Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3022 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid

No one knew where Chen Xin'an mentioned, but they all walked forward with him.

Cai New Year called from behind, "Wait a minute! My legs are still a little weak now, let me take a breath!"

Everyone laughed out loud, seeming to have forgotten the enemy's current sense of crisis.

Zhao Hongyi laughed and cursed, “My heart is beating fast, twice as fast as usual!

Mr. Chen, how dare you!

If it were me who drove it, the knife would be placed on my neck and I would not dare to do it! "

Li Qi smiled and said, "This is nothing, the boss once rode a motorcycle straight down the mountain from the mountain!

This kind of operation is often done when driving. You may feel that you are risking your life, but the mistake has never happened! "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Cai Xinyin clicked his tongue and said, "I thought our life was like dancing on the tip of a knife.

Compared with Mr. Chen, you are much more exciting! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, waved her hand and said, "It's nothing, I have a brother who is even better at playing cars! Even when I'm not sure about the situation, he is 90% sure!"

Fang Chenggang shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen is being self-effacing! Such skills are already very impressive. There is no one better than you!"

Yan Chunhua nodded at the side and said, "I know the person Xin'an is talking about is named Xiao Zhang.

I have never seen such driving skills before, as if the car has become one with him, comparable to the top stunt drivers! "

Everyone was speechless, Chen Xin'an was a great person, and all the brothers and friends around him were also extraordinary!

"Be careful!" Chen Xin'an's expression suddenly changed and he pulled Zhao Hongyi aside.

A bullet grazed Zhao Hongyi's shoulder and hit the wall next to him. At the intersection not far away, someone was aiming at them with a gun!

Zhao Hongyi broke out in a cold sweat and admired Chen Xin'an even more.

Both are martial artists, but he doesn't have the super strong premonitions and reactions like his counterpart.

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy and shouted to everyone, "Let's go! Run to a place with many people!"

No one was talking nonsense and they all followed him.


The man at the intersection missed a single hit and immediately chased after him, shooting as he ran.

In the car at the alley, Cha Minji, who had just chased him here, had a gloomy face and asked Cha Zhengxian next to him.

"There was gunfire just now. Who fired it? Didn't I say it before? Don't shoot unless you are absolutely sure!

This is the city center. Do you not know the consequences of shooting randomly? "

Cha Zhengxian quickly used the communication system to inquire about the situation. After a while, he said to Cha Minji with his head filled with questions.

"Boss, I asked, it was not our people who fired the shot!

An unknown person got in front of us! "

Cha Minji snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and cursed, "What a coward! There are still people who dare to interfere in the Blue Cube's operations. I'm really tired of living!"

Check their identities for me and arrest them all!

If you encounter resistance, shoot without mercy! "

"Yes!" Che Zhengxian nodded and immediately issued the order through the communication system.

Seeing Cha Minji staring at him, he asked with some confusion, "Boss, what do you want me to do? I just arranged it according to your wishes!"

Cha Minji cursed angrily, "What do you mean? You still want to follow me back to the headquarters?

Get out of here!

You stay here and take command personally. If you have anything to report, tell me! "

Cha Zhengxian got out of the car angrily, stood at the door and asked Cha Minji, "Boss, do you really trust me to take command?"

You know my style. I will never be merciful towards these people! "

Cha Minji looked at him with squinted eyes and cursed, "What do you mean? Just say that I showed mercy to them?"

Cha Zhengxian, you have the ability, you are so suspicious of your boss now, right?

Okay, now you have full authority to handle this matter.

You can be as ruthless as you want!



The moment the car started, Cha Min-ki seemed to have thought of something and said to Cha Jung-hyun

"By the way, I forgot to remind you one thing.

You have read the information, and you have a general understanding of Chen Xin'an's work style.

But I still want to remind you to be careful.

Once that guy is cornered, his favorite thing to do is to decapitate him!

You know what it means, so you better watch out!

Let's go back to headquarters! "

The car quickly left, leaving behind a stunned Cha Zhengxian.

What does it mean? Scared me?

Are you afraid of this, buddy?

Che Zhengxian swallowed and said to the men beside him, "The drone will be dispatched immediately! Hang the weapon, but don't throw it.

Also, try to use non-lethal weapons and focus on arresting people. Don’t kill them when you can’t! "

The subordinate turned to leave, but Che Zhengxian immediately stopped him and said, "Wait a minute! Let the service team go to a nearby hotel to requisition a room to serve as a temporary command post.

Also, have the entire security squad mobilize to stand guard around the temporary command post.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid, I'm mainly afraid that those Chinese people will take over our command post!

Forget it, I'll explain this to you, as if I'm really afraid of them, just follow the orders! "

"Eagle, Eagle, we've found them!" someone reported to Che Zhengxianhui through the headset.

Che Zhengxian frowned and said, "Who? Chen Xin'an's gang?"

"No, it's the group of people who shot just now!

Someone was injured and we caught him!

Not a Dongchao person, but from Da Ying.

Wearing ninja uniforms, they should be the ghost ninjas next to the Holy Master! "

Che Zhengxian's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and cursed, "These bastard Japanese ninjas! Those who dare to come to Dongchao to do whatever they want, kill them!"

Remember, shoot to death, no mercy!


They knew it was Blue Cube who was doing the work, but they still dared to interfere. Are all these grandsons of Daying crazy? "

After ending the communication, the subordinate next to him said, "Boss, how did the Saint Master's people know about our actions?"

Che Zhengxian spat and cursed, "That bullshit Holy Master is just an old liar!

The person this old guy hates the most is Chen Xin'an, so naturally he monitors his every move.

Now he is like a plague in Dongchao, and everyone avoids him.

Therefore, there are not many people he can use, only these guys he has trained with his own hands.

Some time ago, these so-called ghost ninjas caused trouble, but we failed to catch them.

I thought they had run back to Da Ying, but I didn't expect that they all hid themselves and stayed in Dongchao.

Now that he actually shows up on his own initiative, he is really looking for death...

wrong! "

Che Zhengxian's expression changed, and he immediately said to his subordinates, "Notify me, don't attack these ghost ninjas too quickly!

They are the first-class experts when it comes to tracking targets!

Let them find Chen Xin'an and his gang, and let them fight to the death first. Both sides will suffer, and we can just sit back and enjoy the gains. Wouldn't it be easier? "

The subordinate also grinned, gave a thumbs up and said to Cha Zhengxian, "Boss, what a great idea!"

After wiping off the blood stains on the dagger, Chen Xin'an waved to the people hiding in the dark and continued to lead them forward.

Li Qi asked him, "Have you confirmed your identity?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "They are all ghost ninjas! I guess Lao Yinbi will not miss this opportunity!"

Ah Qi, thanks to you for analyzing the opponent's bullets, otherwise I would have to blame Blue Rubik's Cube for this! "

Li Qi shook his head and said, "Blue Cube's pistol didn't make such a big movement. It sounds like it was made in Da Ying."

I was just wondering how the people from the Blue Cube could use pistols made by Daying, but I didn't expect that they were actually Miya Musashi's ghost ninjas. "

Chen Xin'an said coldly, "We didn't finish the killing last time, the rest were hidden.

Now they dare to come looking for death, so let’s get rid of them all! "

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