Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2970 I feel relieved with your words

Ten thousand Chao Yuan converted into Chinese currency is just over fifty yuan.

The strap of this watch costs almost 10 million yuan.

Why don't you give me the money? If it were someone else, I would have slapped you!

Chen Xin'an endured it several times before she could bear it.

In fact, it wasn't that Bu Xianting was deliberately humiliating him.

They just have to go through a procedure to prove that they paid for the watch and did not accept bribes.

A trick to fool the anti-corruption department.

Chen Xin'an reluctantly accepted the 10,000 yuan and turned the steering wheel to cross the intersection.

Bu Xianting was like a child who got his favorite toy, lowering his head and constantly playing with the watch.

After a long time, he raised his head, looked outside and asked, "Where are we going now?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "I have to find a better place to have a good meal! Secretary Bu, we agreed that we won't return until we get drunk!"

Bu Xianting laughed loudly, shook the watch on his wrist and said, "I know now that Mr. Chen is a man of his word!

But it’s okay to drink, but you don’t want to get drunk, right?

I have a day off today, but I have to catch up on a piece of information when I get back, which I need to hand over to the office for urgent use tomorrow!

Why don't we just find a place to have something to eat and just chat. I'm still very interested in Mr. Chen's investment.

I have also checked Mr. Chen’s information. He is also a great entrepreneur in China. I think if Mr. Chen can invest in projects in Dongchao, it will definitely be a win-win result! "

Chen Xin'an was not surprised at all that Bu Xianting was investigating him, and he knew very well that his disguised identity could not be concealed from others.

After all, he is the number one secret of Dongchao, and the person standing behind him is the leader of Dongchao!

Their intelligence department is not just for nothing!

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Bu Xianting, "If you want to find a place, I will let Secretary Bu eat at the restaurant of the Four Seasons Hotel.

But is that kind of place worthy of Secretary Bu's status?

So be sure to choose a high-end place

Fang, and must enjoy fine wine, so that he can talk about business with a person of Secretary Bu’s status! "

A lot of flattery has never been worn, but when this set of rainbow farts was photographed, the corner of Bu Xianting's mouth was grinning to the base of his ears!

He laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Since Mr. Chen has already made a plan, I will just do as he pleases!

There are quite a lot of high-end restaurants in Chaojing. Just choose according to Mr. Chen’s taste. I’m free! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said nothing more. She just drove the car and kept circling under the Fuguang Overpass.

I don't know how many times he turned around, but Bu Xianting seemed to feel something was wrong. He glanced outside and asked Chen Xin'an

"Mr. Chen, it seems like we've been going in circles here?

Let me see where this is. Why does it feel so familiar? "

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang, and it was Li Qi calling.

"Boss, come out! Black Leden bulletproof vehicle.

The people responsible for the escort should be bank security.

There was a one-two-three escort formation, but there were two people on the motorcycles, and there was an armed off-road vehicle behind it, with at least four inside.

There were two people in the bulletproof vehicle.

We are almost at Fuguang Overpass now! "

Chen Xin'an responded, "I know! Act as planned!"

After hanging up the phone, Bu Xianting in the back seat asked, "Mr. Chen, who are you talking to on the phone? What's going on as planned? What are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an forgot that this person could also understand Chinese, but it didn't matter.

Now that he's on the pirate ship, it's not up to him to decide whether he can get off or not!

"Don't worry, Secretary Bu, I have arranged a surprise for you with my brother, but I can't tell you yet!"

Upon hearing this, Bu Xianting looked at the watch on his wrist again and suddenly laughed.


Look at you, doing these things again!

I don’t even know what to say to you!

No need, really no need.

We are all friends, but it made me feel a little embarrassed to make it so formal and grand!

Mr. Chen, is there anything you want me to help with?

It doesn't matter, just ask, I will never refuse! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "Secretary Bu is bright! With your words, I feel relieved!"

Therefore, friends like Secretary Bu will not be made in vain. I am willing to spend any amount of money! "

When Bu Xianting heard this, he couldn't close his mouth. He looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "What's for nothing, how tacky!

The most important thing in making friends with me is heart-to-heart communication. Money and gifts are just too cliche! "

Chen Xin'an nodded vigorously and said to Bu Xianting, "So as a friend, I have to remind Secretary Bu to fasten your seat belt?"

"What?" Bu Xianting hadn't adapted to Chen Xin'an's brain circuit for a while, so he said with a smile, "It's okay, it's not fast, and we're not in a hurry, there's no need..."

Before he finished speaking, the car suddenly roared and its speed suddenly increased!

Bu Xianting suddenly leaned back on the chair, frowned and said, "Mr. Chen, what are you doing? Why are you driving so fast all of a sudden?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Here comes the surprise for Secretary Bu! Let me remind you again, Secretary Bu had better fasten your seat belt, otherwise I can't bear to hurt your precious body!"

Bu Xianting began to fasten his seat belt in a hurry, complaining, "Mr. Chen, there is no need to be so impatient!

What kind of surprise, why should we rush over in such a hurry?

We are not in a hurry, we...

ah! What are you going to do?

There's a motorcade in front of it, it's the bank's escort vehicle! "

Amidst Bu Xianting's horrified shouts, Chen Xin'an drove his car directly into the escort convoy!

The so-called one-two-three formation is one vehicle in front, two vehicles behind the escort vehicle on the left and right, and three vehicles at the end.

The three cars in front are motorcycles, the three cars in the back are off-road vehicles, and the left and right are motorcycles.

Chen Xin'an rushed over with his car. The motorcycle leading the way was startled. When it was about to hit him, the rider twisted the handlebar to avoid it!

This is equivalent to Chen Xin'an driving the car directly into the black bulletproof car!

Before the motorcycles on both sides could react, there was a loud bang and the two vehicles collided head-on!

The car Chen Xin'an rented, even though it was intended for off-road use and had a bumper on the front, the front of the car was flattened!

The windshield in front of him was completely shattered. Chen Xin'an quickly unbuckled his seat belt, took out a mask from his body, and put it on his head.

Then he jumped directly onto the hood, carrying a travel bag from the passenger seat.

Opening her travel bag, Chen Xin'an took out some colorful small bottles and threw them at the person next to her!


There was a sound of glass shattering, and a large amount of smoke began to spread around the car.

The motorcyclists all got down, loaded their bullets, and were ready to shoot, but as the smoke rose, they couldn't even see the target. How could they fight?

What frightened them even more was that when they smelled the smoke, all their strength seemed to be sucked away.

Although the brain can still stay awake, the body is gradually losing control!

Luo Qianhe made a lot of medicine before leaving.

These things in small bottles can be said to be all kinds of weird and useful for everything.

Some are healing, some are refreshing.

But the most common one is this kind of anesthetic smoke used to anesthetize people.

He was afraid that his life would be hanging by a thread when his senior brother appeared in Inca again.

When you are alone and facing the siege of many people, weapons are not of much help. This thing is the magic weapon to save your life!

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