Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2892 Going together is too big a goal


The news that the headquarters building of Yaohan Group was burned has spread throughout Chaojing.

Officials initially determined that the suspects were three illegal immigrants from China.

Photos of Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi appeared in major mainstream media.

Chaojing hotels and Chinatowns are strictly controlled and investigated by the authorities.

In fact, not to mention the official suspects of the burning of the headquarters building, even the Yaohan Group itself did not know who the murderer was and did not see it at all.

But this does not affect their use of the official to arrest Chen Xin'an and others.

Anyway, you did it. Even if there is no evidence, I can still let the officials arrest you for me.

This is Chaojing Yaohan's ability.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an and his group are in danger now. Once they are targeted by the authorities, it will be difficult to escape.

To deal with Li Enze, naturally we cannot kidnap him in a high-profile and rude manner as Luo Xiaoman said. We must control the other party without alerting outsiders.

Now everyone has put on some make-up.

After a long illness, he became a good doctor and often wore masks or disguised himself. Chen Xin'an also learned a lot of makeup skills.

Now even if he doesn't wear a mask and doesn't have the level of disguise like Konoha Makoto or Yin Hye Kyo, Chen Xin'an can still make some simple disguises so that no one can easily see his true face.

Now let alone the three of them, even Kim Eun-jae and Zheng Jae-joong have changed their appearance.

It was already dark, and the five of them were sitting at a famous Jingfu BBQ restaurant in Chaojing on Mingji Road, drinking.

The location is on the third floor by the window, diagonally across from the main entrance of Feiya Villa Club.

Several barbecue restaurant employees carried packed fried chicken and beer into the Feiya Villa Clubhouse.

About twenty minutes later, the employees came back. One of them entered the locker room, and soon came out in casual clothes and sat next to Li Qi.

Picking up a tissue and wiping the lipstick on her lips, Han Yunmei whispered to the five people:

“I saw the guy in the photo and he was leaving the clubhouse soon.

There were five or six people following me, and when I came back, they had already gone downstairs! "

Jin Enzai stood up with a roar and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, let's leave now!"

He stood up with too much movement, startling the people next to him.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an and others did not move, Jin Enzai looked anxious and was about to speak, but Li Qi smiled and waved to him, motioning for him to sit down.

As a last resort, Jin Enzai sat down again and asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice: "Aren't you going to pursue me?"

Chen Xin'an gave Li Qi a look.

Li Didi nodded and stood up, Han Yunmei also stood up with him, and they walked out together.

Chen Xin'an said to Jin Enzai: "It's too big a goal for us to go together, just let Ah Qi pass.

Come on, keep eating, our target is not just Li Enze! "

Hearing what Chen Xin'an said, Jin Enzai had no choice but to give up.

What they said is right, everyone's ultimate goal is still the Holy Master.

At this moment, the Saint Master should be on the three-story building opposite.

As long as he can be seen, Chen Xin'an will go find him tonight, no matter how many people are arranged around him!

"Hey, you just touched me!" Jin Enzai was touched on the shoulder.

Turning his head, a strong man stood behind him with an evil look on his face, his face full of provocation.

Behind the strong man, there were several men sitting on either side of the square table, all of whom looked untouchable.

Including this strong man, there were six people at that table.

The common feature is a small crew cut.

All board sizes.

This kind of hair style is so common for Chen Xin'an these days!

Everyone in the Gym Alliance is like this.

After taking a closer look around, I found that there were many tables similar to this one, and they all had the same haircut.

Jin Enzai frowned. When he stood up just now, he did pull his chair back. As for whether he touched the people at the table behind him, he didn't pay attention.

Even if you encounter it, just say it and forget it.

But the guy in front of him looked like he was here to provoke.

Jin Enzai glanced at Chen Xin'an and knew that he couldn't cause trouble now, exposed his identity and caused unnecessary trouble, so he lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry!"

After saying that, he turned around and ignored him!

Unexpectedly, I was slapped on the back of my head by the other party, and the other party's dissatisfied yelling came to my ears:

"Asshole, you bumped into me, do you think it'll be okay if you just say sorry?"

Who is Kim Eun-jae?

The social eldest brother of Guangtian City was also the former helmsman of Yaohan Group.

Being hit on the back of the head by a little ruffian was an anger he had never felt before!

But before he could get angry, Zheng Zaizhong directly held down his arm, turned around and said to the man:

"Sorry friends, my brother accidentally bumped into you just now. Please smoke a cigarette to calm down, let's sit forward!"

Jin Enzai had a gloomy face and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "People from the Gym Alliance!"

Chen Xin'an just glanced at it and didn't look further.

It’s not surprising that people from the gym alliance appear here.

They are a group of thugs trained by the Hermit in Dongchao.

Since the Hermit is currently hiding in the club, it is not surprising that there are people from the Gym Alliance nearby.

This group of people have been looking for trouble for Chen Xin'an since they knew his whereabouts.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman played in more than a dozen gyms in Guangtian City, causing an almost devastating blow to the members of the gym alliance in Guangtian City.

Up to now, most of the local gyms in Guangtian City have been severely damaged, and some have even closed down!

There is no way, the director and the most powerful coach are either disabled or are still in the hospital. How can this gym be opened?

After arriving in Chaojing, Chen Xin'an focused mainly on dealing with the Yaohan Group, but instead neglected the gym here.

But Chaojing is the center of the entire Dongchao. There are hundreds of gyms, so it can be said that there is strength in numbers.

Chen Xin'an fought off one group, but without the hermit's orders, a second and third group would appear.

As long as Chen Xin'an's location is known, he will come regardless of life or death.

Everyone wants to kill Chen Xin'an with their own hands, or anyone around him.

In this way, he gained the favor of the Holy Master and rose to prominence from then on.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an and the Gym Alliance are old enemies, and they will not let each other go easily when they meet.

Now Jin Enzai and the Gym Alliance have also fallen out with each other and openly stood on the opposite side of the Holy Master.

When the two sides meet, they are also fighting, and neither one will let the other go easily.

But are they recognized by these guys now?

Otherwise, why would you be looking for trouble and provocation here?

The strong man slapped the cigarette case out of Zheng Zaizhong's hand and cursed at Zheng Zaizhong: "I don't care about your cigarettes at all. Let the old man apologize to me now!"

Zheng Zaizhong picked up the cigarette case and said with a smile: "He has already said he is sorry, so..."

The strong man pushed his shoulder, snorted and cursed: "What's the use of saying sorry!

Show some sincerity and help us buy the order, then you can apologize! "

"Hahaha!" A table of guests not far away who had a crew cut like them laughed.

One of the men in sportswear said to the strong man with a mocking look on his face: "Zhengxin, your Ivy League gym is not doing well, you were robbed by the holy master, and your dividends were cut off for a whole year.

Are you so poor now?

You can't even afford a meal, so you have to force passers-by to pay for you? "

His companions all laughed.

The strong man's face was gloomy, he looked at the group of people and cursed: "Alai, how do you think your Bird Mountain Gym can be any better?

He was also scolded by the Holy Master! "

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