Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2971 A man’s mouth is deceptive

So before Luo Qianhe left, he made a lot of these things and left them all to Chen Xin'an.

Now, these seemingly inconspicuous gadgets come in handy.

Before the people around him could resist, they all fell to the ground one by one.

Bu Xianting, who was still sitting in the car, was completely stunned, and he was still in a state of confusion.

Chen Xin'an had already taken advantage of the smoke to run to the driver's seat of the bulletproof car and opened the door!

Oncoming was a dark gun barrel, pointed directly at his head!

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Xin'an tilted her head fiercely!

At the same time, a loud gunshot almost shattered Chen Xin'an's eardrums!

There was a crashing sound behind him. No matter what he hit, Chen Xin'an grabbed the barrel of the gun with his backhand and pulled hard, but it didn't move!

The people outside were hit by the smoke, but the people in the car were not affected. This is why they were able to shoot Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the barrel of the gun with her left hand, took out a short knife with her right hand, and stabbed the driver fiercely!

The co-pilot wanted to help and aimed his gun at Chen Xin'an's head, but because the driver was blocking him, he didn't dare to shoot.

The driver felt that he was finished. He grabbed the gun with both hands and had no way to avoid the knife!

But just when he closed his eyes, the other party's knife was pressed against his chest.

The next second, his body suddenly relaxed, and the other party cut his seat belt with a knife and pulled him out of the car!

At this moment, the co-pilot finally found an opportunity and aimed his gun at Chen Xin'an.

Unfortunately, before he could shoot, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and threw the short knife away!

The blade of the knife grazed the man's forehead and penetrated the car wall behind him with a pop.

While he was stunned, Chen Xin'an grabbed the barrel of the gun and snatched it away!

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an shouted with a straight face.

The person in the passenger seat didn't hesitate at all, hurriedly unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out of the car.

He is just a small security guard, without even a formal establishment, and with a pitiful monthly salary,

It’s really not enough to make him fight hard!

Chen Xin'an didn't get in the car immediately. She turned around and walked to the car she drove in. She opened the back door and got in.

Bu Xianting, who was in the back seat, realized what he was doing and wanted to run, but was restrained by his seat belt and couldn't move.

Too frightened, he shouted heartbreakingly, "Who are you? It has nothing to do with me! I didn't hit him, I was just a hostage held by him!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "Secretary Bu, don't be afraid, it's me! Come on, I'll take you to dinner!"

Only then did Bu Xianting realize that it was Chen Xin'an, but his expression became even more frightened, and he struggled to say

"Chen Xin'an, what are you doing! Robbery of a cash transport truck is a capital offense in Dongchao!

I won’t go to dinner with you, and I’ll give this watch back to you!

I don’t know you, please don’t hurt me!

How could Chen Xin'an listen to his rambling here? She directly opened his seat belt, dragged him out of the car, carried him all the way to the bulletproof car, and stuffed him into the passenger seat!


Chen Xin'an got into the driver's seat and closed the door.

After starting the car, he stepped back two meters, turned the steering wheel sharply, bypassed the car in front, and turned out.

The performance of this bulletproof vehicle is very good, and the impact of the impact just now was just that it stalled.

This car is similar to the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country that I got before, except that the car cannot be driven out because it is easy to find out Chen Xin'an's identity based on the license plate.

Looking at the unfamiliar face in front of him, Bu Xianting asked tremblingly, "You, why are you like this? What do you want to do?"

There was a road surveillance camera in front. Chen Xin'an pointed his face in the direction of the camera, then turned his head and smiled slightly, and said lightly

"Secretary Bu, you don't need to ask any more questions, I promise you will be fine!"

Bu Xianting became anxious, glared at him and cursed, "You promise? How can you promise?"

Do you know what you are doing now?

Rob the cash truck!

Do you know how serious this crime is in Dongchao?

You damn thing, you actually tied me up and did this together, you damn thing framed me..."

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Secretary Bu, it's not true for you to speak like this!

I didn't tie you up, you opened the car door yourself and got on the car!

There is surveillance at the entrance of the hotel! "

Bu Xianting was speechless.

Now he finally came to his senses, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed, "You set a trap for me from the beginning! .??.

That's your purpose, right?

Any apology or investment cooperation is all fake!

You're using me to do these things!

You really deceived me! "

While driving, Chen Xin'an said aggrievedly, "Secretary Bu, if you say that, I will be sad!

When did I cheat on you?

Did I say I gave you a watch?

If I say I’ll treat you to dinner, I’ll definitely treat you to it. Let’s go later!

I am sincere to you and will never tell lies!

Because we are friends..."

"Fuck your damn friend, I don't even know you!" Bu Xianting cursed angrily.

"Don't take me with you when you commit a crime! I've only met you twice this time!"

Chen Xin'an pouted and cursed angrily, "It's really the mouth of a politician. You are a liar. I can't believe it at all, you scumbag!"

Bu Xianting "..."

With a scream, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned the steering wheel to the side.

A motorcycle was already chasing him. The security guard behind the rider knew that shooting would not cause much damage to the car, so he simply put the gun on his back and grabbed the door with both hands.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned a corner, and the front of the bulletproof car directly knocked the motorcycle away!

Looking at the road behind, the motorcycle fell apart after rolling around for a few times, and the rider flying out, Bu Xian

Ting's face turned pale!

"What are you doing! Don't kill anyone. I don't want you to die!"

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "Don't worry, there are no obstacles around the stretch of road just now, and there is also a pile of sand after construction. It is possible that the person on the motorcycle will be injured, but he will not die!"

Bu Xianting pulled the car door hard and said, "Let me get out of the car, I won't go with you! I have nothing to do with this! You are looking for death!"

Chen Xin'an stretched out her right hand, making a gesture of invitation, and said to him, "The door handle is over there, let me unlock it for you.

You can get out of the car if you want, but let me remind you that if you jump out of the car at this time, your chance of surviving is no more than 50%.

Even if you survive, there is about a 90% chance that you will suffer a broken leg, arm, or even a head injury and become a vegetative state! "

Bu Xianting's face turned pale, he glanced at the fleeting scenery outside, closed his eyes in pain, and murmured, "Why do you want to hurt me like this?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "I don't know whether it will harm you or not! Secretary Bu, this matter can't be done without you!"

As long as you sit still and stay still, I can keep you safe.

Moreover, it won’t have much impact on your work. If it does, that’s a good thing! "

Bu Xianting looked like he was more sad than his heart was dead. He slumped in his seat and murmured, "I don't believe what you said anymore!"

I don't do anything, it has nothing to do with me!

I believe the authorities will investigate clearly and clear my name!

Chen Xin'an, I will report you and tell you all your crimes!

I don’t want this watch anymore, I’ll give it back to you!

I'm warning you, stop the car and surrender immediately, otherwise you will not end well! "

Horns kept blaring outside. Bu Xianting glanced at the rearview mirror and said in a trembling voice, "Many cars! Many cars are catching up! Chen Xin'an, you can't escape, surrender quickly!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and drove the car very calmly, as if he didn't take the pursuing soldiers behind him seriously at all.

Seeing a Hyundai speeding up, Bu Xianting was about to remind Chen Xin'an to dodge, when suddenly a motorcycle rushed from the front and hit the Hyundai head-on!

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