Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2915 You always look down on me

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were many more vehicles on the streets of Chaojing than usual.

The official personnel who had set up traffic jams at various intersections seemed to have left in an instant.

But the streets were not only not deserted, but seemed to be more lively.

Li Qi pointed to a gas station in front and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, the appointment is over there!

They were so close that they should have arrived early! "

Chen Xin'an glanced outside and said to Li Qi, "Okay, let's go over there and leave as soon as we get the person!"

The car drove to the gas station and drove around but saw no one.

Everyone was a little surprised. Li Qi picked up his mobile phone and made a call, "Yunmei, didn't you say you were here early?"

We've arrived, why didn't we see you?

The fried chicken restaurant next door?

Brother Minyong hasn’t eaten enough yet?

Okay, let's go there now! "

After hanging up the phone, Li Qi glanced around, pointed to a fried chicken restaurant not far away and said helplessly to Chen Xin'an

"They are all eating over there, let's go over there!"

Jin Enzai smiled and shook his head and said, "This uncle really doesn't treat me badly!

In this situation, he still dares to sit here and eat fried chicken in such a big way!

If the Saint Master's people really saw it, they would be able to surround this place in a few minutes! "

Chen Xin'an also sighed and said to everyone, "Since everyone is here, let's go over and prepare more food to take to the boat!"

Everyone nodded, and Li Qi drove the car to the entrance of the fried chicken restaurant.

It wasn't meal time, but there were quite a few guests inside.

Han Yunmei and the Liu brothers and sisters were sitting at a table in the corner. The table in front of them was filled with barbecue and fried chicken, as well as beer and drinks.

The three of them ate enough food for six or seven people. Liu Minyong's face was full of oil. He waved excitedly after seeing Chen Xin'an!

"Mr. Chen, come over and eat together. It's so delicious!"

People came over.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone, "You

Let's wait here for a while, I'll buy some food to take with me on the way! "

After he left, Li Qi frowned and asked, "Yunmei, didn't I tell you not to show up for too long?"

Han Yunmei pointed at Liu Minyong with a look of helplessness and said, "Brother Minyong said that he is not afraid of you. He has to eat before he can escape, so he brought me here..."

Jin Enzai said to Liu Minyong impatiently, "Are you full? If you are full, leave quickly! Don't waste everyone's time!"

Liu Minyong sucked his fingers and said to him, "No! You don't even know what kind of life my sister and I lived in Shanshui Cave!"

After eating Chinese cabbage for several days, I almost vomited!

After finally coming out, why don’t I reward myself and supplement my nutrition?

Even if I don't think about myself, I still have to take good care of my sister!

Look at how thin my sister has become in the past few days.

She is going to become the wife of the chairman of Xinghai Group, so there can be no mistakes! "

Jin Enzai cursed impatiently, "I don't care about you so much! Leave quickly, I don't know what's going on now?"

The streets are full of Saint Masters. If he discovers us, we will be in trouble!

You just know how to cause trouble to everyone if you can't do anything right!

Let’s go or not. If not, leave him here. Let’s go! "

Liu Minyong's face turned red, he glared at Jin Enzai and said, "Who are you scolding! I'm just hungry and have something to eat. Is it wrong?"

Why do you always target me?

Where did I make trouble for everyone?

I didn’t say I wouldn’t leave. I’ll leave when my sister is full. Why have I delayed everyone?

Anyway, Mr. Chen is here, so what are you afraid of? "

Jin Eun-jae was so angry that he raised his arms and wanted to slap him. Liu Min-yong was so frightened that he quickly held his head with both hands!

"You useless piece of shit! If you don't use your shit, you've got a lot to do!

I, brother Yanjun, value love and righteousness and refuse to abandon you as a burden.

I don’t have that much patience to wait for death here with you!

If you really want to eat, just eat it here and take your sister with you to find a way back to Guangtian! "

In front of everyone, he accused him like this, and Liu Minyong turned pale and couldn't bear it!


He slapped the table, stood up, and said to Jin Enzai, "I knew you always looked down on me!

I don’t need you to look down on me!

When I was working for Mr. Chen, you didn’t even know where I was!

Without me, Mr. Chen wouldn’t even have a foothold in Dongchao!

Without me, Mr. Chen wouldn't be able to avenge his brother or take that truck of goods from the Xinghai Group!

I have helped him so much, why don't you ask him to wait for me and let my sister and I have enough food?

What have you done for Mr. Chen?

Why do you look down on me and call me a waste? "

Jin Enzai snorted coldly, looked at Liu Minyong with disdain and said, "You are such a waste!"

Liu Min gritted his teeth bravely, but Liu Zhiyan grabbed him, shook her head and said, "I'm full, let's go!"

Han Yunmei also stood up and was about to leave when Chen Xinan came over with two large bags of things and said to the two girls

"You get in the car first! Ah Qi, Boss Jin, you send the three of them to the car!"

Li Qi turned his head and glanced, then whispered to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, is there something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You must have been watching the three of them for a long time, waiting for us to come!"

When he went to place his order, Chen Xin'an glanced at the tables next to him where customers were sitting.

Some people have already eaten all the food in front of them, leaving only a pile of garbage, but they have not cleaned it up.

And it seems that the time is not short, and the sitting position is also very clever, blocking Liu Minyong and the other three people at the very back.

No wonder there were many guests during the meal. It turned out that they were all here to monitor these three people.

It seems that they knew that the three of them were going to meet up with Chen Xin'an, so they kept waiting here. When Chen Xin'an showed up, they immediately called for reinforcements!

Since the target is Chen Xin'an, let the Liu brothers and sisters and Han Yunmei leave first.

But before everyone could start, there was a sound of motorcycle horns outside.

A large group of motorcyclists stopped in front of the store. People wearing helmets and black leather jackets with machetes in their hands walked into the fried chicken store!

The people at the service desk all hid with pale faces and closed the door to the kitchen.

Jin Eun-jae kicked Liu Minyong in the butt and scolded him, "Why don't you admit that you are a waste!"

He just knows how to cause trouble for everyone, but he has been targeted for such a long time without knowing it!

If you are still eating leisurely here, okay, then you can continue eating and I will eat you to death! "

Liu Minyong's face was pale, and he knew that he was in trouble. He had no way to refute. He just pulled Liu Zhiyan behind him with trembling hands, and he also took several steps back.

Chen Xin'an put the two bags in his hands on the table, turned around and looked at the motorcyclists who came in.

There were about thirty people, plus those who were already monitoring the fried chicken restaurant, there were about forty people in total.

Just through the window of the fried chicken shop, you can see the continuous flow of motorcycles and cars on the road.

There were already cars parked in front of the fried chicken shop. Countless people got off their cars and crowded at the door. They were not in a hurry to come out and just surrounded the fried chicken shop.

I can’t count how many people have come. Looking out from the fried chicken shop, there are all black heads outside!

It is simply impossible to get past so many people and get back to the Mercedes-Benz!

Liu Minyong was trembling all over and kept talking.


I'm really sorry to everyone!

I didn't know it would be like this!

We can't escape this time! "

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