Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2891 We must capture this person


Such official wording, Aunt Xiao has now become a professional spokesperson!

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Aunt Xiao, I don't listen to you report good news but not bad news.

I want to know what happened! "

Xiao Cuihua hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth.

“A month ago, there were a number of fraud cases specifically targeting jewelry stores in Kyoto.

The perpetrators are a group of foreigners who used high-tech fake gold to steal money.

Our Anhao Jewelry was almost deceived, but we happened to catch up with the Xiaojiuxun store and exposed it directly.

Unexpectedly, those bastards failed to commit fraud and directly robbed, and shot and wounded Xiaojiu..."

"How is Xiaojiu?" Chen Xin'an interrupted her and asked loudly.

This is someone like Chen Xin'an's biological sister. If Xiao Jiu is really seriously injured, he will give up what he is doing and return to China at all costs!

Xiao Cuihua said quickly: "Don't worry, it's just a scratch! Xiaojiu's arm was grazed by the bullet and was not completely hit.

After five stitches, it will not affect my future life! "

Chen Xin'an breathed a long sigh of relief and asked in a deep voice: "Has the murderer been caught?"

"Not yet!" Xiao Cuihua said: "But the police have identified the suspect and are searching the whole city!

Xiaojiu didn't let us tell you what happened, just because he was afraid that you would worry and distract you!

Now she is in the hospital, and Xiruo is always with her! "

Chen Xin'an said softly: "Aunt Xiao, I understand! You and Aunt Fang have been worrying so much about things at home. I'll go back as soon as I finish my work here!

If there is anything going on at home, don’t hide it from me for fear of affecting me.

This way I will be even more anxious when I find out.

You must inform me as soon as possible and discuss it together. Let's discuss countermeasures together! "

"Okay boss, I understand!" Xiao Cuihua responded, and then the two hung up the phone.

After the information had been transferred, Chen Xin'an walked out of the studio holding the wooden box and said to Ding Maochang:

"Is there a safer place? This thing needs to be hidden, but not in your house!"

"Yes!" Ding Maochang said to Chen Xin'an: "There is a British and Philippine Bank on Dacheng Road. There is a special place for safekeeping of valuables.

You need to open an account and you will be given a private safe deposit box with a password and key that only you have.

I'm very familiar with the account manager of that bank. If I take you there, I can save a lot of account opening procedures. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, let's go there now!"

Just then, Luo Xiaoman also walked out of Ding Huanyou's room, turned to the young man and said, "Remember the conditions I told you?"

After listening to the translation of the learning machine, Ding Huanyou nodded vigorously and said: "Remember! If your weight reaches 100, you will accept me as your disciple!"

I will definitely do it, eat normally, rest normally, and never hurt myself again! "

Luo Xiaoman snapped his fingers and said: "Gude! That's it, I've left you the phone number. When you do it, come to me when you can!"

He walked out of the room and made an OK gesture to Chen Xin'an.

Ding Huanyou shouted from behind: "Mom, I want to eat pork rib soup, I'm so hungry!"

The woman stumbled out of the kitchen and stood at the door of the room. Tears suddenly flowed out and she said excitedly:

"Oh! I'll make it for you now! Wait, my baby, you haven't had the pork rib soup made by your mother for a long time!"

Ding Maochang, who was standing aside, was also pushed by Jin Enzai. He immediately woke up, wiped the excited tears from the corners of his eyes, and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Chen, why don't we eat first and then go out? I want to have a drink with you two!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "President Ding, if you want to drink, we will have plenty of opportunities in the future.

Do business now, otherwise the bank will be closed later. "

After hearing what Chen Xin'an said, Ding Maochang had no choice but to nod helplessly and follow the others out.

Anglo-Philippine Bank is not far from Jiangnan City, only two intersections away.

It was originally a business point set up for the wealthy people of Yudong Chao.

Although it belongs to the Eagle Flag Country, it is not impossible to use it as long as confidentiality work is done well.

Moreover, Chen Xin'an is now in a foreign country and has no better choice.

Having an acquaintance there really saves trouble. Chen Xin'an's identity is fake and naturally cannot be used to open an account, but Jin Enzai's can.

It didn't take long to open an account, get a private safe deposit box, and get the keys and password.

Chen Xin'an put the information inside. The only trouble was that when he wanted to get the information, Jin Enzai had to come in person.

But I don't care about that now. Hide the things first and put them to great use later, and all the trouble will be worth it.

It was already afternoon, and Chen Xin'an asked Ding Maochang to go home, and then took Luo Xiaoman and Jin Enzai back to the machinery factory.

Li Qi and Han Yunmei also came back, and they all entered Chen Xin'an's bedroom to discuss the next move.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the new crossbow arrows that Li Qi brought over.

Luo Xiaoman picked up one, with a look of disdain on his face, pinched it with two fingers, and with a click, the crossbow arrow split into two!

"That's it? Ah Qi, after a long time of hard work, you just made this thing? Isn't it too brittle? It's not as good as the one we used before! The lethality of this one is obviously not good!"

Li Qi smiled and asked, "Brother Man, do you want to massacre the city?"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and cursed at him: "I'm crazy for doing that!"

Li Di nodded and said: "So, this is the crossbow arrow that Director Cui and I improved.

Non-lethal weapons, but powerful enough. "

He picked up a bottle of mineral water that had not been opened yet and placed it on the table. Then he picked up the crossbow with new arrows installed, pointed it at the bottle of mineral water, and pulled the trigger.


The arrow penetrated the mineral water bottle, but its tail got stuck in the hole.

Han Yunmei ran over and took the mineral water bottle with arrows on it and placed it in front of everyone.

Li Qi said to everyone: "Compared with the previous iron arrows, this alloy arrow has a more stable center of gravity and a longer shooting distance.

But it won't be easily fatal unless you aim at the opponent's head at close range.

This is Chaojing. If a fight results in a large number of deaths, the authorities will be punished.

We just need to make more people incapacitated and no longer pose a threat to us.

Moreover, the enemy must spend more manpower, material, financial and energy to place and take care of these wounded, and wear down their logistics, so that better results can be achieved! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, such tactics are very practical on the real battlefield.

Of course, a rough guy like Luo Xiaoman wouldn't understand.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Let Director Cui work harder and work overtime from now on to make 10,000 of these arrows for later use.

Told him I would pay double the previous price.

Li Di nodded and said: "I have already asked him to start production! It will probably be equipped tomorrow morning."

Chen Xin'an said: "I will pay him later. Now let's discuss another important matter first.

I have to get the surveillance of Feiya Villa Club, and I have to get Li Enze.

I want to live because I may need this person later.

But he is Li Guangmin's biological brother, how can we capture him? "

"Forget it!" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "Take him to a place where no one is around, and if he doesn't obey, just do it. Lao Chen, you have so many methods, why are you afraid that he won't give in?

If you can't do it, you still have me. Direct violence is the most effective! "

Chen Xin'an glared at him, shook his head and said, "The Feiya Villa Club is heavily guarded. Even if you successfully kidnapped him, how could you not attract the attention of others?

What we are most taboo about now is to alert the enemy! "

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