Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3015 Your own people are more ruthless than me

A person walked out from the next room. When he saw this person, Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and then he understood everything.

Cha Min Ki!

Director of Dongchao National Security Department, the people here are all agents of the Blue Cube!

No wonder even Dongchao Longya was caught by them.

No wonder he and Aqi were spotted as soon as they entered.

He is a state agent, and he occupies the right place, right time and right people. How can he not win if he is calculated with intention but not with intention?

"Arrest him!" Cha Minji said to the people next to him with a sullen face. "If you resist, we will kill you without mercy!"

Chen Xin'an sighed, shook his head and said, "Director Che, you don't have to treat old friends like this, right?"

Cha Minji was shocked, looked at him and asked, "Do you know me?"

Chen Xin'an turned around, and the agents from the Blue Cube next to him all raised their guns.

Cha Minki raised his right hand to signal everyone not to act rashly.

He also felt that the voice was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

Then he saw the guy in front of him turned his head and turned into another face.

"Chen Xin'an!" Cha Minji shouted, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Then his face turned dark, and he quickly walked up to Chen Xin'an, narrowed his eyes and asked, "So, are you and those people in the same group? Are they also here to kill our experts?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "I'm not the same as them!"

Cha Minji breathed a sigh of relief and said with a straight face, "That's good! Chen Xin'an, you have a good reputation in Dongchao Feng. This is what you paid for with your life, so don't do anything wrong..."

Chen Xin'an then said, "But I am friends with them! The kind of people who have a good relationship. I am here to save them!"

Cha Minji's expression changed, he glared at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, you have to know what you are talking about and what you are doing!

It’s even more important to understand what they did!

I advise you not to get angry and destroy the achievements you have worked so hard to earn! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at Cha Minji and said, "Thank you, Director Cha, for the reminder.

So I want Director Che to sell my friendship and let me take my friend away, okay? "

"Are you kidding me?" Cha Minji looked at Chen Xin'an angrily, grabbed his collar and said

"Do you know what they did? They almost killed the experts we paid a lot of money for!

Do you know the nature of this matter?

They will all be executed for espionage!

What I need now is to catch all their accomplices and kill them all!

Chen Xin'an, I know you are also Chinese, and these people are all your compatriots.

Seeing that you have indeed made a lot of contributions to Dongchao, I will not argue with you about what happened today.

You go out now and stay far away from here. I can treat this as if it never happened.

In two days, the boss will hold a commendation ceremony for you and award you the award in person.

If you wait until you get the medal, we will be friends.

If you insist on seeking death, I will not tolerate you.

The worst case scenario is that I'll arrest you, and I'll personally explain it to the boss! "

Chen Xin'an sighed, selling friendship failed.

It's not surprising. Who are these people? How could they treat this kind of thing as a child's play and just expose it?

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Cha Minji and asked, "Director Cha, I want to take a look at them, is that okay?"

Seeing Cha Minji's seemingly unmoved refusal, Chen Xin'an immediately said, "Maybe I can persuade them to give up this operation with a few words!"

"What will happen if you don't give up? Can they still turn the world upside down?" A disdainful sneer appeared on Cha Minji's face, but his attitude was still hesitant.

After thinking for a while, Cha Minji said to Chen Xin'an, "For the boss's sake, I will give you two minutes.

But I want to accompany you the whole time, so don’t try to play tricks on me! "

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "No problem!"

Room No. 3 is just a room number, not just a room.

When I walked in, I realized that the space was very large, but now it was filled with the smell of blood.

Yan Chunhua, Fang Chenggang and two colleagues were all hung up at this moment, with scars all over their bodies.

The two colleagues Yan Chunhua also told him that one was named Cai Xinnian and the other was named Zhao Hongyi.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking in, the four of them had a look in their eyes, but they lowered their heads feebly.

Seeing their bruises and bruises, Chen Xin'an suppressed her anger and said to Cha Minji, "Is it necessary to beat them like this?"

Cha Minji snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an as if he were a fool and said, "I was very merciful by not beating them to death on the spot! .??.

Don’t forget what they did!

Chen Xin'an, are you really that naive?

I don't believe that the Chinese people would be merciful towards such spies! "

At this moment, a bald middle-aged man walked in quickly, looking panicked, with a bandage on his arm, and many people following him.

The bald man said to Cha Minki, “We caught someone again, right?

Didn't you say that the security here is top-notch?

Why do you let them come in one after another?

Also, didn’t you say you were going to pick up my family? Why haven't I seen them yet? "

Cha Minji turned his head and looked at him coldly and said, "Mr. Mo, don't worry, no matter how many people come, we can catch them and they will not threaten you again!"

As for your family, they are already on the way and you can see them tonight! "

It turns out that this person is Mo Guangshen!

Chen Xin'an looked at this man. He was about forty or fifty years old. He was not tall, his face was wrinkled, and his hair was almost falling out. He looked very old.

"Ah!" Cai Xinnian saw Mo

Guang Shen let out an angry roar and struggled with his body, as if he wanted to break free and kill this man.

Mo Guangshen was so frightened that he took two steps back and shouted to Cha Minji in fear, "Why are they still alive? Didn't you say you wanted to kill them?"

Cha Minji frowned and said, "Do I need you to direct me on how to do things?"

Just take our money and do your own thing well. You don't need to dictate anything else! "

He turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an with a mocking look on his face and said, "Look, your own people are actually more ruthless than us. You only want the other party to die!"

Chen Xin'an squinted, looked at Mo Guangshen and asked, "The techniques you have mastered were all cultivated by China with a large amount of raw materials and money.

Why don't you know how to repay the favor and instead serve the Dongchao people? "

"Chen Xin'an!" Cha Minji called out to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "It's just a question. This is what they want to know. Maybe if this doubt is solved, everyone will be relieved and let it go, and then they will cooperate with you?"

Cha Minji took a deep breath and said nothing for a while.

Mo Guangshen looked at Chen Xin'an, as if he was surprised that this person was obviously speaking Chinese to him, but he was like an old friend with these Dongchao agents?

Regarding Chen Xin'an's question, Mo Guangshen gritted his teeth and said, "I learned a skill and sold it to the emperor's family.

They gave me a price that I could never earn in my lifetime. I just want my family to live a better life. Is there anything wrong with that?

Do you have to stay in the same place and receive that pitiful dead salary to be considered value for money?

Do you know how much hardship I endured and how much suffering I suffered in order to master the technology of smelting pure gold?

Look at me, I’m not even fifty yet, and all my hair has fallen out!

I also have various illnesses caused by years of exposure to those things.

The little money I receive every month is not enough for me to survive!

The price they offered was high enough, why didn’t I agree? "

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