Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3008 The university student is really willing to spend a lot of money

The strange man and woman had quite a lot of background. They were actually the chief reporter and cameraman of Dongchao National Television.

The woman had been staring at Chen Xin'an from the moment she walked in. She couldn't take her eyes away.

Chen Xin'an was a little awkward, but she was relieved when she thought that it might be a professional habit.

Bu Xianting smiled and said to Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, Miss Qiu Yizhen is recognized as a great beauty in Dongchao, and she is also Mr. Da's official media spokesperson."

Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an and smiled slightly, and said in a soft voice.

"Mr. Chen, I take the liberty of interrupting you tonight because I want to give you an exclusive interview.

This program will be broadcast on prime time next Monday.

Mr. Chen will definitely become a household name in Dongchao by then!

This is also the task assigned to me by the chief executive and the station director. Please do not refuse.

excuse me! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to Qiu Yizhen, "Okay, let's start when we are full!"

Qiu Yizhen smiled and winked at Bu Xianting proudly.

Bu Xianting shook his head and sighed, "I lost! Sure enough, no man can refuse a beauty like Miss Qiu!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at Bu Xianting, not understanding what he meant.

Qiu Yizhen covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Secretary Bu once said that Mr. Chen is a man who doesn't like to be in the limelight.

So my interview assignment might not go so well.

I made a bet with him that I would convince Mr. Chen.

You see, I actually agreed, it didn’t take any effort!

Thank you Mr. Chen for your cooperation!

Of course this is not because I am a beauty, but because of my identity.

No one can turn down such a good opportunity to become famous, right? "

Li Qi frowned and wanted to say something, but Chen Xin'an waved to him and looked at Qiu Yizhen with a smile.

He didn't nod or speak, he just ate the food Han Yunmei had cooked.

After eating and drinking, Bu Xianting, An Sangquan, and Quan Dootai left, while Qiu Yizhen and the cameraman stayed.

The living room has been cleaned up and the interview will be held here.

"Mr. Chen, before we start, let me do a simple makeup for you first!" Qiu Yizhen took out a makeup bag and said in her hand

"Shall we go to the room inside? There are some things that need to be paid attention to during the interview that need to be told to Mr. Chen.

This way our interview will go smoothly, I hope it will be a one-time thing! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay!"

Li Qi wanted to say something, but Chen Xin'an shook his head and walked into the next room.

Let Chen Xin'an sit on the bed, Qiu Yizhen opened the cosmetic bag and began to wipe Chen Xin'an's face.

It was the first time for a girl to do makeup for him. Even though he was mentally prepared, Chen Xinan was still a little uncomfortable.

The main reason was that Qiu Yizhen was too close to him, almost her whole body was pressed against him.

This woman is indeed very beautiful, as beautiful as her own wife.

And the figure is very good, with moderate proportions, which can be called the best.

Such a graceful body exudes an intoxicating fragrance, and it is impossible for any man to remain indifferent!

Feeling Chen Xin'an's body tightening and moving to avoid, Qiu Yizhen smiled slightly, seeming a little proud.

Taking the opportunity to apply foundation, she brought her mouth close to Chen Xin'an's face, as if she wanted to kiss him, and said with a soft breath

"Mr. Chen, I will give you a list of the questions we want to ask later. You can prepare them. If it is not convenient to ask, mark them in advance and we will avoid them..."

Chen Xin'an coughed twice, leaned back, and said to Qiu Yizhen, "What is the relationship between Miss Qiu and Mr. Qiu?"

Qiu Yizhen stopped her hand, looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and asked, "Why does Mr. Chen ask this?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "Just asking. It seems that the name of the leader of Dongchao is Qiu Dongchang. The information on the Internet says that he has a daughter. Could it be Miss Qiu?"

Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an, winked mischievously, burst out laughing, nodded and said

"Since you have guessed it, I will admit it. Yes, I am Qiu Dongchang's daughter!

Mr. Chen, you really did not disappoint me.

Others are saying that I am the mistress of the boss, but you have the most poisonous eyes, and you can see through my identity at a glance!

How about it? Isn’t it an honor to be interviewed by the leader’s daughter?

Okay, don't move, I'm going to do your makeup! "

She stretched out her hands and pressed Chen Xin'an's face directly to prevent him from dodging.

This action is a bit intimate, like something only couples can do.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "The college student is really willing to spend a lot of money. In order to keep me, he even gave up his precious daughter!"

The hand that was applying powder to Chen Xin'an stopped and froze in front of Chen Xin'an.

Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an with a somewhat flustered and aggrieved look. She took a step back, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "It's not interesting, it's just a casual comment!

Well, I agreed to Miss Qiu's request. Can I ask Miss Qiu to agree to my request now? "

Qiu Yizhen took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, please speak!"

Chen Xin'an said seriously, "The interview is okay, but it shouldn't be broadcast at any time, okay?"

Qiu Yizhen's big eyes were now wider and wider, looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if she was trying to tell whether he was joking.

Chen Xin'an didn't need her to ask, and said with a smile, "Look, I cooperate with you and let you complete the task, shouldn't you also cooperate with me?

In this way, you can still do business when you go back, and I don't have to show my face like a monkey for others to watch and comment on. Isn't this great? "

"But..." Qiu Yizhen felt that her brain circuits were not enough, and said to Chen Xin'an anxiously

"The purpose of this interview is to let Mr. Chen

You are in the news!

If it can't be broadcast, what's the point of this interview?

Mr. Chen, this is an exclusive interview program on Dongchao National Television.

I can guarantee that as soon as the show is broadcast, Mr. Chen's fame will surpass all the top stars in Dongchao and become a household name!

Mr. Chen, do you know how many people in Dongchao want me to do such an interview? No matter how much money they have sponsored the TV station, they still can’t get this opportunity?

Now that the opportunity is right in front of you, why do you make such a weird request?

I think Mr. Chen should think about it carefully, okay? "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said seriously to Qiu Yizhen, "At first, I thought you were a laborer.

It is related to the tasks of the boss and superiors. If I refuse, you will be affected.

So I agreed to your exclusive interview so that you can do business.

But later I learned that you are the chief's daughter, and you will not be punished even if you fail to complete the task. So it doesn't matter whether you do this interview or not.

Miss Qiu, you may not know me well.

This kind of exclusive interview is a dream opportunity for many people to become famous, I believe.

But in my eyes, it has no allure.

Because I don’t want to be famous at all, let alone become a household name in Dongchao.

Give this opportunity to others! "

Qiu Yizhen was stunned for a long time, then sighed, nodded and said, "Sure enough, Chen Xin'an is Chen Xin'an, exactly as I know him!"

This statement made Chen Xin'an feel a little strange. He looked at her with confusion and asked, "Do you understand me?"

Qiu Yizhen looked directly at Chen Xin'an, nodded and said, "I understand better than you think.

For example, you are twenty-six years old, 1.91 meters tall, and weigh 95 kilograms.

You are the inheritor of ancient Chinese martial arts and ancient medicine.

Married without children, my wife’s name is Ning Xiruo, she is the same age as me, 25 years old, and she is the current secretary-general of gbsa..."

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