Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3010 I give him one last chance

What does it mean?

Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an with some embarrassment and confusion.

"Miss Qiu, you may not understand what I just said!" Chen Xin'an said to her with a smile.

"I have already said that I love my wife very much. .??.

I don’t know the Eastern Chao people’s understanding of love, but in China, do you know what the core of love is?

It’s loyalty and responsibility! "

"Hey!" Qiu Yizhen had a disdainful expression on her face, curled her lips and looked at Chen Xin'an and said

“I thought that with Mr. Chen’s strength, he wouldn’t have such old-fashioned ideas.

I didn't ask you to betray your loyalty or hold you accountable to me.

I just think that an excellent person should be loved by many people. This is a matter of course. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "So, this is the problem.

Being admired by many people and whether you need to accept the admiration are two different things.

Treating passion and indulgence as fashionable, pursuing temporary sensory stimulation, what is the difference between this approach and animals?

You can't control whether you like someone, but you can control yourself whether you like someone else or not.

I cannot accept that the woman I love has another man at the same time, so I will not do the same thing to betray her.

Miss Qiu, thank you for your compliment, but I can’t accept it! "

Qiu Yizhen's face turned red, and her eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of annoyance.

Given her status and conditions, there is no shortage of suitors in Dongchao.

She is truly a national goddess-level figure!

Among the people who pursue her, there are countless elites of all kinds.

She only needs to hook her hands, and countless men will fall on their knees under her pomegranate skirt!

Now she took the initiative to show her kindness to a man, but she didn't expect to be rejected by him!

Compared with the embarrassment of not being able to come to the stage, the frustration of being looked down upon was even more difficult for her to accept!

Qiu Yizhen bit her lower lip and said to Chen Xin'an, "No one has ever been able to reject me like this.

for me

To me, this is simply an insult!

Chen Xin'an, now that you know my identity, you should be able to imagine how much help I will be to you!

I appreciate you, and that includes your brains.

If you give up, then I will be so disappointed in you! "

Chen Xin'an looked at her calmly and said, "Miss Qiu, you need to consider the emotions involved in various interests, which is not what I want.

You will find someone better and more suitable than me, I am not the right person for you! "

I never thought that if I boldly opened my heart and actively pursued a man, I would get such a result.

Think about the flattery of other men to her, and then look at the indifference and indifference of the man in front of her.

The huge gap was unbearable for Qiu Yizhen. Her eye circles were red and tears flowed out. She looked at Chen Xinan with shame and anger and said

"How could you do this to me?

No one has ever dared to reject me like this!

Do you think I am a very casual woman?

Or do you think I will covet you for something?

I put aside my pride and took the initiative to express my love to you, but you actually rejected me!

Chen Xin'an, I hate you! "

She grabbed the cosmetic bag next to her, wiped her tears, and ran outside!

Chen Xin'an looked helpless and sighed softly.

No one stipulates that if you show love to me, I have to accept it, right?

If you can't bear this, how can you still be a reporter?

Business cannot be done with righteousness...

After walking out of the bedroom, Li Qi and Han Yunmei were standing on the left and right of the door, looking like two doorkeepers, looking at him with profound eyes.

Chen Xin'an scolded the two of them with a dark face, "You two have nothing to do, or am I getting bruises on my face?"

Li Qi scratched his head and said to him, "Boss, the reporter and cameraman are gone!


"I'm not blind!" Chen Xin'an cursed angrily.

Han Yunmei whispered, "Boss, what did you do to that reporter Qiu?

She left crying!

If you offend this great reporter, you will be in big trouble! ” .??.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands angrily and said, "What can I do! Who knows what's going on with her! Okay, okay, clean up quickly, we'll go out for a walk later!"

After lying down for several days, my body was almost moldy. It was time to go out and bask in the sun.

In fact, his and Li Qi's injuries have not healed yet and they are not suitable for too much exercise.

But for people like them, lying in bed all day will make the injury heal more slowly.

Rented a new car and Han Yunmei acted as the driver.

Not long after leaving the hotel, Bu Xianting called and set the time for the commendation meeting, which would be on the weekend three days later.

The location is Meiyan Lake Hotel, where Dongchao officials receive foreign guests and release news, and where the upper class gathers.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an and asked worriedly, "Boss, are you really going to participate?"

He knew that Chen Xin'an was not someone who liked fame and fortune.

What's more, the boss just said that reporter Qiu is the daughter of the leader of Dongchao.

I just bullied my daughter to tears, and now I am going to attend the commendation ceremony held by her father. Isn’t this the Hongmen Banquet?

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Li Tou and said, "We only have this last chance left!"

Han Yunmei said with a puzzled look, "What opportunity? What is the boss referring to?"

But Li Qi understood, looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and asked, "Boss, do you want to take this opportunity to lure Gong Musashi out?"

Chen Xin'an nodded, snorted and said, "If we don't get rid of this guy, even if we leave Dongchao, we will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future!

But with his current situation and the injury, he won't show up again easily.

if we leave

Even the Dongchao people may not be able to catch him! "

Han Yunmei asked with a puzzled look on her face, "But for an event like the commendation meeting, there must be a lot of guards.

Miyamusashi wouldn't show up and throw himself into a trap, would he? "

Chen Xin'an raised the corner of her mouth, showed an evil smile, and snorted coldly, "But he will definitely know!"

Now the person he hates the most is me.

The most unacceptable thing is that I actually received an official commendation from Dongchao!

So the more prosperous I am, the more aggrieved he becomes and the more he wants to take revenge on me.

He also knows that I will not stay in Dongchao forever. After receiving such an honor, it is time for me to return home in glory.

So he is also looking for an opportunity, so I will give him this opportunity! "

"But, boss, master, your bodies..." Han Yunmei looked at the two of them in the rearview mirror with a worried look on her face.

Miya Musashi is too strong. With the strength of the boss, he and his master can't even win.

When he really takes the bait and fights to the death, how will the boss and master defeat him?

What's more, their injuries haven't healed yet!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Han Yunmei, "Don't worry, I have found Gong Musashi's weakness.

As long as he dares to fight with me again, I will definitely kill him! "

Li Qi and Han Yunmei looked at each other. Although they were both a little skeptical, they also understood that the boss had never been a big talker. Maybe he was really sure.

The two of them stopped talking.

The phone rang again. Chen Xin'an took it out and took a look, frowning.

After answering the phone, Chen Xin'an smiled and asked, "Brother Gang, I happened to be shopping outside. Do you want to come together... Dr. Jin, why is it you? What did you say?"

After a while, Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and said to Han Yunmei, "Let's go to the maternal and child's house, Jin Suyan's home!"

Han Yunmei nodded and turned left at the intersection.

Chen Xin'an explained to Li Qi beside him, "Fang Chenggang is missing!"

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