Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3021 This life-threatening lunatic


A small silver car was knocked over by a commercial vehicle. The front of the car hit the chassis of the car and kept sliding on the road. Sparks flew on the road.

The agents in the car were screaming and couldn't aim their guns.

Someone kicked open the car door, stood directly on the door on the other side, and aimed at Li Qi's head!

Li Qi smiled slightly, suddenly stepped on the brakes, and then sharply increased the accelerator!

As the opponent fired, the bullet flew past Li Qi's head!

Before he could fire the second shot, the commercial car rushed over, hit the car hard, and ejected him!

The people in the car also wailed. As the car rolled over and turned upside down, they were trapped in the car and couldn't get out!

Li Qi turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the car drove into the opposite lane next to it, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward!

The horns kept blaring, and oncoming vehicles gave way. We almost hit him several times!

The Blue Cube agents cursed angrily, and the prepared encirclement actually let the opponent escape!

Of course they were not willing to fail, so they turned around and chased after him.

A highway chase begins on an overpass.

However, due to concerns about driving, the agents of the Blue Cube did not go on a killing spree or shoot indiscriminately. This gave Chen Xinan and others time to escape.

"Mr. Li, there's a roadblock below!" Cai New Year, who had been looking ahead with fear, suddenly pointed to the bridge in front and shouted to Li Qi.

Sure enough, on the ramp going down to get off the bridge, several lanes were full of cars, blocking the way!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi, "Ah Qi, let me drive!"

"Okay!" Li Qi didn't hesitate, immediately slowed down the car, opened his seat belt and stood up.

The two quickly exchanged positions, letting Chen Xin'an sit in the driver's seat.

Cai New Year said anxiously, "This is not a matter of who is driving! The key is that we have no road now.

Is it still too late to turn around and go back?


He subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see that the convoy following behind had expanded a lot, occupying the entire bridge deck, and was approaching with great momentum!

"It's over!" Cai New Year's face turned pale and he said desperately, "We are blocked! Damn it, stop the car and open the door, I will fight them!"

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him, "Brother Cai, don't be nervous, the boss will find a way! What you have to do now is to fasten your seat belt!"

Cai New Year said anxiously, "What's the use of not being tied? We are now blocked in the front and behind. Is it possible that we can let this car grow wings and let us fly over?"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said without looking back, "Yes, we are going to fly there! Fasten your seat belts, we will take off in three seconds!"

What? We take off?

Cai New Year was stunned for a moment. Before he could understand, Li Qi was already helping him adjust his seat belt.

Just after buckling it up, Chen Xin'an shouted, "Sit tight!" He stepped on the accelerator and almost hit the ground. The car made a harsh roar and rushed forward!

The driver of a small car at the front of the ramp was startled when he saw the oncoming commercial vehicle, thinking it was going to die with him!

However, the commercial vehicle slammed into the front of his car and wiped him away!

Because of this collision, the commercial vehicle that was still turning tilted its left front wheel.

Coupled with the inertia from uphill to downhill, and the speed that Chen Xin'an deliberately maintained, the car rushed towards another car, climbed directly onto the other car's body, and then followed the slope of the windshield and soared into the sky!

In full view of everyone, the commercial vehicle crossed the railing of the overpass and flew out of the bridge!

Everyone inside and outside the car exclaimed!

Although he was going downhill, he was still at least four or five meters above the ground.

Falling like this is almost equivalent to committing suicide!

Moreover, there are cars coming and going below. If it hits a passing car, it will be a very serious accident!

"This life-threatening lunatic!" Cha Minji in the crowd did not expect Chen Xin'an to play such a trick and was shocked.

If this affects innocent passers-by, he will not be able to escape the blame!

I originally wanted Chen Xin'an to be captured without hesitation, but I didn't expect these Chinese people to be so desperate.

Now, if something big like this happens in the city center, even the Blue Rubik's Cube can't block the news! .??.

He put his hands on the railing and looked at the commercial vehicle flying in the air with fear. He watched helplessly as a small car passed by on the road below. He wanted to jump off and push the small car away!


Less than two meters in front of the car, the commercial vehicle landed heavily!

With the screeching sound of brakes, the driver of the car looked dumbfounded at the car that suddenly appeared in front of him, and then looked at the overpass above!

What the hell, did he fall off the bridge? The people here haven't been killed yet?

Not only did he not fall to death, but someone waved to him!

The driver rubbed his eyes and thought he was dazzled or even dreaming, because when the commercial vehicle hit the accelerator, a puff of white smoke came out and then drove away!


Cha Minji also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no passers-by were hurt.

When he saw that the commercial vehicle could still drive away, Cha Minji was actually a little happy.

It seems that if Chen Xin'an just surrenders like this, he will not be worthy of his current fame!

He took a deep breath and ordered his men who were still in a daze beside him, "Send out the drone, cooperate with the road monitoring, and find them for me!"

"Find those bastards, I'm going to peel off their skin! Pull out their tendons! These grandsons, really can't bear to kill me, I just bought a car!"

In the crowd, Da Hege covered his chest, feeling that his heart was broken!

He likes to clean the car when he has nothing to do. Let alone collision, if he accidentally scratches the car body with the key, he will feel distressed for several days!

Now, his darling baby has been ruined.

There is no intact part of the car body, front and back, up and down. It would be strange if he didn't hate Chen Xin'an and his gang to death!

The commercial vehicle entered an alley and stopped.

The front of the car was smoking, and the engine had a problem. It broke down here.

Everyone got off the car, and Li Qi said to Chen Xinan, "Boss, can I find another car?"

"No!" Chen Xinan shook his head and said to everyone, "The whole city is looking for us now.

Once we leave clues, it is equivalent to giving the Blue Cube a route, and they will come to our door soon!"

Fang Chenggang said anxiously, "But if we go out like this, we will be a bigger target and easy to be discovered by them!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said in a deep voice, "So we have to find a hiding place as soon as possible, as long as we can survive tonight!"

Although it is already night, Chaojing is a famous city that never sleeps, with prosperous scenes of lights and wine everywhere.

Even in this alley, there are many vendors and pedestrians setting up stalls, and it is not safe.

Seeing someone coming over, Chen Xinan waved his hand and motioned everyone to follow him.

Everyone walked along the roadside, and Chen Xinan said as he walked, "The cameras will monitor our location at any time, so we must try to avoid being tracked by various cameras."

Han Yunmei smiled bitterly and said, "Boss, this is easier said than done!

Chaojing is very popular with surveillance, road surveillance, shopping mall surveillance, personal residential surveillance, etc., almost every road and every place is within the surveillance range.

The scary thing is that it can also be connected to the Internet!

It's hard for us to avoid it!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "I know there is a place that doesn't have these, but I don't know if they are willing to help us!"

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