Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3014 Thirteen-way Soul-Severing Needle

The severe pain caused the man to wake up and open his mouth to scream, but he couldn't breathe and his whole body was weak.

Even speaking was weak, and I couldn't even scream loudly.

Looking at the two strangers in front of him, the man gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice, "You don't need to know who we are, just answer my words properly! Do you understand?"

The man's face was gloomy, but he didn't say a word.

Li Qi held the handle of the knife and turned it slightly. The man groaned, gritted his teeth, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to signal Li Qi to relax, looked at the man and asked, "Don't show your toughness in front of me, it's useless.

If you cooperate honestly, you will suffer less.

I'm just here to find my friends. I don't want to kill anyone. You'd better not seek death yourself! "

"Looking for death?" A mocking smile appeared on the man's face, and he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked

"Do you know who I am?

Do you dare to kill me?

Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?

Still want to kill me?

Let me tell you, no matter who you are or what your purpose is, your life is over!

Not only will you be unlucky, but your family and friends will be dragged down by you and will be burdened with the crime for the rest of their lives, unable to hold their heads high! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and glanced at him, then said to Li Qi, "Draw the sword!"

Li Qi pulled out the dagger without saying a word.

The man sneered and said, "Are you scared? You know what's going on! But we can't just let this matter go. Just wait here and I'll call someone...ah, what are you doing!"

A steel needle pierced the man's head, instantly causing his blood vessels to bulge and his face to look hideous.

The Soul-Suppressing Needle has been tried and tested as a means of extorting confessions, and even Chen Xin'an has used it from experience.

The acupuncture method he uses now is actually not the same as the real Thirteenth Road Soul-Suppressing Acupuncture, and many changes have been made.

The acupuncture points are still the same, but the technique used when inserting the needles is different.

This results in doubling the pain of the recipient, but does no benefit to the body at all, and in fact causes some damage.

You must know that the 13-way soul-soothing acupuncture is a life-saving acupuncture method that can bring people back to life. Even if it is not finished, the repair effect on the human body is amazing.

The enemy is not qualified to enjoy such treatment, so just let them suffer.

Chen Xin'an gave the current acupuncture method a name, it is called Thirteenth Way Soul-Destroying Needle!

After just two injections, the man couldn't bear it anymore. Tears and snot flowed out. He looked at Chen Xin'an and begged, "Kill me! Stop torturing me, give me a good time!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him calmly and said, "Are some of my friends arrested by you? They entered the mountain in the past few days. There should be four of them, one female and three males!"

The man looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, and then immediately looked away, his eyes evasive.

It seemed that he didn't want to say it, but he thought he could bear it.

Chen Xin'an then fulfilled his wish and took another shot!

The unbearable pain swept through him with doubled force. The man wanted to shout, but his mouth was opened wide and he didn't even have the strength to shout!

He curled up on the ground, trembling all over, and said weakly, "I said...I told you..."

Chen Xin'an took the next shot and said coldly, "One last time, don't challenge my patience.

I won't take your life easily, but I will make your life worse than death! "

The man was shaking all over and gasping, "In the morning, we captured four people, they should be the one woman and three men you mentioned.

We don’t know their identities, and they are still being interrogated inside! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, nodded and said, "Continue!"

The man said in a trembling voice, "They are locked in Room 3.

If nothing is revealed tonight, they will be executed.

I'm just a little person, I only know so much, please let me go! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said coldly, "Do you think I'm a fool? Do you still think I'm just scaring you?"

As Chen Xin'an flipped his wrist, the man only saw bright lights in front of his eyes. He didn't know whether this scary guy was performing magic or some other technique. There was a row of steel needles in his hand!

Now he is simply scared to death of this kind of thing!

Seeing these steel needles, he felt like his pants were wet!

"Don't come, I say!" He swallowed and said in horror, "Actually, we can also guess that those people were sent by China, and their target is Mo Guangshen.

We want to know their plan and all the people involved, but we have never opened their mouths..."

Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice, "Is Mo Guangshen inside?"

The man wanted to say something, looked at the steel needle in Chen Xin'an's hand, shrank his neck, nodded and said, "Yes, it's in Room 1!"

Chen Xin'an then asked, "How many rooms are there in total, and how did you get in?"

"There are six room numbers in total. You need to swipe your card at the door, but not inside!"

Chen Xin'an asked a few more questions, then pulled out a smart card from under the man's neck and held it in his hand.

Li Qi also walked to the unconscious man next to him and pulled the card from his neck.

Chen Xin'an walked under the big tree and said to Li Qi and Han Yunmei above, "Now I'm sure Sister Hua and Brother Gang are inside.

Mo Guangshen is also there.

It is divided into six rooms in total, and the door is only the one facing us.

Aqi and I are going to sneak in, Yunmei, you stay here.

I will hide these two and let them sleep.

Yunmei, once there is danger, you must leave alone and don't try to go in to save us.

When these two people are in danger, you can use them as hostages, but try not to take their lives. "

Han Yunmei knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense, so she nodded vigorously and said, "Boss, I understand! You and Master must be careful!"

Li Qi raised his head and pointed to his ears.

Now not only does he and Chen Xin'an have a communication system, but Chen Xin'an also has a special one for her.

Han Yunmei nodded to express her understanding. Now she was on a mission and she needed to use the communication system to contact her in time.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi turned around and walked to the two people on the ground, dragging them behind the big tree.

If the steel needle pricks them, they will not wake up for at least two hours.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi took off their clothes, put them on themselves, lowered the brim of their hats, and then walked towards the door.

There is a card counter at the door. The two of them took out their cards, and with two beeps, the door opened.

Push the door and go in, walk ten meters forward, and you will see a rockery fountain.

The sound of running water made the surroundings very quiet.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other a little strangely.

Normally there are a lot of people here, so it should be very lively.

But now, not even half a person can be seen. Where have all the people gone?

"Boss, Master, there is someone on the roof!" Han Yunmei's anxious voice suddenly came from the headset.

Chen Xin'an also saw the shadow shaking on the ground, and said to Li Qi, "Something's wrong, retreat!"

Just as the two of them turned around, a large number of figures suddenly appeared from the side room, behind the rockery, and on the roof, shouting "Don't move!"


Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi and did not act rashly.

The fact that the other party didn't fire a shot in the first place meant that they wanted to capture them alive.

I just don’t understand why the two of them were exposed as soon as they came in?

Do these guys already know that the two of them are pretending?

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