Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3020 You can win as long as you hide until dawn

The crowd was excited and cursed, and the boss even closed his eyes and waited for death.

But after a long time, the other party didn't make a move.

When the boss opened his eyes and looked around, he found that those people had already left!

Two hours later, everyone felt that the powerlessness in their bodies had disappeared. They tried to pull out the steel needles on their own, but there was nothing abnormal, so they felt relieved.

The boss opened the door and rushed out. When he saw the two cars behind the house, he frowned.

What the hell are these guys doing? Since they have to go down the mountain, they don’t even want their own cars!

Do they have to walk to the city on their own legs?

Others also ran over and laughed when they saw the two cars.

"Brother Da He, these Chinese people are really stupid. They don't even drive when they want to escape!"

"Perhaps they guessed that we had tampered with their car? They didn't even want the car!"

"They are already panicking. They would rather run away than give us a chance! But do you really think we can't find them? There is no one we can't catch with the Blue Rubik's Cube!"

There was no excitement on the boss's face. He seemed to have thought of something and immediately ran to his garage.

Sure enough, the garage door opened wide, and the latest commercial vehicle inside was gone!

"Assholes! Robbers! They stole my car! I just bought it half a year ago! It was stolen before I even had the pleasure of driving it!"

A companion quickly said to him, "Brother Dahe, your car is equipped with a positioning device! Check their current location quickly and report it to the boss!"

The boss slapped his head and realized what was happening. He immediately took out his cell phone and started searching for the location of the car.

But when I turned on the positioning system, my eyes widened with disbelief. I finally came to the conclusion after operating it several times!

"These bastards, they destroyed my location tracking!

How did they find it?

Why do you do this? "

Everyone was speechless when they looked at the dark mobile phone screen.

A companion advised the boss, "Brother Dahe, don't feel too bad. They still have at least two cars left. We won't lose this time."

! "

"It's not your fault!" the boss scolded in a tearful tone, "That's the flagship version of hxd!

The budget given by the ministry was not enough, so I added almost 20 million yuan to buy it.

If I hadn't picked up and dropped off you bastards, I wouldn't have needed such a big car!

It’s only been open for half a year and it was stolen by those bastards. If I don’t feel sorry for you, who does? "

Everyone stopped talking. Anyway, they didn’t add the money themselves, so they wouldn’t feel bad if they lost it.

"We're entering the city!" Li Qi drove the car and warned the people behind him.

Everyone was already asleep and woke up after hearing the shouting.

Yan Chunhua said subconsciously, "Then go to our hiding place, in..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an interrupted her and said, "Sister Hua, you can't go back to your hometown now!

It must have been exposed. Even after tonight, I can't stay!

We cannot go to any place that can be traced.

No matter where we go tonight, as long as we can hide until dawn, we will win! "

Cai New Year asked strangely, "But what if they don't keep their words?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said with a smile, "They don't dare. To put it bluntly, my influence is not small now.

If the Dongchao people knew that their hero was being hunted by the Blue Cube before he could be commended, not only would the leader be condemned, but the entire Red Stone Platform would also be questioned.

They cannot afford such consequences. "

These words may sound narcissistic or even absurd, but this is the real situation.

Of course Yan Chunhua and the others knew this, because they had also been paying attention to Chen Xin'an.

Dongchao people admire the strong, even to the point of blind obedience.

This can be seen from the aloof Saint Master.

And Chen Xin'an's current fame has already disappeared.

There is a tendency to replace the Holy Master.

Dongchao people are extremely insecure, so they are accustomed to entrusting their spiritual sustenance to those powerful people and worshiping them as gods.

Therefore, the Dongchao, like the Incas, is an environment where various beliefs are mixed and believers of all kinds are everywhere.

When the Holy Master fell, they urgently needed a new Holy Master so that their hearts could have a place to rest on.

Chen Xin'an is the most suitable candidate to succeed the Holy Master, so the public pays very high attention to him.

This is why the president wanted to hold a special commendation meeting for him and award him the award in person.

Cha Minji made an agreement with Chen Xin'an to kill him that night. It's not that he was tolerant, it was just a helpless move forced by public opinion.

As long as Chen Xin'an's prestige in Dongchao remains at a high level, he will not dare to let go of his hands and feet to deal with this person.

Yan Chunhua looked outside and said in confusion, "Then where should we go?"

Once we enter the city, we will always be under the Blue Cube's nose. We can't escape their pursuit wherever we go! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, this was also what he had considered all the way here.

Unfortunately, this problem was almost unsolvable. He couldn't think of any place where they could hide without revealing their whereabouts until dawn.

"Boss, here we come!" Li Qi looked at the rearview mirror and said to Chen Xin'an in a deep voice.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a black car slowly driving towards the intersection not far away.

Different from the vehicles passing by, this car seemed to be trying to get closer to the business where Chen Xin'an was.

And looking through the windshield, you can clearly see that the person in the car is taking out a pistol and installing a silencer on the muzzle!

After all, we were in an urban area, and the people from the Blue Cube didn't dare to shoot unscrupulously.

"Let's go!" Following Chen Xin'an's order, the commercial vehicle roared and suddenly drove forward.

The black car behind followed closely. The gunman in the passenger seat aimed at the rear window of the commercial vehicle and fired two shots!

"Be careful!" Chen Xin'an

He shouted to everyone.

In fact, everyone had already lowered their upper bodies and used their seats to block bullets.


The car windows were shattered and bullets were flying over everyone's heads.

Li Qi turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the car suddenly swerved and hit the street light pole next to it heavily.

The several-meter-high light pole broke with a snap and fell to the road.

The car behind quickly braked and fell against the front of the car when they saw the light pole. They were all shocked.

In just one second, the light pole hit the front of their car!

When they restarted, backed up two meters and went around the light pole to catch up, they found that the commercial vehicle had disappeared!

Li Qi stepped on the accelerator, overtook cars one after another, and quickly got rid of the tail behind him.

But no one feels relaxed, because as long as they are still in Chaojing, this pursuit will not stop tonight.

Even if the positioning system on the car has been removed, Blue Cube can easily grasp their location.

The surveillance cameras everywhere are their eyes.

Even if there are no cameras, the citizens of Chaojing are their eyes and ears.

It is not difficult to track a commercial vehicle.

"Get on the bridge!" Fang Chenggang shouted when he saw the overpass not far away.

Li Qi didn't hesitate, suddenly turned the steering wheel to the right and got onto the overpass.

Yan Chunhua frowned and asked, "Brother Gang, where are we going? You don't want to go to Dr. Jin's house, do you?"

Fang Chenggang was also speechless.

Just now he just saw that this road was familiar. Not far from the overpass was Jin Soyan's home, so he almost subconsciously asked Li Qi to turn the corner.

But now he has realized that it is impossible for him to go to Jin Soyan's house, otherwise he will make her angry and cause a lot of trouble!

But now it’s too late to get off the bridge. Two cars have already appeared in front of them, crossing the isolation line and staying in the middle of the road in the opposite direction!

There was also a car catching up from behind, blocking the retreat!

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