Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3016 In fact, I have been restraining myself

These words were righteous and seemed to be impeccable.

Chen Xin'an sighed, shrugged her shoulders, and said to Cha Minji, "Everyone has his own ambitions!"

Cha Minji raised the corners of his mouth and said with a grin, "It would be great if Mr. Chen could look away..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly stretched out his right hand and hugged his neck!

At the same time, Li Qi, who was standing nearby, rushed over and grabbed Cha Minji's right hand that was holding the gun.

The moment he lifted it up, Cha Min-ki subconsciously pulled the trigger!


With the sound of a gunshot, everyone was in chaos!

All the agents aimed their guns at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said without any timidity, "Just shoot and see who dies first, your boss or the two of us!"

Cha Minji was strangled around the neck and blocked in front of Chen Xin'an.

Li Qi had already let go of Cha Minji's right hand and stood beside Chen Xin'an with a calm expression.

"Chen Xin'an!" Cha Minji gritted his teeth and cursed, "You bastard!

I just brought you in because I believed you, and now you actually dare to hold me hostage!

You want to run out of here?

I'm telling you, don't be wishful thinking!

Who of you was injured just now? This debt is all on them! "

Everyone lowered their heads and looked at themselves, and someone suddenly exclaimed, "Boss, Mr. Mo, he..."

Only then did everyone realize that Mo Guangshen, who was being protected by several people, had his chest soaked in blood!

The shot just now hit Mo Guangshen squarely in the chest!

Mo Guangshen lowered his head and looked at his chest, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, then looked at Yan Chunhua and the others, and said with a cry.

"They arrested my family, and there's nothing I can do..."

With a plop, he fell to the ground on his back, with a large amount of blood bubbles pouring out of his mouth. His body trembled a few times, and then he became motionless!

"Don't be stunned, save people!"

Cha Minji shouted angrily, those agents are...

Only then did he react and quickly ran forward to save people!

It took a lot of energy and manpower to sneak this guy to Dongchao, but he died before he could be used!

And he was killed under the eyes of Blue Cube. Not to mention these agents of Blue Cube, the entire Dongchao official would be humiliated by this incident!

There is no need to mention the losses involved!

Cha Minji's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, you are dead! No one can protect you now, not even the boss!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Cha Minji, "I have been out for so many years and done so many things, but I have never expected anyone to protect me!

Director Che, do you think you guys can stop me?

If you want to keep me, what price are you prepared to pay? "

Cha Minji gritted his teeth and roared, "Listen here, attack indiscriminately! Don't worry about me, as long as they are not our people, we will kill them all! Shoot!"

A group of people looked at each other with extremely hesitant expressions.

Cha Minji can give orders like this, but no one dares to obey!

Who is willing to bear the crime of beating his immediate boss to death with his own hands?

Cha Minji cursed loudly, "You idiots! They killed the people we focus on protecting. If you still dare to let them go, don't be afraid..."

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly interrupted him with a smile, "Director Che, you may have forgotten that the person you want to protect was beaten to death by your own hands!"

Cha Minji was stunned, and then he remembered that he was still holding a gun!

He immediately raised his gun and pointed it at Li Qi's head. Unfortunately, before he could pull the trigger, Chen Xin'an's arm suddenly tightened!

At this moment, Cha Minji felt endless darkness shrouding him, and his whole body seemed to have lost control.

When he reacted, Chen Xin'an had already strangled his neck, but it was tighter than before.

It was much looser, at least he could breathe.

It's just that the gun originally held in his hand fell to the ground without knowing when.

Chen Xin'an said in his ear, "There are only your fingerprints on the gun. Even if you explain it clearly to others, that person was indeed killed by your gun.

You are more or less responsible.

Not to mention what's happening right under your nose.

Do you think after letting these people attack you indiscriminately, how many people helped you, who had turned into a corpse, to explain this matter to the superiors?

How many people above will believe you? "

Seeing this scene, the four people who were hung up all showed excited expressions.

Yan Chunhua gasped and cursed at Cha Minki, "Cha Minki, you, a treacherous and heartless bastard, are you here today?

When you need us to do something for you, you have a straight face.

After taking advantage of us, you turned into a different face!

It's also my fault that I don't know people well. I only knew that you were from Red Stone Platform, but I didn't expect that you would be the leader of Blue Rubik's Cube!

If we could see through your face earlier, we wouldn't have fallen into your trap and been caught here by you! "

Yan Chunhua had said before that she had a friend in Hongshitai who could get a lot of valuable information.

Originally, Chen Xin'an was a little distrustful. After all, where is the Red Stone Terrace?

But he couldn't interfere too much in Long Ya's matter, unless these people were in danger.

Now that they are indeed in danger, Chen Xin'an finally knows that Sister Hua's so-called friend is actually Cha Minji!

It seems that Hua Jie fell into Cha Min Ki’s trap from the very beginning.

He wants to use people like Sister Hua to help him deal with the eight major chaebols.

Use some information to gain the trust of Sister Hua and others.

Now that the Holy Master and all the major plutocrats have been attacked, he took advantage of Mo Guangshen's incident to make a plan and invite you to join them.

The purpose is to catch Sister Hua and her gang in one fell swoop, and to eliminate all the dragon teeth hidden in Dongchao!

But he never expected that Chen Xin'an would intervene and disrupt his plan!

Cha Minji was angry and anxious, gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an, "Chen Xin'an, you're done!"

If you do this, everything you have gained with your life in Dongchao will be in vain! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at Cha Minji and said, "I'll correct you a little.

I'm risking my life, but I don't want to get what you think.

Not only in Dongchao, but also in Inca, Eagle Flag, Da Ying, and even China, I was fighting with my life!

But what I want in exchange is not glory and recognition, but that my relatives and friends can be safe and happy.

This is what I pursue. What you think is not something I take the initiative to fight for, but since it is given to me, I will not refuse it!

So, they are all my friends.

No one can hurt them, not even you, not the entire Dongchao!

Anyone who dares to attack them is my enemy, Chen Xin'an.

I must save this person, and I will kill anyone who tries to stop him!

Cha Min-ki, it’s not you showing mercy, it’s me showing restraint.

I don't want to kill him until the last moment!

Don't force me! "

Cha Minji was so angry that he was so angry, but he calmed down because he was too angry.

He knew exactly what kind of strength Chen Xin'an had.

This Chinese person who can drive the Holy Master to despair is an existence that no one or any force dares to underestimate!

If we break up today, then there will be a big war.

It's hard to say whether or how many people can be left behind. The only thing that's certain is that he will die!

Many of the brothers under him will also die!

Just then, the phone vibrated in my pocket.

Chen Xin'an also heard it, smiled at him and said, "Director Che, answer the phone, I am still a very reasonable person!"

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