Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2986 He just wants you to die

Squatting beside Kong Zaifeng's body, Kong Zhenjing made no sound, just picked up Kong Zaifeng's head and held him in his arms.

The people around him didn't dare to show their anger, and they didn't even care about the gunshots that rang out nearby.

Everyone is wondering what the captain will do.

I don't know how long it took, but Kong Zhenjing gently laid his brother's body flat and slowly stood up.

Then he suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Wang Jixing's head!

"Captain, what are you doing!" Ping Hengjun asked in shock.

Wang Jixing raised his hands and looked at Kong Zhenjing in horror.

At this time, Kong Zhenjing pointed the gun at Ping Hengjun's head again, and cursed with red eyes, "In order to grab credit, you actually killed my brother! I want you to pay for it with your life!"

Ping Hengjun also raised his hands and said to Kong Zhenjing, "Captain, we did not kill Kong Jae-feng. He was already dead when we came!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Kong Zhenjing gritted his teeth and cursed as he looked at him and Wang Jixing.

"My brother has been here for so long and he hasn't caught anyone yet. You two came in less than twenty minutes ago and you caught one?

My brother must have caught this guy. You two were unwilling to let him take the credit, so you shot him!

Say, who fired the shot?

I want you to pay for my brother's life!

If you don't tell me, I will beat you all to death! "

"Captain!" Others also felt that Kong Zhenjing's behavior at this moment was irrational, and wanted to come over to persuade him.

Kong Zhenjing threw his arm and cursed at everyone, "Shut up! It's my brother who is dying now. If it were your family, would you do this?"

Everyone was speechless and did not dare to step forward for fear of irritating him again.

Kong Zhenjing stared at Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun with a pair of bloodshot eyes and said

"Everyone in the team knows that you have a bad relationship with my brother!

This time you felt that he had taken your credit again, so you killed him, right?

r\u003eTell me who fired the shot! "

Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun didn't say anything because they had already seen that Kong Zhenjing had simply lost his mind.

Even if you tell him the truth, he won't believe it!

The two of them didn't explain at all, they just looked at Kong Zhenjing coldly.

Seeing the two people staring at him so fearlessly, Kong Zhenjing was even more furious!

He gritted his teeth and glared at the two of them and cursed, "Okay, don't tell me, right? You think I don't dare to shoot? I will avenge my brother now!"

Ping Hengjun turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "Kong Zhenjing, the bureau will not let you go!"

Wang Jixing closed his eyes and said coldly, "Brother An will never let you go!"

"Go to the damn bureau! Go to the damn Chen Xin'an!" Kong Zhenjing yelled.

"This is a complete conspiracy!

You guys work together to get rid of my brother, don’t think I don’t know anything!

I'll kill you two first, and then I'll kill Chen Xin'an to avenge my brother! "

He gritted his teeth and prepared to pull the trigger with a ferocious expression!

At this moment, a cold light passed by, and Kong Zhenjing screamed as if he was stung by a bee, and dropped the gun in his hand!

Looking at his right hand, there was a steel needle stuck in the tiger's mouth!

A voice came from behind the crowd, "Kong Zhenjing, I thought that although you were selfish and willful, overall you were a good policeman.

Now I realize that you are really sorry for this outfit! "

Wang Jixing opened his eyes, and Ping Hengjun shouted in surprise, "Brother Ang!"

The others looked nervous and suddenly raised their guns and pointed them at Chen Xin'an.

However, Chen Xin'an acted as if he didn't see it and walked straight to Kong Zhenjing.

Looked at him coldly.

Kong Zhenjing gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed, "Chen Xin'an, you designed to kill my brother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an swung his arm and slapped him hard on the face!

Kong Zhenjing was furious. Regardless of the inconvenience with his right hand, he clenched his left fist and wanted to rush forward!

But Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance at all. She slapped him with a big mouth backhand, then kicked him in the stomach. Before he could get up, she punched him in the chin again!

"Stop!" Several alternate prosecutors pointed guns at Chen Xin'an.

But Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun raised their guns and aimed at them.

"I advise you not to mind your own business, this has nothing to do with you!"

"If anyone dares to shoot, I won't be polite!"

Several alternate prosecutors looked at each other, somewhat reluctant to step down.

After taking a look at the other members of the anti-smuggling team, although they all had guns, they didn't dare to point at Chen Xin'an, so they lowered their arms and took a step back.

This matter has not been clarified to begin with, but there is a high probability that Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun did not kill Kong Zaifeng. It is impossible for them to ignore their own future and dare to avenge themselves.

And whether it would be possible to get to the bottom of things just by testing the bullets on Kong Zaifeng's body.

But Kong Zhenjing didn't give him a chance to test, so he asked his two subordinates to pay with their lives!

This is a serious violation of regulations, and someone was wrong first!

In addition, who in the anti-smuggling team doesn't know what kind of fighting ability Chen Xin'an is?

If they really dare to take action, they won't be able to leave here alive tonight.

Chen Xin'an was not polite and beat Kong Zhenjing until his face was covered with blood. Then he stopped and looked at him coldly and asked, "Calm down? I'll show you something when you calm down!"

He turned his head slightly and said into the headset, "Aqi, let Yunmei send the video!"

After a while, his phone vibrated.

take out

Lai opened a file that had just been sent, handed the phone to Kong Zhenjing and said, "Read it yourself!"

Kong Zhenjing didn't bother to wipe the blood stains on his face, but subconsciously took the phone and stared at the video screen.

It was a scene shot from a high place, and it recorded the entire process from the time his brother entered International City to the time he was shot and died.

After watching the entire video, Wang Jixing said to Kong Zhenjing, "Captain, you can see now that your brother was beaten to death by those killers!"

Kong Zhenjing glared at him and shouted angrily, "Do you think I'm stupid? Or have I been a police officer for so many years in vain? This is not a bullet fired from the perspective of those killers!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and cursed, "Were those shot from Axing and Xiaojun's guns?

Were they still on the road at that time?

Sitting with you, in front of you, across the carriage, traveling dozens of kilometers to beat your brother to death? "

Kong Zhenjing was speechless.

Regardless of whether they are those killers or not, Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun cannot be the murderers!

Kong Zhenjing gritted his teeth and cursed, "You can't escape responsibility!

Why didn't you say anything about the chaebol killer coming?

You are deliberately plotting to let my brother die! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "Did I ask your brother to come? He took the credit for himself and lost his life. You blame others?"

Kong Zhenjing looked at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and said, "So you made the move to get the two of them to die. My brother is just a poor scapegoat, right?"

Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun's expressions changed, they glared at Kong Zhenjing and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, don't slander Anger!"

He didn’t know what was going on inside, he just wanted to tell us about a good opportunity to catch the gold thief! "

"Do you want to sow discord between us? Kong Zhenjing, I didn't know you were such a vicious person!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at Kong Zhenjing and said, "I knew the chaebol killer was coming, I just didn't tell them on purpose!"

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