Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2893 The Gym Alliance that fights against each other


The Gym Alliance is not monolithic.

People in each gym are not convinced by each other, and there is constant friction.

When the Holy Master was away from Dongchao, it was not uncommon for disciples to fight and kick each other out between the gyms.

But when the Holy Master came, he restrained himself for fear of being punished.

The strong man's name is Jiang Zhengxin, and he is the backbone coach of the Ivy Gym.

Ivy Gym was almost delisted and banned because of an accident a few months ago, which injured several students and even caused lifelong disabilities.

The gym alliance headquarters came forward to compensate him, and he was thinking of kicking him out of the gym alliance.

This time the Holy Master came to Dongchao and sent a mission to kill Chen Xin'an.

Ivy Gym also wants to take this opportunity to perform well and win praise from the Saint Master.

I originally thought it would be an easy task, but I never expected that I participated in the mission as quickly as possible, and almost always succeeded. However, I lost troops and generals, and I was so scared that I didn't dare to join the battle in the end!

The Holy Master didn't see them when they were working hard, but they were caught by the Holy Master when they were slacking off in their work.

So the dividend benefits for the entire year were canceled and the curator was replaced.

Ivy Gym was simply hurting people and losing money, almost reaching a desperate situation.

Many coaches in the gym have run away, and the remaining ones are all frustrated and insisting on gritting their teeth.

Of course, Toriyama Gym's A Lai was exaggerating a bit. People in Ivy League Gym couldn't even afford food.

It's just that I've been feeling aggrieved for too long, and I'm all very angry, so I just want to find an outlet.

Jin Enzai met him by chance, and it would have been the same if it had been anyone else.

Zheng Zaizhong took a deep breath, smiled at Jiang Zhengxin and said, "Okay, I'll treat you to a meal and make friends, no problem!

You guys can eat, but this meal is mine! "

Jiang Zhengxin sneered, patted Zheng Zaizhong on the shoulder and said, "You know what you are doing!

But we brothers are not just at this table, but all over here!

Don't you want to make friends?

Are these friends enough? "

While he was talking, more than a dozen people at the three tables next to him raised their heads, looked at Zheng Zaizhong and laughed maliciously.

Alai on the side curled his lips and said, "Jiang Zhengxin, you guys have really taken advantage of me!

What a disgrace to the Gym Alliance!

Just know how to bully honest people. If you have the ability, go find Chen Xin'an and kill him. You can eat barbecue every day until you grow old! "

Jiang Zhengxin looked at Alai with a sullen face and cursed: "It's none of your business, so shut up!

If you don't like it, just put it on for him!

Have you done enough bullying at Toriyama Gym?

Why are you pretending to be a gentleman here?

Pooh! "

"What the hell, what did you say!" A member of Toriyama Gym slapped the table and stood up.

The people from the Ivy Gym also slapped the table and stood up. One person walked up to him, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"So what if I say you?

If you don’t accept it, fight!

Didn't you fight enough last time? "

Jin Enzai glanced at Chen Xin'an, with a sneer on his lips.

Chen Xin'an also smiled slightly, took out a bone the size of a Go chess piece from the dinner plate, and flicked it with his middle finger.

The bone flew out silently and hit the arm of the person from the Ivy Gym who walked to someone else's table.

Immediately, the man's arm was thrown up uncontrollably, and with a slap, he slapped the man whose nose he pointed at just now in the face!

Everyone around was shocked!

Even the attacker himself was confused.

He was just pretending, but he didn't expect to actually fight!

Now the Ivy Gym is facing bad luck, and its manpower is much smaller than before. It really can't stand the trouble!

But this slap made him realize that now he had to do it even if he didn't want to!

Sure enough, after being slapped, the guy roared, grabbed the wine bottle on the table and smashed it on his head!

The companions next to him also took action, holding down the head of the kid who hit him, picking up the bottle and smashing it hard!

When the people in the Ivy Gym saw their brother being beaten, they could no longer hold back. They all stood up and rushed towards the table.

Not to be outdone, the people from the Toriyama Gym also stood up and started fighting with the people from the Ivy Gym!

The third floor of the barbecue restaurant was in chaos, bottles and benches were flying, and miserable howls were heard.

Chen Xin'an had already stood up, raised her chin towards Luo Xiaoman, and looked at the strong man standing not far away, yelling and swearing.

Luo Xiaoman grinned, stood up, walked to the strong man's side, and patted his head.

The strong man who was already angry and yelling at everyone turned his head angrily, glared at Luo Xiaoman and cursed, aimed a heavy punch at his head, and cursed: "Go to hell!"

In Jiang Zhengxin's opinion, even if this punch couldn't kill this blind guy, it was enough to make him lie on the ground for several hours!

But before his fist touched the opponent, he heard a snap and his fist was wrapped by the opponent's palm!

Before he could react, the other party squeezed his fist, pushed it down, and then twisted it up!


His wrist was torn off, and before he could scream, the other party covered his mouth.

Chen Xin'an waved to Luo Xiaoman. Luo Xiaoman understood and dragged Jiang Zhengxin forward.

He picked up the soup for dipping the meat on the table next to him and slapped it directly on the face of the man at the table near the stairs!

The faces of the people at the table who were still smiling and watching the excitement suddenly changed.

He picked up the chair under his buttocks and threw it at Luo Xiaoman.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the shoulder of a gym alliance member next to him, and kicked him in the butt regardless of which gym he belonged to!

The kid ran forward a few steps uncontrollably and threw the person who wanted to hit Luo Xiaoman to the ground!

The entire third floor fell into a melee.

People from the Gym Alliance and innocent passers-by all fought together.

They are all young and energetic, and they don't care about the identity of the other party. They will rush forward with fists and kicks. If they don't knock the opponent down, they will be knocked down by the opponent!

The flames of war quickly spread to the second floor and then to the first floor.

Even the barbecue restaurant security guards who wanted to maintain order joined the fight.

This was originally the purpose of Chen Xinan and others.

They don't target any one, they just stir things up everywhere and bring all the irrelevant people into the war, making the war more intense!

Soon, people in the club opposite also noticed the situation here, and many security personnel began to rush over to check.

Together with the people from the Gym Alliance, beat up those passers-by.

This time it stirred up a hornet's nest, and all the passers-by and diners in the barbecue restaurant united to attack the people from the gym alliance.

The gym alliance, which was already at a numerical disadvantage, quickly retreated and ran towards the clubhouse.

Chen Xin'an and the others mingled with the crowd and rushed into the Feiya Villa club together.

Because of Tribute Day, the club is now temporarily open for business.

Except for very distinguished guests, general business is no longer accepted.

So on the surface it is open for business, but in fact there are no customers.

Those who came here were all members participating in the tribute day, and everyone else was blocked outside.

If Chen Xin'an wants to get in, she must find a way.

Since Jiang Zhengxin has come to your doorstep, don’t let this opportunity go to waste!

However, he did not let Jin Enzai come in with him, and only brought Luo Xiaoman with him.

After all, the person he has to face may be a hermit. If Jin Enzai meets a hermit, he will probably die!

His mission outside is to rally his brothers.

Once Chen Xin'an is sure that the hermit is here, he will immediately notify Jin Enzai.

At that time, Jin Enzai's people will storm the Feiya Villa Club.

Every time, the hermit sent people to take the initiative to hunt Chen Xin'an, but this time it was him who took the initiative!

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