Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2972 ​​These rats can't escape from my grasp

Where did this person come from who is so unafraid of death?

The modern car, unlike the motorcycle just now, moved to the side to avoid it.

It didn't even dodge, it just hit it!

But when the distance between the two sides was only five meters, the motorcycle suddenly made a sharp turn and veered to the left of the Hyundai!

Before the driver could react, a bottle hit the windshield!


The bottle shattered into pieces, and the paint inside instantly stained most of the windshield red.

The driver of the Hyundai car couldn't see the road ahead clearly and hurriedly braked!

But the car following behind was unlucky. It had no time to react and was hit on the butt with a bang!

Li Qi rode his bicycle and passed by a modern car.

I have to say, the boss is really good at handling cars.

Although this red lightning is not a heavy-duty vehicle, its speed and agility are almost to the extreme, making it perfect for traveling on complex roads!

Under the body, there are a row of card slots on the left and right.

On the left were five or six bottles containing paint and aerosols.

On the right side are mounted crossbows and arrows.

Li Qi rode past Hyundai and came face to face with a row of motorcyclists.

He has already seen that these are not escorts, but property guards who are following them secretly.

No one thought that someone in Dongchao would dare to attack the escort vehicle.

Because the safety features of today's escort vehicles are so perfect that even using explosives to open the back compartment won't work!

Even if the car is snatched away, it will be useless. The car body has its own tracking and positioning. No matter where the car is hidden, as long as the positioning system is still there, the police will be able to find it quickly.

Before you can get the back compartment open, the police have already arrived, which means you spent a lot of effort to snatch an iron lump!

Who would do such a thankless thing?

Today I encountered it, and someone really did it!

Originally, these secret escorts thought they were just going through a formality today, but they didn’t expect that they actually encountered them.

Someone took action against the escort vehicle.

These people no longer hide and all come out.

There is only one purpose, to stop that bulletproof car!

They are all personal thugs of the major chaebols, and most of them are disciples of Miya Musashi!

A considerable part of the gold in the car was Miya Musashi's life savings.

In order not to expose the true ownership of the gold, he cooperated with Hong Shitai's order and transferred his property to the National Bank.

But he was worried about his safety, so he sent someone to escort him secretly.

Now that he saw someone hijacking the gold truck, he was the most nervous person!

Several guards sitting on the back of the motorcycle drew their knives and rushed towards Li Qi.

The moment the two sides approached, three knives slashed at Li Qi at the same time!

Li Qi, who was riding a motorcycle, threw two bottles on the ground before the two sides crossed each other, and then suddenly leaned back, as if his whole body was lying on the car!

There was a cold light in front of his eyes, and the blade of the knife passed by the tip of his nose.

Immediately, there was an exclamation from behind, two thick clouds of smoke rose up, and the front was completely white, and nothing could be seen.

There were harsh braking sounds and collision sounds, and several motorcycles collided together in the smoke. With a bang, I don't know whose car was the unluckiest. The fuel tank exploded and a ball of fire rose!

Li Qi turned around and took a look. Someone ran out of the smoke in a panic, and there were two or three bald heads among them!

People from Haiyan Temple!

Then you're welcome!

Li Qi crashed into the motorcycle next to him. The two men wearing helmets on the car all drew out their machetes and increased the accelerator to hit it.

But just as their car was about to accelerate, Li Qi's car had already rushed forward!

Li Qi raised his hands, squatted half-crouched, and pressed back!


The front of Se Lightning's car was raised high, and it hit the opponent's rider with the force of a mountain, knocking him and the car to the ground!

The thug behind got up and wanted to rush over. Li Qi landed on the front of the car and spun on the spot, sending the guy flying away!

Ignoring the two people on the ground, Li Qi increased the accelerator and kept pace with the motorcycle next to him.

There were about twenty or thirty motorcycles in this motorcycle team, as well as six cars, and they pulled back and forth for almost a kilometer.

Li Qi was alone in a car, weaving in and out, not giving the opponent a chance to shoot, and not afraid of them approaching and attacking with a machete.

As long as the opponent doesn't use car and sea tactics to force him to a stop, he will be able to handle it even if he is surrounded!

In the traffic control hall, a group of people gathered around the big screen, watching the road chase scene that was going on!

"Stop!" A person who looked like an official shouted to the operator next to him, and the screen immediately stopped.

The official said solemnly, "Go back five seconds!"

As the scene receded, the escort truck filled with gold appeared on the screen.

What was photographed at this moment was the front of the car. Through the windshield, the driver sitting in the driver's seat could be clearly seen.

And it’s an unobstructed frontal look!

"Zoom in!" the official ordered again.

The screen was enlarged, and the driver's face was clearly shown in front of everyone!

The official squinted his eyes and said, "Send this photo to Chaojing Police Station immediately and search for this person's information. Hurry!"

The operator next to him said, "Report to Chief Jin, I have met this person. We have information here. We also received a joint investigation report a few days ago. He is a member of the gold thieves!"

Soon the operator retrieved the information from the computer and displayed it on the big screen.

All the information about that person appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the information of the motorcyclist was also locked, and he was also a member of the gold thieves.


The gold thief! "Chief Jin punched the table hard and ordered his subordinates with a livid face.

"Send this information to the police and let them do it! President Sun, that's all I can help!"

A red-faced man nodded and said to him, "Thank you, Chief Jin! Next, we will have to trouble Director Yuan! Our Chaoya Bank cannot afford this loss!"

The bald man beside him snorted and said to him, "Don't worry, Mr. Sun, these little mice can't escape from my grasp!"

There is a positioning system in the car, so even if they grab the car, it will be useless..."

Before he finished speaking, a woman wearing a police uniform came over in a hurry and wanted to speak in Director Yuan's ear.

Under normal circumstances, Director Yuan would have wished her to do this, and he would have enjoyed it very much.

But now, surrounded by respectable people, this move was too ambiguous. Naturally, he would not let others take control of him. He shrank back and said with a frown.

"What are you doing! If you have anything to say, feel free to say it, there are no outsiders here!"

The policewoman said to him helplessly, "Report to the director, we have lost the authority to monitor the escort vehicles!"

"What?" Director Yuan's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he cursed at the policewoman, "You're talking nonsense, right?

We are using the most advanced tracking and positioning system in the world. How could we lose it?


He couldn't speak anymore because he had already thought about the possibility.

That means the other party destroyed the tracking system!

He was bragging just now, but he was slapped in the face in the blink of an eye. Director Yuan's face was burning. He had never felt so embarrassed as now!

In a roaring tone, he shouted to the policewoman, "No matter what method you use, reconnect me immediately. If you can't find the location, all of you in the information team will be punished!"

The policewoman pouted and left, wondering why she was angry with us. It was not our information team that damaged the equipment!

Others have destroyed it, what can we do?

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