younger son is at home every day, but he only stays in his room and rarely enters the living room. The nanny prepares three meals a day, and his mother personally brings them to his room to eat.

Chen Xin'an and the others had just arrived in the living room. Before they could sit down, they heard the screams of a little boy and the sound of smashing things coming from the room next to them.

The nanny was holding the milk and stood at the door helplessly.

Ding Maochang's expression darkened, and he asked the nanny in a low voice: "Are you sick again? When did it start?"

The nanny said in a trembling voice: "An hour ago, the woman was watching a movie with him inside. I don't know why, but she suddenly fell ill..."

Ding Maochang wanted to go in, but he glanced at Chen Xin'an and the others, turned around and came back and said: "Please sit down for a while, I will get the information for you! Meizhu, pour tea for the guests!"

"Okay sir!" The nanny quickly entered the kitchen with milk.

At this moment, the door of the next room suddenly opened, and the boy's roar came from inside: "Get out! I don't want to see you! Get out right now!"

A woman with shaggy hair was pushed out. She staggered and almost fell to the ground.

But the thin young man standing at the door seemed not to notice. He turned around and took a tray, along with the bowls and knives and forks on it, and threw them all hard, hitting the woman!


The door was slammed shut, and the woman collapsed on the ground, hugging her head and crying.

"Enya!" Ding Maochang, who heard the voice, ran over, squatted on the ground and hugged the woman.

Unable to hold back any longer, the woman lay on Ding Maochang's shoulder and burst into tears.

The nanny suddenly ran out of the kitchen and shouted to Ding Maochang with her mobile phone: "The sir is not good, the young master is hurting himself again!"

"Son!" Ding Maochang and the woman exclaimed at the same time and rushed to the next room.

But it was locked inside, and they couldn't open the door even though they tried their best.

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Get out of the way!"

Chen Xin'an was already standing nearby. When Ding Maochang and the woman made way, he walked to the door, twisted the door handle with his hand, and then suddenly pulled it back!

With a crisp click, he actually pulled out the entire door lock!

Ding Maochang and the woman were both stunned, but Chen Xin'an had already opened the door and walked in. He rushed to the window, took away the fork that the young man had stabbed on his arm and threw it aside. He took out a steel needle and stabbed it in The boy's head.

The boy who originally wanted to yell at him didn't even make a sound, his eyes rolled down and he fell down.

"Let go of my son!" Ding Maochang and the woman were all anxious and rushed over desperately.

Luo Xiaoman and Jin Enzai quickly blocked the two of them.

Jin Enzai shouted to Ding Maochang: "Old Ding, don't be excited! My brother Yanjun is a doctor, a very powerful inheritor of ancient Chinese medicine!

He is saving the child, don't get me wrong, you two! "

Ding Maochang and the woman were stunned for a moment, with doubts on their faces.

Chen Xin'an ignored them, hugged the young man and gently placed him on the bed next to him.

The boy had fallen asleep peacefully. Chen Xin'an picked up his injured arm and found that both arms were already scarred, and there were even scars from cutting his wrists!

Frowning, Chen Xin'an turned to Ding Maochang and said, "Is there a medicine box at home? Get it quickly!"

For people like teenagers who often injure themselves, it is impossible not to always have a medicine box at home.

Sure enough, Ding Maochang waved to the nanny behind him, and the nanny immediately ran to the living room and quickly brought the medicine box.

Chen Xin'an treated the wound on the young man's arm skillfully and quickly, and finally bandaged it. Then he stood up and said to everyone: "Go to the living room and let him sleep for a while!"

The woman originally wanted to accompany her son, but Ding Maochang shook his head at her and walked out with her in his arms.

Sitting on the sofa, Ding Maochang said to Chen Xin'an: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for saving my son just now.

Please wait a moment, I will go get the information now! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about the information. President Ding, can you tell me what's going on with Mr. Ling?"

Jin Enzai quickly said to Ding Maochang: "Old Ding, as I said just now, Brother Yanjun is a famous doctor! There are not many opportunities for him to take action. Now I take the initiative to ask you, so don't waste it!"

Ding Maochang was still hesitating, but the woman raised her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Sir, can you really save my son?

If you are really willing to save him, we will give it to you no matter how much you want! "

Jin Enzai snorted coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Sister-in-law, you are a bit underestimated!

Masters like my brother Yanjun are not short of money at all.

He is richer than you! "

"Then what do you want..." Ding Maochang looked at Chen Xin'an with a puzzled expression.

But the woman stood up, knelt down in front of Chen Xin'an, and cried loudly:

"Sir, as long as you can cure my son, I will give you whatever you want!

Even if it costs my life, take it as you please! "

Chen Xin'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she helped her up and said, "Why would I want your life?

You get up first and then talk.

Maybe it’s not easy for you to invite me specifically, but since I’ve seen it, I won’t ignore it.

Failing to save someone is a taboo in our ancient medical tradition.

Sit down first and tell us what happened to your master! "

Ding Maochang breathed a sigh of relief, helped the woman up, and sat on the sofa together.

“Actually, Huanyou was a very smart and cute child when he was in kindergarten and elementary school.

Lively, active, sensible and polite, even the teacher likes him.

But since entering middle school, everything has changed.

At that time, his mother and I were very busy at work and rarely took care of our son.

He always thought that by hiring a nanny to take care of his life, he could sit back and relax.

Later, I saw that he was always injured and his mood became more and more depressed. We did not pay enough attention.

It wasn't until one day when the child's teacher called us that we learned that Huanyou and the other boy had not been in school for nearly a week! "

The woman started to cry, holding her face with her hands, and said through sobs: "We found him at the beach, and he was already soaked through.

We didn't know what the child had been through, but when he came back, we found that he was in a very bad mood. He lost his temper and made a lot of noise when he heard about going to school.

After taking him to the hospital for a checkup, it was discovered that he suffered from severe borderline personality disorder.

In order to take care of him, I quit all my jobs and stayed at home with him.

But after so many years, he has never been reunited..."

Ding Maochang gritted his teeth and said: "Why do children get this disease? I specially asked someone to go to the school to investigate.

Later I found out that the child was bullied by his classmates when he first entered middle school.

This situation lasted for two years!

The child told the school and also told us, but neither the school nor us paid attention..."

At this point, the man, who was already in his fifties, covered his face and cried bitterly, just like the woman.

"If I had cared more about my son at that time, I wouldn't have the result like this!

Although those who bullied my son were punished and the school lost money, they can no longer get my lovely son back! "

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