Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 298 Why should I give you face?

When the banquet began, Li Zecheng went to the main table to toast everyone with a glass of wine, and then ran to Chen Xin'an's table with the wine glass in hand.

Because Chen Xin'an is not from the Chamber of Commerce, he can only sit at the extra table. He doesn't care about this. He eats when he needs to and drinks when he needs to.

"Mr. Chen!" Li Zecheng held the wine glass and said to Chen Xin'an: "I have a heartless request. I hope Mr. Chen can agree!"

Chen Xin'an returned to her seat, smiled at him and said, "President Li, tell me first!"

Li Zecheng didn't mince words and said straight to the point: "I want to be the gold label general agent of Liangmao Liquor!"

There are currently two categories of Liangmao medicinal wine on the market, silver label and copper label.

It is sold to a specific group of people and is a silver-label medicinal wine, which is expensive and has obvious medicinal effects.

For the majority of consumers, copper-label medicinal wine is economical and cost-effective.

But only a few people know that the real treasures are the jars of original wine on the rooftop of the East Tower of Panlong Bay. That is a drop of precious wine and a gram of gold!

And those are the gold-label products of Liangmao Medicinal Liquor, but they are not yet on the market.

So far, Gold Label Medicinal Wine is only given away, not sold, and only relatives and friends who are close to Chen Xin'an are eligible to receive it.

No one else, even if you have money, can buy this kind of wine.

But since Li Zecheng drank the medicinal wine given to him by Chen Xin'an, the changes in his body these days may not seem obvious to outsiders, but Li Zecheng himself has actually felt it!

This is really a treasure!

He also asserted that no matter what price this thing is sold for, there will be a market!

There are many rich people in this society, and there are also many people who are willing to spend a lot of money for health.

Therefore, Li Zecheng is very optimistic about the market prospects.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Li Zecheng and said, "Right now, we have no plans to sell Golden Label Medicinal Liquor. If the time comes, we will consider the issue of agents."

Xu Qing on the side curled his lips and said with disdain: "That's not a small tone!

He is the president of the General Chamber of Commerce, and he asked to be the agent of your medicinal wine company, and you still served him?

You don’t know what beauty is like in your heart, do you? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her, curled her lips and said nothing.

Li Zecheng looked at her seriously and said, "Captain Xu underestimated Mr. Chen and his Liangmao Liquor!

I dare say that as long as Mr. Chen says now about recruiting medicinal wine agents, at least half of the people here will rush to do it! "

"Isn't it? They are all in this business?" Xu Qing obviously didn't believe what Li Zecheng said.

Li Zecheng smiled, shook his head and asked Xu Qing: "Then Captain Xu, do you think I am in this line of work? Which line of work does Captain Xu think I am in?"

"This..." Xu Qing was a little speechless.

Li Zecheng smiled and said: "For us people, it's hard to tell who does what. For example, I am involved in real estate, new energy, film and television industries, etc."

When wealth has been accumulated to a certain level, it’s not about how to add more, but about turning it all around and using it, so that the entire market can be revitalized! "

Xu Qing nodded with some vague understanding, looked at Chen Xin'an, curled his lips and said: "Then there is no need to sacrifice one's own money to become an agent for Chen Xin'an's medicinal wine. How much money can he make..."

Hongmei and Xiao Zhan actually had the same idea as Xu Qing, but their relationship with Chen Xin'an was not as close as Xu Qing's, so they didn't say it out loud.

"Hahaha!" Li Zecheng, Lei Guang and others all laughed.

Li Zecheng shook his head, looked at Xu Qing and said, "Does Captain Xu know what the current market share of Liangmao Liquor is? Do you also know what its market share is?

These two data are only the most basic reference for investment. Liangmao medicinal wine can be said to have been a unique sales trend in the past thirty years.

According to the prediction of the Chamber of Commerce, Liangmao medicinal wine will account for 30% of the medicinal wine market next summer.

This is data analysis. From the perspective of tasting, this time is likely to be shortened, and it should be achieved in less than four months! "

"Haha!" Xu Qing laughed out loud with gloating, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I heard that President Li was deliberately flattering him!

With a market share of only 30%, you still have the nerve to show off! "

Hongmei and Xiao Zhan also shook their heads with mocking expressions. This does not seem to be an achievement worth showing off at all!

Han Xiaolei curled her lips and said unceremoniously: "I'm afraid you don't know how much market share this 30% ratio represents, right?

Let's put it this way, if everyone in our group of diners drinks alcohol, three out of every ten people drink Liangmao medicinal wine!

And how many people are there in this room? How many are there in the whole country?

According to the most popular flavor, each bottle costs 68 yuan. How much is the monthly sales?

If a product accounts for more than 35% of the market, it will form a market monopoly!

Do you think it is easy for Liangmao Medicinal Liquor to reach this value with less than a year of market accumulation? Still think it's ridiculous?

Judging from the current market economy where a hundred flowers are blooming, just like the pair of chopsticks placed in front of us now, the brand is Suzaku.

This is also the largest chopstick manufacturer in China, and almost every household uses this brand.

So do you know what its market share is? It’s only 32%!

If you don’t understand, ask, but don’t blindly make fun of others!

Is this share low? In fact, it’s already ridiculously high! "

Now Han Xiaolei is very grateful to Chen Xin'an and naturally defends him everywhere.

How could she endure it when she heard that Xu Qing dared to laugh at her benefactor? Speak directly for Chen Xin'an.

Xu Qing looked embarrassed and his face turned red. In this regard, she is a complete layman, how can she understand this.

She gets dizzy just listening to these numbers! But I also understand one thing. Chen Xin'an's Liangmao Liquor Company is now developing very fast and is quite awesome!

Just when I didn't know what to say, the rescuer came over.

Wei Zhao came over with a glass of wine and said to Li Zecheng: "President Li, after searching around, I found it here. I'd like to propose a toast to you!"

Li Zecheng glanced at him and picked up the wine glass.

To be honest, he disliked this young man very much. He was arrogant, strong on the outside but dry on the inside. He was just an embroidered pillow.

But he just donated 10 million!

In any case, this is a project initiated by him, Li Zecheng. If someone throws out 10 million, it is only natural to give him a smile.

Li Zecheng clinked the glass with him and drank it all in one gulp.

Wei Zhao did not leave, but instead pulled up a chair, sat down without saying hello, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I would also like to give a toast to Mr. Chen for retrieving important things for us, Hongfeng Electrical and Mechanical!"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "You're welcome, I'm not looking for you specifically!"

Wei Zhao's expression froze, and he immediately smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen's words are really interesting! No matter what, we at Hongfeng Electrical and Mechanical will thank you!

Come on, let's go one by one, brothers! I look older than you, your brother.

You are an interesting person. Let’s keep in touch and move around more in the future.

Have a few more drinks and deepen your relationship!

Others call me brother and I am the little wine god. I think you are not bad either. Come on, let’s do it! "

He simply held the wine bottle in one hand and the wine glass in the other, drank the wine in the glass, and made a gesture with Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, touched it, and then put the glass down.

Wei Zhao frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "What are you doing! Don't you want to give your brother face? Drink up!"

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at him and said, "Why should I give you face?"

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