Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 290 You Are the Worst

What really frightened Chahongtu was that he knew Bakun and was a good friend!

He also heard some time ago that Ba Kun was unlucky enough to offend a Chinese person he couldn't afford to offend, and almost lost his entire fortune!

He never expected that the Chinese that he couldn't afford to offend would now be in front of him. Now it was his turn to live out the nightmare that Ba Kun once had!

"Mr. Chen, I just made a joke, my life is not that cheap! I am actually rich, and I am willing to pay a high price for my own life, certainly no less than Ba ​​Kun!"

Is the title International King of Thieves for nothing?

Over the years, not relying on the tasks assigned to him by the plunderers, but just from the business behind the King of Thieves, the wealth he has accumulated is far greater than that of Ba Kun, who is just trapped in the small country of Tailan to make money!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly, snorted and said, "Really? It depends on your sincerity! This is your last chance, otherwise I will let you stay in this broken brick factory forever!"

By the way, your friend Jin Dazhu is buried outside here. If you are willing to keep him company here, I can help you! "

In another brick kiln, Lu Bowen threw the empty bowl on the ground and broke it into pieces. He looked at Guan Qi, Mu Fan and others in front of him and cursed:

"You have no right to talk to me! I am the vice president of the National Chamber of Commerce!

I am even a member of the Kyoto CPPCC!

I am also a member of the International Federation of Entrepreneurs!

Even the police have no power to arrest me. Who do you think you are? Dare to touch me?

I want to see the police!

Who of you dares to stop me?

Believe it or not, I made life difficult for any of you? For those who offend me, you will never be able to stand up again for the rest of your life! "

Lu Bowen is afraid of Chen Xin'an, but not others.

At this moment, while Chen Xin'an was not here, he immediately started making trouble, trying to suppress the group of people in front of him and find an opportunity to escape.

At this moment, Hua She ran over, and Guan Qi asked: "Brother Qi, where has Mr. An gone?"

Guan Qi frowned and said to him: "Didn't you go over there to find the thief king? Isn't he here?"

"He's not here, I didn't see him!" Hua Snake patted his thigh and said, "The key is... that thief king, he ran away!"

"Ah!" Guan Qi, Mu Fan and others were all shocked.

Mu Fan shouted in shock: "How is that possible! Didn't Mr. Chen give him an injection?"

Hua She said with a helpless look: "Is it too late? Mr. Chen never went over, so the thief king..."

As they were talking, Chen Xin'an came over with his pants lifted and cursed at everyone: "What are you all doing?"

Mu Fan asked him: "Mr. Chen, didn't you just go to Chahongtu?"

"I haven't gone yet!" Chen Xin'an complained with a dissatisfied look on his face: "I had diarrhea after eating noodles this morning, so I went outside to solve it! Let's go over now. What are you arguing about? What's wrong?"

Hua She said anxiously: "That Chahongtu just ran away!"

"I'll go!" Chen Xin'an also panicked and said to Guan Qi and Mu Fan, "Let Hua Snake stay here and let's go take a look!"

Everyone responded and ran out. Only Hua She and his brothers were left here, looking absently at Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei next to them.

"Traitor!" Lu Bowen looked at Hua Snake angrily and cursed: "I gave you so much money, and you betrayed me! Even if I have a dog, I know it will be loyal to me, and you dogs are not as good as you!"

Hua She walked over and kicked him in the stomach, scolding him: "Fuck you!

Who are you? Do I know you? What a traitor, do you think 20,000 yuan can make me loyal to you?

The 20,000 and 30-year-olds are doing errands and running errands. They only get 20,000 yuan, including food, drinks, driving, and gas. How much do you think each person can get?

The key point is that you didn’t say you were competing with Mr. An!

You said it in advance, let alone 20,000, even if you give me 200,000 or even 2 million, I won’t do this job! "

"That's right!" The boy next to him came over and kicked Lu Bowen, and cursed at him:

"You're such a damn old man, I've never even seen you!

You've been hiding behind and gesticulating all day long, and you don't even have the confidence to show up. How can you have the nerve to call us traitors?

For an old bastard like you, it would be a good thing if I didn't kick you to death! "

Another boy scolded him: "Look at how miserable you are now, what qualifications do you have to make a fuss here!

Old man, try to survive. Do you really think Mr. An doesn't dare to kill you?

who do you think You Are? "

Hua She snorted with disdain and said to the two younger brothers: "Gouzi, Bai Tiao, ignore this old guy, he won't live long anymore!"

Lu Bowen was so angry that he was shaking all over. With his status, when had he ever experienced such bird anger!

But he also understands that he is now a dragon swimming in shallow water, and a tiger has fallen into the sun, and he has to swallow his anger!

He looked at the three people in front of him, snorted coldly and said: "That guy named Chen won't be able to jump for much longer! Once Chahongtu gets a chance, no one can stop him from running away!

You guys underestimate the name of the International King of Thieves! Do you really think you can call someone else out by yelling?

You have underestimated the organization behind him too much. Once revenge begins, even a hundred Chen Xin'an will not be enough to kill him!

I warn you, it’s not too late for you to abandon the darkness and turn to the light!

Once the organization behind Cha Hongtu settles accounts with you, everyone who follows Chen Xin'an will be in big trouble! They will all die!

Boy, I'll give you 200,000 yuan, if you let me go!

When those foreign killers come to Dongshan to settle accounts with Chen Xin'an, I'll speak for you and save your lives! "

"Give me 200,000 yuan and let you go?" Huashe looked at Lu Bowen with a mocking face and cursed: "You can't even afford a fried dough stick now, where did you get 200,000 yuan? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Lu Bowen was a little embarrassed. He got angry when he mentioned this. He turned his head and cursed at Gan Meimei: "Bitch! Give me back my card!"

"You are a bitch! Your whole family is a bitch!" Gan Meimei, who always obeyed him, was like a different person at this moment, and cursed him tit for tat:

"I serve you wholeheartedly, sacrificing my body and dignity.

But what the hell did I get in return? You old bastard actually wanted me to take the blame for you!

You are really going to burn bridges after crossing the river to destroy my old lady!

Originally, if you had stayed with me, I would have returned the money to you when you got out!

I didn't expect that you, an old bastard, would have done such a thing! I won't give you a penny! "

Lu Bowen was so angry that his face turned blue. He pointed at Gan Meimei and cursed: "You bitch who is ridden by thousands of people and oppressed by tens of thousands of people!

You wait for me. If I return to Kyoto, the first thing I will do is to kill you and make you unable to turn over for the rest of your life! "

"How dare you! How can you talk to your aunt like that!" Gan Meimei pinched her waist and glared at Lu Bowen and cursed:

"This time when I go back, I will become your fourth aunt. From now on, you are the junior! Do you understand? You are the junior! "

Lu Bowen almost vomited blood. He pointed at Gan Meimei and trembled as he cursed: "You stinky and shameless vixen!

I said that something was wrong between you and Lu Siqiao. Sure enough, you hooked up behind my back! You actually cheated on me! I'm going to kill you right now!" Gan Meimei laughed, looked at Lu Bowen with a sneer on her face and cursed: "A man in his seventies is more powerful than you, Lu Bowen, what use are you! Do you think this is the only cuckold? I have slept with all the senior executives on your company's board of directors, no matter whether they are old or young? Lu Bowen, you are the worst one! Do you understand? The worst, you are not a man at all!"

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