Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3007 You are now a celebrity

The whole white building burst into thunderous applause!

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with admiration.

Dr. Zheng and his secretary were caught in the crowd, looking ashamed, and found an opportunity to sneak out quietly.

All the parents who were stopped outside rushed in, quickly checked the marks on the baby, and after confirming that it was their child, they held the baby in their arms and cried loudly!

After learning what happened, these parents all stood in front of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing to the two!

All the reporters asked the cameraman to focus on them and record this touching scene.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi helped everyone up, and then squeezed out of the crowd while sweating profusely.

I don't know how they got back to the car, and they even forgot how they got back to the hotel. The two of them fell asleep for a day and a night before waking up.

Chen Xin'an didn't even change the clothes on her body, and Chen Xin'an felt that even the bed underneath her stank!

He found a pair of clean clothes in his bag, walked into the bathroom and took a comfortable hot bath.

Only when I woke up did I feel that the injuries on my body really hurt!

However, it was obvious that ointment had been applied to the injured area and the fracture had been fixed.

Who did this?

Chen Xin'an actually had no memory at all. If his enemies came to his door this day and night, he would be a lamb to be slaughtered without even the slightest resistance!

After putting on clean clothes, Chen Xin'an walked to the living room.

Li Qi was still sleeping in bed, but Han Yunmei was not there, and she didn't know where she went.

Chen Xin'an took out her cell phone and took a look. It had been shut down due to a power outage.

I found the charger and just plugged it in when someone unlocked the door.

Han Yunmei walked in carrying large and small bags, followed by several people.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Bu Xianting, An Sangquan, Quan Dootai and two strange men and women.

"Haha!" Bu Xianting was happy and said to the people around him, "I knew he was about to wake up. Look, my hunch was pretty accurate, right?"

? "

An Xiangquan hurriedly came over and said to Chen Xin'an, "You are so seriously injured that you have to lie down and rest. What are you doing when you get up!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "For people like me, walking back and forth is better for healing than lying down! Why are you all here? Who put the medicine on me?"

Quan Dootai smiled and said, "It's Dr. Zheng! Now he respects you, Mr. Chen!"

Bu Xianting smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, you can really sleep! We have been here several times, and finally we waited until you woke up!"

Then I can go back and give the boss his life! "

"Resurrect the leader? What do you mean?" Chen Xin'an looked confused.

Han Yunmei had already put the things in her hands on the coffee table and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, you don't know yet, do you?

Now you and Master have become heroes of the Eastern Chao!

What you have done for Dongchao has been disclosed by major media in the past few days, and it has continuously refreshed the Internet.

You are already famous in Dongchao! "

"I want to hold a commendation banquet for you. Thank you for everything you have done for Dongchao!" Bu Xianting said to Chen Xin'an with a smile.

“I’ll also give you the Medal of Fire!

This is the first time in almost fifty years that such a medal has been awarded to a foreigner! "

An Xiangquan nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "It used to be awarded to foreigners who went to the battlefield for Dongchao and made great military exploits.

Now I want to award it to you, that is a great honor!

But we have to wait until you can get up before setting a date. Now you can report to the chief! "

Chen Xin'an seemed to have not yet reacted, and remained silent for a long time.

According to his character, he doesn't care about any celebrities or medals.

It is enough for him to return to China safely as soon as possible.

It seems that Chen

With Xin An's disapproving attitude, An Xiangquan whispered, "Mr. Chen, not everyone can get the Medal of Fire.

Even those who have contributed to Dongchao cannot ask for it.

With that medal, you have a death-free gold medal in Dongchao!

You will become an honorary citizen of Dongchao and enjoy all national benefits.

And you can get a considerable amount of government subsidies every month.

Whether you buy real estate or a car in Dongchao, you will enjoy special discounts.

And if you have children and want to enroll in Dongchao, you can enter a national school.

Even if you want to enter a private aristocratic school, you can still get valuable admission subsidies..."

Chen Xin'an couldn't listen to the following, and it was of no use to him at all.

How could I send my children to study here with you?

China is my root!

Children must receive orthodox Chinese cultural education!

However, the first few sentences still spoke to Chen Xin'an's heart.

Is this a death-free gold medal?

That’s right!

This is equivalent to Chen Xin'an having a very awesome status in Dongchao, and he can do anything freely!

It seems that you can still get this medal!

Chen Xin'an smiled at Bu Xianting and said, "Then thank the boss for me first!"

Bu Xianting laughed loudly and said to Chen Xin'an, "This is what Mr. Chen deserves.

In this way, I will report the news of your awakening to the chief first. As for when to hold this commendation banquet, it is up to the chief to decide! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Han Yunmei said to everyone, "I have prepared some things and will make barbecue later. Let's eat some together. The boss must be hungry too!"

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

If you are recuperating in China, it is not bone soup and fish soup every day.

Are you going to arrange all the things that don’t need to be repeated?

Why is it that in Dongchao, the injury is not healed yet and you eat barbecue?

But the conditions here are just like that. Let the restaurant cook it, and the soup tastes like swill. Yunmei doesn't know how to cook it, so it seems she can only eat barbecue.

The movement outside still affected the people in the room, and Li Qi also woke up.

Compared with Chen Xin'an, his injuries were much lighter, but without the inner strength to protect his body, it was even more inconvenient for him to move.

Fortunately, Dr. Zheng is indeed an expert-level doctor. He had already anticipated the two people's injuries and had prepared crutches.

Chen Xin'an didn't use it, but Li Qi used it.

While eating barbecue, Chen Xin'an said to Bu Xianting, "Secretary Bu, there is something you need to tell Mr. Bu in advance.

When my injury gets better, I will leave Dongchao and return to China!

So whether he will give this medal or not, he still has to think carefully! "

Bu Xianting laughed and shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, this is a reward for your contribution to Dongchao, not a shackle to force you to stay in Dongchao.

Since I said I want to reward you, even if you have returned to China and cannot arrive at the scene, the certificate and medal will be mailed to you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled and said, "That's good!"

Bu Xianting put down his chopsticks, looked at Chen Xin'an seriously and said, "But I can see that the freshman appreciates you very much.

If you were offered generous terms, would you stay in Dongchao? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Secretary Bu, you should know me. What kind of conditions do you think are generous to me?"

Bu Xianting was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

The man in front of him was no mortal, and money was nothing to him.

Reputation and status are even more looked down upon, so people really look down on ordinary conditions!

But those are not things he has to worry about. Dashou really wants to keep this person by his side. As for what method to use, that is a matter for Dashou to consider!

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