Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 297: I Can't Refuse to Accept

Was this guy the one who captured the person?

Hongmei looked a little embarrassed. She looked at Chen Xin'an and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Zhan sat on the ground and cursed unconvinced: "Even if you capture it, as long as you hand it over to us, we will be responsible for it!

You no longer have the right to deal with it. If you want to take someone by force, that is also illegal! "

"That's right!" Hongmei nodded, looking very proud.

So what if you caught him? Do you think that if you catch it, it will be yours to deal with?

Chen Xin'an snorted sarcastically, looked at him and said, "Who handed this person over to you? I know you are all bullshit and snake gods, so I just leave it to you?"

Xiao Zhan and Hongmei's faces were stiff and extremely embarrassed.

Indeed, the person was not handed over to them, but to the police!

With a dark face, Zhu Tong shouted to Lei Guang: "Old Lei! You also received the order. Why, do you want to disobey the order of your superiors now?"

Lei Guang glanced at him angrily and cursed: "Don't blame me here!

Our superiors asked us to hand over the person to you for investigation, but they did not stipulate that as soon as we catch the person, we will hand it over to you immediately!

The General Chamber of Commerce has suffered the most from this matter. We have to wait and see when it will be resolved!

Once things are settled here, it won’t be too late for you to mention people! "

"Old Lei, what are you doing!" Zhu Tong jumped angrily.

Chen Xin'an said lukewarmly: "Or I can capture them from somewhere and send them back to where they are. You, the Security Department, can go and arrest them yourself. You can arrest them as you want!"

Zhu Tongqi's blood pressure has risen!

Is this really human language?

It makes sense to hear it fiercely. You can put people back wherever you catch them.

But do you think adults are just playing house with children?

Even if you keep your promise, is Lu Bowen a fool?

If he was caught once, would he still wait for you to catch him a second time?

I wish I could run to the moon!

Li Zecheng is still sensible and knows that this matter is indeed very serious. The Security Department follows procedures and regulations when appointing people. There is nothing wrong with it. What is wrong is that his attitude is a bit rough and inhumane.

He didn't want the relationship between the Security Department and the Municipal Bureau to get too tense because of the Chamber of Commerce matter, and he didn't want Chen Xin'an to offend the people in the Security Department, so he wanted to work around it and settle the matter.

"Leader Lei, Leader Zhu, the General Chamber of Commerce will not delay for too long, and it will not affect the main business.

Just give us two hours. After the work handover is completed, Leader Zhu can take the people away!

Mr. Chen, do you think this is okay? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Li Zecheng: "You don't need to ask me, President Li can just make his own decision!"

Zhu Tong: "..."

You have to make the decision here with me, but you can decide it yourself when you get to the Chamber of Commerce?

I suspect you look down on the National Security Agency, but I have no evidence...

Things have become like this, and Zhu Tong and his two men can no longer take Lu Bowen away in such a brazen manner.

However, Li Zecheng said that he could let them take the person away after two hours.

So it was hard for them to go back in the past two hours. It would be shabby and embarrassing to sit in the car and wait.

In the end, Li Zecheng came to the rescue and invited them to a charity banquet.

I arranged a separate table with Chen Xin'an, Lei Guang, Xu Qing and others who were not from the Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as he sat down, Li Zecheng came to Chen Xin'an and handed him a check with both hands.

"Mr. Chen, this is our General Chamber of Commerce, in order to repay your gratitude for your support and help to the Chamber of Commerce!

It's a small thought, but it's not respectful. Please accept it, Mr. Chen! "

There was only a single number 3 in the amount column on the check, followed by a series of 0s, totaling 30 million, which was a very generous reward.

Compared with the previous reward of two million for Chen Xin'an to PK with the police station, the reward has increased by fifteen times!

Chen Xin'an smiled, Lei Guang and Xu Qing looked helpless, but Zhu Dian and his two men looked like they had seen a ghost.

In Chen Xin'an's view, Li Zecheng and the Chamber of Commerce have really learned their lesson and begun to re-evaluate his value.

Thirty million is indeed very generous.

Lei Guang and Xu Qing felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past!

The Chamber of Commerce gave the Municipal Bureau 5 million, and Chen Xin'an alone gave 2 million.

Lei Guang has never felt as wealthy as he does now. He now has the confidence to contact many of the equipment that he wanted to replace but was unwilling to part with.

I originally thought that I could finally make a change from a shotgun to a cannon. I changed from the previous shabby situation and felt proud and proud for a while.

Unexpectedly, a check sank them on the spot!

This is 30 million!

The sponsorship I worked so hard to get was only a quarter of what others had!

But there is no way!

The case was clearly investigated and solved by others, and the suspect was caught by others.

During the whole process, the police were always there to help, and one person was able to stand up to the entire police force!

So is it a bad idea to take this money?

No regrets at all!

Don’t accept it!

Even Xu Qing is full of anger now, but it's just anger. He can only be convinced by what others do!

Fortunately, it was just this one case. If this guy were involved in any case, the entire police station would be on vacation!

For Zhu Tong and his two men, it cannot be said to be a shock, it is simply a shock!

How easy it is for this man to make money!

Catching two people would cost 30 million. The three of them combined would not be able to earn that much in their lifetime!

What puzzled them even more was that the Chamber of Commerce valued Chen Xin'an so much?

Is he really worth this price?

Now the way they look at Chen Xin'an has changed.

In the past, when they heard the name Chen Xin'an, they just regarded him as a person to be observed.

But now, there is an extra layer of scruples. A person worth thirty million is by no means as simple as an ordinary son-in-law!

The host's introduction sounded on the stage, and some video materials were played.

These are the themes of this charity banquet.

Every gathering of the Chamber of Commerce will arrange a charity banquet at the end.

Or donate money and materials to disaster areas or impoverished mountainous areas.

They are the richest people in China, and charity is the most direct and effective way for them to build a reputation for themselves and advertise for their companies.

Therefore, they will never refuse such activities that build a positive image for them.

Although it is voluntary, it usually starts at one million.

After all, they are all wealthy people with a net worth of at least tens of billions, which is also the threshold for joining the National Chamber of Commerce.

Under the guidance of the host, everyone also filled out checks, and the host kept reporting the amount of donations:

"Mr. Zhang Wenguang and Zhang of Hongcheng Machinery donated three million yuan!"

"Mr. Wang of Suishan Mining Industry of China, donated five million yuan!"

"Haigang Manufacturing Company Ding Jianshe, General Manager Ding, donated 6 million yuan!"

At this moment, someone handed the host a check. The host glanced at it, widened his eyes, and said excitedly: "Mr. Wei Li'an and Wei of Hongfeng Electrical and Mechanical, donate 10 million yuan!"

Everyone exclaimed!

Ten million? This is a big deal!

It’s not like there have never been such large donations before, but they were very few.

For about two or three years, the amount of a single donation has not exceeded the 10 million yuan mark.

I didn’t expect to have a breakthrough today!

Wei Li'an knew that today's affairs were a bit messed up.

The relationship between their father and son and Chairman Li is too tense!

They offended the president just after joining the Chamber of Commerce. Will the Chamber of Commerce give them good things in the future?

So taking this opportunity, they wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

The more you donate, the more favor you can gain from Chairman Li. After all, this Chamber of Commerce theme of charitable donations was initiated by Chairman Li!

Even if you can't please President Li, you can still gain some reputation in the Chamber of Commerce and gain some support.

More importantly, it can bring huge social impact, which is their biggest bargaining chip to establish themselves as a chamber of commerce!

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