Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2889 I want to learn kung fu from you


This young man named Ding Huanyou developed borderline personality disorder because he suffered long-term bullying at school.

And it has reached a very serious stage of self-mutilation, which will soon develop into suicide.

Without treatment, the ultimate outcome for the teenager was death.

Chen Xin'an thought of his young apprentice Feng Zhongcheng, who had also experienced this.

But the apprentice was lucky enough to meet him, and now he has become very lively and cheerful.

The young man in front of him was unfortunate. He had no one standing by to protect him or care for him when he needed care the most.

So he had extremely bad self-perception doubts. He not only hated himself, but also hated everyone and this society.

There was a sudden bang on the bedroom door, and everyone was startled. Ding Maochang ran over with the woman, opened the door and saw that the bottle containing disinfectant fell to the ground.

The boy had already sat up and was tearing off the gauze that had just been bandaged on his arm with his hands.

"Son!" Ding Maochang and the woman screamed, trying to rush over to stop him.

Chen Xin'an scolded: "Get out of your way!"

Ding Maochang and the woman stopped, and Chen Xin'an strode to the bed, took the young man's arm and said:

"If your injury is not treated, it will fester. By then it will not just be a simple skin injury, but it may lead to amputation!"

The young man struggled hard and shouted at everyone: "I don't have to worry about you! Who are you? Don't be in my room! Get out, everyone, get out of here!"

Chen Xin'an held his hands and said, "Ding Huanyou, listen. What happened in the past is over. You are at home now. It is safe here..."

Before he could finish speaking, the young man kicked his feet vigorously and cursed at him: "I told you to get out!

Leave me alone, don't have so many people around me!

You all get out of here, I don't want to see anyone! "

Luo Xiaoman kicked the door, glared at the boy on the bed and cursed: "Why don't you tell the difference between good and bad, you kid?

If Lao Chen hadn't saved you just now, I don't know what you would be like now! "

I couldn't control my emotions well with this kick. I kicked it too hard and made a big hole in the solid wood door!

This is embarrassing!

Luo Xiaoman saw everyone turning their heads to look at him, blushing and saying, "What, I'll pay for it!"

Jin Enzai quickly said to Ding Maochang and the woman: "Brother Xiaoman is speaking Chinese, which means he will compensate you for this door!"

The young man was surprisingly quiet, turned his head and looked at the hole in the door, looked at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief and asked, "How did you do it?"

Of course he knows how strong his own door is!

Sometimes he would suddenly feel inexplicably irritable. This room was like a cage, imprisoning him inside, unable to move at all.

So he banged on the door, smashed the door, and even used objects to destroy the door.

But his parents had long been prepared to prevent him from doing this and installed a very strong solid wood door.

His destruction did not have much effect on the door, not even leaving a few traces.

But now, he was kicked out of a hole by this man who spoke Chinese!

Is this guy a strong man?

If I had such strength, I wouldn't have been bullied by those bad classmates back then, right?

Luo Xiaoman was stunned, and suddenly saw Chen Xin'an winking at him, and instantly understood what he meant.

Suddenly there was a high kick, and with a bang, a large piece of the door was broken into pieces!

Not to mention the young man, everyone's eyes widened with surprise.

Chen Xinan rubbed his face vigorously.

This big tiger comparison!

I asked you to come over and talk to this kid to calm him down. I didn’t ask you to kick down his door!

However, the young man was completely attracted by Luo Xiaoman's kick. He stared at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief and asked:

"How is this done? Can you teach me?"

Luo Xiaoman pointed to his mouth, looked at the boy and asked, "Can you understand what I said?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a way!" Ding Maochang shouted excitedly, turned around and ran out.

After a while, he took something like a tablet, handed it to the young man, and said carefully:

"Huanyou, do you remember the learning machine your father bought for you? You can use this to communicate with your uncle!"

Ding Huanyou looked at the learning machine in front of him, and finally reached out his hand and took it.

"He picked it up!" Ding Maochang almost shouted with excitement, and the woman bit her lips tightly, tears flowing down uncontrollably.

In the eyes of others, the boy just picked up a learning machine.

But no one can understand the excitement of being a parent at this moment.

In the past, whenever they saw things like schoolbags and textbooks, their sons would lose their temper and be on the verge of emotional collapse. They asked them to put away all these things and hide them far away.

Now, my son has picked up a learning machine. What a progress!

"You guys go out, I want to talk to him alone!" The young man looked at Luo Xiaoman and said to everyone.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, stood up and said to everyone: "Let's go to the living room and leave it to Aman!"

With that said, he patted Luo Xiaoman on the shoulder, took Ding Maochang and the woman's arms and walked out.

Although he was a little worried, he finally saw an aspect of his son's change. Ding Maochang and his wife closed the door and returned to the living room with Chen Xin'an to sit on the sofa.

The woman wiped away her tears, looked at Chen Xin'an with a pleading look on her face and asked, "Mr. Chen, can Huanyou still be cured?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Heart disease is difficult to cure, but it is also easy. There is an old Chinese saying that heart disease requires heart medicine.

As long as you find the crux and use the right method, it is not difficult to treat it.

My brother may have inadvertently encountered the crux of his son's heartache.

The next step is to follow the master's own thinking and guide him, which should allow him to come out. "

"But Huanyou is emotionally unstable, I'm afraid..." Ding Maochang hesitated to speak.

Jin Enzai laughed and comforted him: "Old Ding, you don't have to worry! Brother Yanjun is a famous doctor, and my brother Xiaoman is not inferior.

Moreover, Brother Xiaoman is a bold and careful man. He looks rough on the outside but very gentle on the inside. He will not treat your son..."


There was a muffled sound in the bedroom, and through the broken door, everyone saw Luo Xiaoman kicking the boy out. This scene shocked everyone!

"Son!" Ding Maochang and the woman exclaimed, trying to rush into the bedroom.

But they found that Ding Huanyou got up from the ground. He didn't look injured at all. He ran quickly to Luo Xiaoman and shouted excitedly:

"That's it! I want to learn, it's so awesome! Can you teach me?"

Luo Xiaoman lay down on the bed, curled his lips and said, "Do you think you can learn this Kung Fu if you want to?

You have to see if I am willing to teach!

Moreover, the inheritance of ancient Chinese martial arts depends on fate, as well as perseverance and perseverance. Do you have these? "

"Yes!" Ding Huanyou nodded vigorously.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at him, snorted and said, "Then tell me first, what are you going to learn this for?"

Ding Huanyou said without hesitation: "Revenge! I want to learn Chinese Kung Fu and not be bullied! All those who bullied me should apologize to me and pay the price!"

"Son, don't say that!" Ding Maochang, who was standing at the door, felt anxious and almost pushed the door open, but the woman grabbed his arm.

He has never eaten pork, but he has also seen pigs running away.

After watching too many movies and TV shows, I know that the most important thing for Chinese warriors is martial ethics.

Before learning martial arts, you must first learn martial arts ethics, that is, you cannot rely on martial arts to defeat others.

If my son says this, there is definitely no chance.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoman laughed, nodded and said, "Okay! You are aboveboard and not hypocritical. You have passed this first level!"

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