Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 289 The old man is very evil

For Chahongtu, he has never been as afraid of a person as he is now!

The guy named Chen Xin'an in front of him was even younger than his son in terms of age, but he had a crushing advantage over him in terms of both skill and brains!

This time I really failed! And there is still no way to resist or escape!

Chahongtu has now recognized the reality and simply gave up his previous plan.

If you still think about running away, you may not even be able to eat lunch.

After taking three bricks, stacking them up and placing them on the ground, Chen Xin'an sat down casually and asked Chahongtu: "What organization are you? Who appointed you? Where do you come from?"

Chahongtu stood aside honestly and said simply: "The project leader of the Predator Armed Company is Mr. Yu.

The headquarters is on Black Hawk Island. From Black Hawk Island, we first went to the Outer Harbor, and then flew over from the Outer Harbor. "

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at him and said, "What is the relationship between Lu Bowen and you guys?"

"Cooperative relationship!" Chahongtu said to Chen Xin'an: "He provides us with funds and other necessary help, and we solve some problems for him."

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at him and said, "What is your mission?"

Chahongtu took a deep breath and said: "At any cost, get the core technologies and products on the list! Especially the red-heart companies."

"Who is Red Heart Enterprise?" Chen Xin'an asked with a frown.

Chahongtu said word by word: "Hongfeng Electromechanical, Haigang Manufacturing, Liangmao Liquor Industry!"

Chen Xin'an: "..."

There is something wrong with your sister!

Liangmao Company is just a developing enterprise that has just exceeded tens of billions in value, and it is also a wine seller. Why are you stealing technology with a red heart? Is there anything worth stealing?

"Who the hell gave the order?" Chen Xin'an was so angry that she really wanted to find the person behind him, pinch his neck and ask, what on earth were you thinking?

He is not afraid of anyone coming to trouble him. As long as he is not afraid of death, go ahead!

If one comes, I will pack one, if two come, I will pack a pair!

If you don't fight, you will find teeth all over the ground, and you won't know why the flowers are so red!

But labeling Liangmao Company as a red heart and a priority target of care is totally outrageous!

Doesn't this increase his workload in disguise? Not only does he have to keep an eye on Ning Xiruo, but he also has to be on guard against anyone scheming against the company!

Can his ideal still be out of sight? Can we still have those happy days when our son-in-law was just waiting to die?

It’s strange that Chen Xin’an isn’t popular!

Chahongtu shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know who assigned the task. We just accept the task, get the deposit, perform the task, and receive the balance. This operation is over.

All communications during this period were made by Mr. Yu who contacted and coordinated with us over the phone. We had never met him in person.

We don't care about the rest, they don't care about how to complete the task. "

Chen Xin'an looked into his eyes and said nothing.

What a waste!

I don’t know this or that, so what use do I need from you!

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Chen Xin'an's face, Chahongtu was really afraid that this guy would kill him in a rage, so he quickly said to him:

"I'm not useless! Most of the missions that the predators are currently conducting are related to China.

There are three of us from Haidong and six from Kyoto. I can help you find them! "

Chahongtu looked at Chen Xin'an proudly and said, "I have been with the Predators for five years, so I can be considered a relatively senior player!

If you want to know about the Predators, I can tell you all about them!

I am much more useful than Lu Bowen and others.

That bastard is just a collaborator of the Predators. He doesn’t know anything about the company!

We won't tell him any of the more confidential things.

This idiot just gives us money and uses a protected name in our company.

They are just insignificant ants. It doesn't matter whether they live or die.

Therefore, I am the most useful to you! No one else can replace it! "

"Uh!" Chen Xin'an nodded as if he suddenly understood, and then said to Cha Hongtu in an understatement: "Actually, I have no interest in your predator company..."

Chahongtu's expression was stiff and he looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes.

Is this person sick? I'm not interested. Why are you asking for such details?

Does this mean that he will inevitably die in the end?

"Mr. Chen, if you can let me go, from now on, I will be loyal to you and become your most loyal slave!"

In order to survive, Chahongtu lost all shame and integrity and knelt down directly in front of Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an said with a look of disgust: "You can pull me down! With your appearance, you are willing to betray anyone's appearance just to survive!

You are ruthless and greedy for profit. For money, you will do anything. In order to survive, you will betray anyone! "

Chahongtu blushed and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm not that kind of person!"

Can this person also read faces? Do you think he is this kind of person? Whose disciple is this?

The bad old man is very bad, and his calculations are so accurate!

Chahongtu looked guilty and looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of grievance.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to him, frowning as she pondered what Cha Hongtu had just said.

It would actually be a good idea to place an internal agent of one of his own within the Predator, but he could not guarantee this guy's loyalty.

Got it!

How to deal with Bakumba Dazhui at the beginning, and now use the same method to control Chahuntu, it is the same!

"Do you want to live?" Chen Xin'an asked, looking sideways at Chahongtu.

Upon hearing this, Chahongtu felt happy, as if a ray of sunshine suddenly appeared in the dark room!

Knowing that the opportunity had come, he quickly nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "Yes! As long as you give me a chance, I will do whatever you want! Follow Mr. Chen's instructions!"

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the head and cursed at him: "What are you ordering! If you want to live, you have to spend money to buy your life. Isn't this a matter of course? Why don't you understand any rules?"

"Understood!" Chahongtu raised his arm carefully.

Chen Xin'an scolded him angrily: "The needles on your body are already up! You can run away at any time now, of course, only if you think you can run away!"

In a flash of thought, Chahongtu decided that he must not run away. In front of this guy, he had no chance of winning!

He said to Chen Xin'an respectfully: "Mr. Chen, please give me a phone number and your account number. It only takes less than five minutes for five million to be deposited into your account!

Just think of this as money to buy my life, okay? "

"How much?" It was Chen Xin'an's turn to look shocked and asked Chahong Tu with wide eyes.

Chahongtu smiled slightly and slapped him: "Five million! It's all yours!"

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Chahongtu, patted his shoulder and said: "Old Cha, I can see your face clearly, you belong to the Five Elements Queba!

If your eyes are useless, please donate them to those in need, thank you!

How do you know that I am short of five million?

There is a person in Tailan named Ba Kun, do you recognize him?

He provoked me and was almost killed by me. How much do you think he spent on his life?

Five hundred million eagle dollars!

You are a great old man. If you give me five million, it will all be mine?

What do you mean, is your little life worth sharing with someone else? "

Chahongtu was so frightened that his legs went weak!

This guy is an insatiable Pixiu!

Five million dollars is of no value to him. If he wants to survive, he will have to bleed heavily!

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