Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3009 You are the man I have been looking for

Listening to Qiu Yizhen talking about these things that were originally private, Chen Xin'an was surprised, and his eyes became colder and colder.

As if she didn't see Chen Xin'an's eyes, Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an and sighed.

"I have basically mastered all the information I can collect about you.

But I have always suspected that you have an official background in China. A lot of important information has been blocked and cannot be obtained, so that's all I know. "

Chen Xin'an said calmly, "That's enough! It can be said to be very detailed, and even my master knows about it.

I didn’t expect that the college student would be so attentive to me. I was really flattered!

But Miss Qiu, please help me tell the freshman.

I am just a passer-by. Whether I am dealing with Miya Musashi or the Zaibatsu, it is all for self-protection.

These things are over, I will leave Dongchao and will not pose any threat to this place.

And I exchanged all the things that belonged to Dongchao. Is this enough to express my sincerity? "

Qiu Yizhen shook her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It has nothing to do with my father. I found all these information by myself."

Chen Xin'an was stunned and looked at Qiu Yizhen with a puzzled face, not understanding what she meant.

You, a reporter from a TV station, why are you collecting my information?

According to my personality, we will never have any intersection in this life, okay?

Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an with watery eyes and said leisurely, "If I say that I admire Mr. Chen, and even have a crush on Mr. Chen, that's why I try my best to collect information about you, would Mr. Chen believe it?"

Chen Xin'an coughed twice, smiled dryly and said to Qiu Yizhen, "Miss Qiu, stop joking!

Of course I don't believe it! "

Qiu Yizhen sighed softly, then said openly with a smile on her face, "I know Mr. Chen doesn't believe it, but what I said is all the truth!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Qiu Yizhen, "Then I would like to thank Miss Qiu for her kindness, but I am not blessed to bear it..."

"Mr. Chen still suspects that I was sent by my father?" Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an, shook her head and said


"You can't blaspheme my feelings for a man like this!

When I say a person, Mr. Chen must know him!

Miori Mizutani!

She was a good friend of mine when we were studying together at the Eagle Flag National Journalism University!

Isn't it strange to Mr. Chen why all the insider information about holy masters and chaebols on the Internet are finally broadcast in the national media? "

Chen Xin'an was stunned, and then suddenly realized!

Using the media to expose the disguise of the Holy Master was Chen Xin'an's plan.

But the subsequent development exceeded original expectations and the effect was surprisingly good.

Not only was Hua Jie and Yun Mei’s intelligence powerful, but more importantly, Dong Chao’s national media participated in the report.

This allowed more Dongchao people to see the information, and at the same time proved the authenticity of the information.

So almost overnight, the Holy Master fell from the altar, and the plutocrats were in trouble.

It turns out that Qiu Yizhen was behind all this.

Chen Xin'an looked at Qiu Yizhen and said seriously, "Thank you, Miss Qiu, for your help!"

Qiu Yizhen looked at him and smiled slightly, "Why do you want to thank me? I should be the one thanking you!"

This was originally a matter for us Dongchao people. It was Mr. Chen who saved us!

Mr. Chen, do you know?

From that time on, I took a keen interest in you personally.

I began to collect all the information about you and asked for all the news I could find out about you.

But the more I know about you, the more I am attracted by your personality charm!

I can't imagine how you do those things!

I admit, I am a very proud woman.

We fell in love several times, but I finally broke up with them.

I think those superficial men either covet my appearance or they are

No one who covets my family background can enter my heart.

But since I got to know Mr. Chen, I have discovered that you meet all the standards I want for a lover!

You are the man I have been looking for! "

Now Chen Xin'an finally knows why this Miss Qiu always likes to stare at people.

At first, I thought it was her professional habit, but she didn't treat others like this. When she looked at him, she always looked intently.

This is simply how a little girl behaves when she sees her idol. The leader's daughter, the chief reporter of the national television station, is actually a super fan of Chen Xin'an!

To say that there is no pride in my heart is simply impossible.

Of course, Chen Xin'an was not complacent. After all, this was not the first time he had encountered such a thing.

There is also Yin Hye Kyo in Guangtian City, who directly throws herself into his arms!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "It's an honor to be favored by Miss Qiu. .??.

But I can't accept it. The reason is that Miss Qiu already knows that I am married and I love my wife very much! "

Qiu Yizhen looked as usual. She knew Chen Xin'an, and of course she would focus on collecting information about Chen Xin'an and his wife Ning Xiruo. How could she not know about the relationship between them?

"I know that Mr. Chen really loves his wife and is even a doting wife!"

Qiu Yizhen tilted her head, looked at Chen Xin'an mischievously and said, "But I also know that men are all philanthropic.

You can have more than one beloved woman.

Just like my father, he loves my mother very much, but he is not exclusive to my mother.

This kind of custom is very common in the upper class society of Dongchao.

I grew up in such an environment and am very open to such things, so I don’t care!

An outstanding man like Mr. Chen should not belong to just one woman.

I know Mr. Chen doesn’t have feelings for me yet, but I can wait, or I can change with my heart.


As long as Mr. Chen can give me a chance, I believe I will do as well as Miss Ning! "

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to speak, Qiu Yizhen suddenly stretched out her hand, covered his mouth, and pressed her whole body against his, as if she was sitting in his arms.

"Mr. Chen, don't refuse in a hurry.

I know that emotional things shouldn't be mixed with too many things, but in order to have you, I still have to say something.

I can help you a lot with your career, your ideals, and my identity will help you get closer to your goals faster.

And I'm not ugly or annoying, right?

Having one more choice is not a disadvantage for men.

If Mr. Chen is afraid that Miss Ning will be jealous, we should just not tell her yet.

I know that Mr. Chen won't be able to accept this kind of thing for a while. It doesn't matter. Let's give each other some time, okay? "

Big news!

Unexpectedly, the leader of Dongchao actually has...

However, Chen Xin'an is not a gossip reporter and is not interested in such things.

Looking at the shy and charming face so close to her, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and put her hands on Qiu Yizhen's shoulders.

Qiu Yizhen's face began to turn red. She seemed to have guessed what Chen Xin'an was going to do next. Although her breathing was rapid, she still closed her eyes happily.

As she said, she grew up in such an environment and saw a lot of the faces of men and women in upper class society.

In addition, she had studied in the West and was influenced by an open mind, so she had no objection to being a mistress.

Which outstanding man doesn’t have three wives and four concubines?

A man like Chen Xin'an has such qualifications because he is good enough!

And she will not be rejected by such a man, because she is equally good, and no man will refuse such an opportunity!

Then she stood up involuntarily and was pushed away by Chen Xin'an, keeping a meter away from him!

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