Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2987 You killed your brother with your own hands

Wang Jixing, Ping Hengjun and others were stunned and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Kong Zhenjing laughed crazily, pointed at Chen Xinan and said to Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun

“Look, he admitted it himself!

This is your good big brother, he just wants you to die! "

Chen Xin'an raised the corner of her mouth, showing a hint of sneer and said, "I don't even want you to come, just let the two of them come! .??.

But you still came!

This opportunity was originally given to the two of them, but you benefited from it for nothing.

You are so ungrateful that you want to kill them. Are you a white-eyed wolf? "

Kong Zhenjing had already bent down with laughter, looked at Chen Xinan with contempt and said

“You want to trick the two of them into committing suicide, and you also say it’s an opportunity given to them?

Can you catch those gold thieves with just the two of them?

Even if they were lucky enough to catch those people, how could they take them away safely in front of those killers?

Do you think those killers are all made of wood?

They will die worse than my brother! "

Wang Jixing cursed angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, An Ge'er won't let us die!"

Kong Zhenjing looked at him with contempt and said, "You are still so stupid at this time, you really deserve to die!

I don’t even look at those two moves of yours. Why do you think you can escape unscathed from those killers? "

"Just because I asked them to come, no one can hurt them while I'm here!" Chen Xin'an looked at Kong Zhenjing coldly and said

"Since I arranged this matter, I will definitely take responsibility for them to the end!

Do you know why I could see your brother being killed?

Look up, above your heads! "

Everyone followed his words and looked to the heights.

Soon, it was a little confusing at first. I didn’t know what Chen Xinan wanted everyone to see.

But when Chen Xin'an shook his arms, everyone finally saw that there were faint red dots flashing above the iron tower, and there was someone there!

Chen Xinan is cold

Looking at Kong Zhenjing, he said, "If I hadn't stopped you just now, you would have been dead when you pointed your gun at Axing and Xiaojun!

There are my snipers above, and every move of everyone here is under my control!

Whoever I say falls down will fall down within two seconds.

Do you want to give it a try? "

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an actually arranged a sniper here, and everyone's expressions changed.

The iron tower was modeled after the Phil Eiffel Tower in France, but in a smaller scale, only thirty meters high.

However, it can be regarded as the tallest building in this international city.

As long as you lie down on it, you will have a panoramic view of the entire International City.

What's more, Han Yunmei also equipped the kc13 with night vision and thermal imaging.

Everyone below is within the sniper range, and Chen Xin'an is really confident to say such a thing.

Such a height radiates to the entire International City. With Li Qi's marksmanship, he can really hit wherever he goes!

"It was the guy above who beat my brother to death!" Kong Zhenjing seemed to have just come to his senses, raising his head and looking at the top of the tower with gritted teeth.

Chen Xin'an kicked him to the ground, snorted coldly and said, "Kong Zhenjing, you don't need to frame me!

You want to know who killed your brother?

I tell you, it’s you!

It was you who killed your brother! "

"You're talking nonsense!" Kong Zhenjing sat on the ground and shouted angrily, "I only have this younger brother. I give him the best. He is the only person I care about. How could I kill him?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "Then who asked him to come here?"

"I..." Kong Zhenjing was speechless.

Chen Xin'an continued, "Who is dawdling again, dragging the journey that should have taken forty minutes to one and a half hours?

Who made him underestimate the enemy so much that he only brought these novice colleagues here?

Who made him develop such a bad habit? Even when performing such a task, he still had the leisure and elegance to flirt with beautiful women, leading to him being kidnapped?

Who allowed him to show off his ridiculous background like a fool after being captured, and still think he could control the enemy? "

Kong Zhenjing was stunned. Thinking of his usual indulgence and indulgence towards his younger brother, he was filled with self-blame.

Chen Xin'an put her mouth close to Kong Zhenjing's ear and said coldly, "Captain Kong, if it wasn't because you wanted your brother to steal the credit, what happened next wouldn't have happened..."

"Why are you doing this?" Kong Zhenjing looked pale and looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "You can obviously save him, why don't you take action?"

Since he can record the scene of his brother being killed, he can shoot and save his brother!

But the other party didn't, and instead watched his brother being beaten to death!

"Why should I save you?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a joking expression and said, "Am I familiar with you? Am I familiar with your brother?

The opportunity I left for my two little brothers was taken away by you brothers. I would be polite if I didn't destroy you with my own hands.

Even if he was beaten to death, it was his own fault. Why should I take action?

Kong Zhenjing, you and I are not friends, let alone your brother!

I, Chen Xin'an, don't have that much kindness, and I'm not a chivalrous person. Why should I take risks and do unimportant things to save people I hate?

It was you, not me, who killed your brother. Why should you put the responsibility on others? "

Kong Zhenjing screamed and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The internal injuries from Chen Xin'an's violent beating just now, coupled with the anger and anger, made him a little unable to hold on!

Seeing his decadent look, Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "Forget it, I'll give you a clue once we meet each other.

The person who shot your brother was a new character.

Others call him Hughes, he should be the boss of the gold thieves


This man has very strong actual combat ability, especially in situations with complex terrain like this, he can control it very well.

Those killers were all fooled around by him.

My brother was too late to save your brother, but he followed him.

Those who stayed on the tower were even less confident about shooting to save people, it was that simple! "

After hearing these words, Kong Zhenjing let out a long sigh of relief, then rolled his eyes and fainted completely!

"Captain!" A group of people from the anti-smuggling team gathered around.

Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun also stood in front of Chen Xin'an with excited expressions.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I'm sorry, that Xius's strength is beyond my expectation. If you guys get ahead of Kong Zaifeng, you may really be in danger..."

Ping Hengjun grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "Brother An, don't say that!

You have been protecting us and helping us, but I even doubted you just now. I am really not a human being..."

Wang Jixing looked at Chen Xin'an and said seriously, "From the day I joined the police force, I never felt that I had been spending my whole life in peace.

This time I came here and I didn’t feel like I could complete the task smoothly.

To be a good police officer, you have to face danger all the time.

Brother Ang, thank you! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and waved her hand, patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "As long as you can maintain your original intention, I should help you.

Just now I saw the gold thief find an exit and wanted to escape.

You follow me and try to catch them alive.

Discuss with your colleagues and leave one person to take your captain to the hospital. If the rest of you want military exploits, come with me! "

"No need to go to the hospital!" Kong Zhenjing had already woken up. He forced himself to stand up and said to Chen Xin'an, "I want to avenge my brother! I'll go in with you!"

Chen Xin'an didn't buy it, and snorted coldly and said, "Did I say I would take you with me?"

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