Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2916 I don’t allow you to pretend to be better than me


Without too much nonsense, a big battle started instantly!

Fortunately, although there were many people on the other side, they had no firearms, not even pistols.

Except for machetes and steel pipes and iron rods, they are all the most common cold weapons.

And I didn’t see the shadow of the Holy Master. Could it be that the Holy Master didn’t come over?

Instead, a man wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses stood on the bar and said to Chen Xin'an in the crowd:

"Chen Xin'an, my name is Zhang Shangyu.

The fourth among the eight direct descendants of the Holy Master!

You must remember this name, remember that you died in my hands, and come to me for revenge in the next life!

Are just a few Chinese flies worthy of Master’s trouble?

How many senior brothers also want to take the credit?

Go ahead and dream!

I alone am enough! "

Luo Xiaoman kicked the thug in front of him off the ground, flew backwards, and bumped into a group of companions!

Taking this opportunity, he rushed out, targeting the guy named Zhang Shangyu!

Seeing someone rushing toward him at an unstoppable speed, Zhang Shangyu didn't show any panic on his face. He just watched coldly as the person knocked away several people blocking him and came to him.

Luo Xiaoman was about to attack Zhang Shangyu, but he reached out to stop him!

"You are no match for me!

My sword will not kill unknown people!

Zai Xi, you come to deal with him, I have only one opponent, Chen Xin'an! "

A giant man next to him, almost two meters tall, responded, turned around, opened his arms, and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman like a tank!

Luo Xiaoman's lungs were about to explode!

I actually made people look down upon me!

Seeing the giant man rushing over, Luo Xiaoman turned around and kicked him, hard on the giant man's chest!

Unexpectedly, this kick is enough to knock others away, but it is completely useless to the giant man!

The opponent just puffed up his chest and received the kick from the front, knocking Luo Xiaoman back, leaving him unscathed!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shangyu showed a look of disdain on his face, stopped several of his men who wanted to rush forward to help, and said with disdain:

“It’s enough for Jae-seok to deal with such an opponent by himself!

It's so weak that I can't even get interested!

You go deal with the man with the knife and leave Chen Xin'an to me! "

Everyone responded and rushed into the crowd.

At this moment, the giant man beside him let out a shrill scream and knelt heavily on the ground, covering his crotch with both hands, his eyes rolled white and his body trembled.

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, looked at the giant man and cursed: "I thought you had so much meat here!"

As he spoke, he swiped sideways and kicked the giant man in the head!

The giant man's head shook back and forth quickly like a rattle, his eyes rolled white, his upper body fell forward, and he fell to the ground with a thud, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Zhang Shangyu's expression changed, and he yelled twice at the giant man. Seeing that he didn't respond, he raised his head and looked at Luo Xiaoman and cursed:

"You bastard, you don't have martial ethics!

It's a pity that you are too weak to be my opponent, otherwise I will kill you! "

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Zhang Shangyu and cursed: "You pretender, who allowed you to be so good at pretending?

Your master wouldn't dare to say such stupid things when he saw me, so who are you! "

Zhang Shangyu couldn't understand Luo Xiaoman's words at all, but looking at him like this, he knew he must be swearing.

He snorted coldly and said with disdain: "A little person like an ant is just Chen Xin'an's ghost!

It will be your misfortune to meet me, I will make you regret that you were with the wrong person!

But you, a weakling like you, don’t need me to do it myself.

There are plenty of people around me who can kill you!

Minjue, come..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Xiaoman had already rushed forward and attacked the opponent's front door with a flying kick!

This guy can jump pretty high!

Zhang Shangyu's face was gloomy and he cursed at Luo Xiaoman: "You really deserve to die!

I said you are not worthy to be my opponent, and you are not qualified to die by my sword!

Why do you keep pestering me?

Even if I kill an opponent like you, there will be no sense of accomplishment!

My goal is only..."

While speaking, he also kicked me.

It is impossible for him to dodge and take half a step back from such an opponent's attack!

The two people's feet met in the air, and there was a muffled sound. Zhang Shangyu felt that he had kicked an iron pillar, and his right leg was slightly numb.

He shook his right leg, looked at Luo Xiaoman with somewhat surprised eyes and said, "You actually still have some strength and didn't get kicked down by me.

However, although there is some strength, it is not much.

You are not worthy of letting me draw my sword. Since you only want to die, I will help you!

You like using your legs, right?

I will kick you to death and satisfy your demands! "

Luo Xiaoman slipped his feet and rushed forward again, yelling: "I'll kick you to death for being a fake!

I won't allow anyone who can pretend better than me to exist! "

With a loud shout, Luo Xiaoman kicked Zhang Shangyu violently with both feet.

Zhang Shangyu, who was originally a top master with a black belt in Taekwondo, is naturally familiar with leg skills.

Faced with Luo Xiaoman's attack, he immediately counterattacked. Not only did he catch every move, but he also took advantage of the opportunity to gain credit!

Both of them leaned back and moved their legs so quickly that the people next to them couldn't see the attack trajectory of their legs at all, and could only see an afterimage.

Envy appeared on everyone's faces.

The leg skills of these two people are really strong!

Being able to train their legs to such a superb level shows that these two people are very talented in kung fu!


The two kicked each other and separated again, taking a moment to breathe.

Zhang Shangyu's forehead was already sweating, and his breathing was a little rapid. The look in his eyes when he looked at Luo Xiaoman lost the contempt he had just now.

"Yes, no wonder you dare to come to your door to ask for death. Sure enough, there are still two things!

You don't have to pretend, I know you are more tired than me.

Such an opponent is worthy of dying in front of me.

But don't worry, I still won't draw the knife.

Because my sword is very picky, it only drinks Chen Xin'an's blood.

Even with just my legs, I can kick you to death.

Because I've found your weakness.

Your leg skills are good, but the most fatal thing is that you have no strength at all!

Your legs are so weak! "

After saying these words, Zhang Shangyu shouted angrily: "I won't play with you anymore, go to hell!

Let you see what the strength of a super black belt in Taekwondo is! "

He ran for two steps, then suddenly turned his body and jumped into the air!

His feet were like big windmills, carrying all the strength of his body, and smashed hard against Luo Xiaoman's head!

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and cursed: "My legs are weak? Do you really think that this is all I have for you? Then you have to watch out!"

His right leg suddenly kicked out like lightning and hit Zhang Shangyu's legs directly!


With two crisp sounds, Zhang Shangyu, who was flying towards him, fell back again, fell to the ground with a plop, curled up into a ball, hugged his legs, and let out a shrill scream like a beast.

Only then did everyone realize that his legs had been kicked off!

Luo Xiaoman turned his ankle, looked at Zhang Shangyu who was screaming on the ground with disdain, curled his lips and cursed:

"What a bullshit super black belt, so vulnerable to a third level internal strength warrior!

A player like you still has the nerve to show off in front of me?

Playing with my legs, you are just looking for waste! "

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhang Shangyu forced himself to sit on the ground, holding the handle of the knife at his waist with his right hand, and wanted to draw the knife.

Luo Xiaoman didn't give him a chance at all. He rushed towards him and kicked him on the right arm, breaking his shoulder blade directly.

Just when he screamed loudly, he kicked him on the head again!

Zhang Shangyu's screams stopped suddenly, and he looked at Luo Xiaoman with bleeding from his orifices.

Then his head drooped and his body fell heavily to the ground!

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