Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2969 Even if it’s a gift for me, you still have to give me money

It has to be said that when it comes to exploring paths, the Soldier King of Patrol Eagle is the most professional.

From the Chao Ya Bank to the National Bank, all the main trunk roads, all the auxiliary roads, even the alleys and surrounding buildings are drawn carefully and clearly.

This is more detailed and easier to understand than satellite maps.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an, "I estimate that the escort team will take this Jingchuan Avenue and pass under the Fuguang Overpass tomorrow.

Because this is the most accessible and safest way.

Moreover, the street is relatively far from the shops on both sides, so it is relatively safe!

Chen Xin'an looked at the map and nodded.

Li Qi scratched his head and said with a look of self-blame, "I just don't know who will be responsible for escorting tomorrow and what their firepower is.

Without this information, the unknown dangers we would face when taking action would be too great!

Boss, otherwise I will go at night..."

"No need!" Chen Xin'an quickly waved her hand and said to him, "As long as we have the route.

The escort could probably guess that they were nothing more than security guards from the banks on both sides.

I contacted it today and their security guard uses a special gun.

I don’t know what model it is, but I can draw it! "

Han Yunmei handed over a pen, and Chen Xin'an drew on the whiteboard the appearance of the guns on the security guards she saw today.

Of course, he has no talent for painting, so the things he painted can only be said to be similar.

However, Li Qi still recognized it and said to him, "This is a Dongchao civilian loose gun. It fires a single bullet. It is very powerful, but it takes time to reload."

In fact, the Dongchao escorts are the same as the Chinese ones, and most of their weapons are for deterrence.

I don't think the Eagle Flag Country has a real military standard, because people there are accustomed to grabbing this! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, this was indeed the case.

Pointing to the map, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi, "Tomorrow we will share a car with each other and use the things left by the pigeons to deal with the people who opened the way first.

When the escort vehicle stops, I will get in the vehicle and leave. You can help me deal with the pursuers!

Then we'll meet here! "

Chen Xin'an took out her phone, pulled out the map, and after zooming in, showed Li Qi a place.

Li Qi's eyes widened and he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, but he didn't ask any more questions and immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

"What about me? What do I do?" Han Yunmei asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said to her, "Yunmei, your mission tomorrow is a bit dangerous!"

"I'm not afraid!" Han Yunmei raised her chest seriously.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her, "Tomorrow morning before going to work, you have to wear a mask and go to Chaoya Bank.

Then immediately go to Zeshen Port, find a camera and show yourself a few times, then immediately return to your original appearance and find a place to hide.

You need to discuss a place to meet with Ah Qi, and then he will go back to pick you up, and we will meet together at the place we arranged.

Don't let anyone catch you.

Whether it's the police, Miya Musashi's people, or even gold thieves! "

"Okay!" Han Yunmei nodded vigorously.

The three of them were not in a hurry to rest. After dinner, they returned to the room and continued discussing some details.

Seeing that it was already getting late, the three of them took a shower and went to bed.

In the early morning, Chen Xin'an brought breakfast to Li Qi and Han Yunmei. The three of them sat at the dining table to eat together. Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi

"I've prepared the motorcycle, it's in the underground parking lot b3109.

You first send Yunmei to Chaoya Bank for a walk, and then send her to Zeshen Port.

After coming back, I went to Chaoya Bank and called me when I saw the escort vehicle. "

"Okay!" Li Qi wiped his mouth, stood up and said to Han Yunmei, "Yunmei, let's go!"

He didn't ask how Chen Xin'an got the motorcycle. For the boss's skill, if he wanted to ride a motorcycle, even without the key,

It's a very easy thing.

Of course, the boss usually doesn't bother to do that. Spending some money to rent one or buying it directly is actually more convenient and hassle-free.

Han Yunmei's face turned pale, she took Li Qi's arm and said, "Master, I'm a little nervous!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi laughed at the same time.

Li Qi said to her, "It's normal! Try to take a deep breath. If you can't control it, forget it. You stay here. I did the same thing in the past!"

"No, I must act together with you. I am not a waste that holds everyone back!" Han Yunmei took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi seriously.

Chen Xin'an walked to her side with a smile and said softly, "Don't move!"

With a stinging pain, a silver needle was inserted into Han Yunmei's head.

Chen Xin'an said to her, "This needle can suppress your nervousness. You tie your hair in a bun and hide the pillow in your hair. Be careful not to touch it."

When you come back tonight, I will help you take it off! "

"Okay!" Han Yunmei nodded and immediately went back to the room to tidy up.

Three minutes later, she came out with a bun, smiled at Li Qi and said, "Master, let's go!"

Li nodded, told Chen Xin'an, and left with Han Yunmei.

Chen Xin'an turned around, walked to the whiteboard, looked at the route map drawn by Li Qi, and remained silent.

It was already past nine o'clock in the morning, and Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Bu Xianting calling.

"I have arrived at the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel. Where are you?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "I'll be down soon, wait a moment!"

I walked out of the room, entered the elevator, and went all the way down to the second floor. I drove the car I rented yesterday and walked around to the hotel entrance!

Bu Xianting looked very coquettishly in a beige windbreaker and stood under the rain-dropping eaves of the hotel, looking at his mobile phone as if he was impatient.

Chen Xin'an honked the horn and waved to Bu Xianting, who turned to look over.

Bu Xianting turned around and walked over, standing in the car

There was no movement in front of the door.

What do you mean?

Was he asking Chen Xin'an to open the car door for him?

This guy has a lot of airs!

Chen Xin'an ignored him at all.

Bu Xianting stood for two minutes and saw that Chen Xin'an didn't move. He opened the door angrily and sat in the back.

Chen Xin'an started driving and said to Bu Xianting, "Secretary Bu, there is a bag next to it. It is for you. Open it and take a look!"

Bu Xianting picked up a bag next to him and took out a gift box wrapped in colored paper.

I unpacked it and took out a box from it. When I opened it, I couldn't stop smiling!

"My friend, are you too polite?

Everyone is just talking, just kidding, why did you really give it to me! "

Chen Xin'an also smiled and said, "I'm afraid Secretary Bu won't like this style.

Because it was promised to be a gold watch before, but now it is a business watch..."

"This one is the best! No gold watch!" Bu Xianting quickly waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an

“The gold watch is too vulgar and conspicuous, so I don’t dare to wear it even if I keep it. This one is fine, it’s low-key and shows off your status. It’s great!

By the way, how much? I have to pay you back! "

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face, "What are you talking about, Secretary Bu! What's the point of paying for a gift for you? Isn't it something you bought yourself?"

Bu Xianting said with an upright face, "Mr. Chen, you may not understand me or the official situation of Dongchao.

Even if it is a gift to me, I still have to pay for it.

It's been like this for so many years, I never take other people's things for free!

Otherwise, the anti-corruption department will cause trouble for me!

This is 10,000 Chao Yuan, please accept it!

Please don't get me wrong, this is not a blasphemy to our friendship, it's just that I have to do this, otherwise I dare not accept this gift! "

Your uncle!

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes vigorously.

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