Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3024 If they are afraid, they won’t come to save you.

The sound of gunshots rang out in the night sky, which seemed very sudden.

The expressions of the Blue Cube agents who were searching in various alleys changed and they quickly ran towards the direction where the gunfire came from!

When they got together, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

Next to the trash can in the alley, four people were lying, all dressed as ninjas in black.

Blood was splattered everywhere. You can imagine what a fierce battle had just happened here.

The strange thing is that if it weren't for the gunshot, no one heard anything else!

"Boss, it's those ghost ninjas!" an agent said to Che Zhengxian who arrived later.

Looking at the bloody scene, Che Zhengxian frowned and said, "Isn't this the work of Chen Xin'an's gang? It doesn't look like their method!"

He had studied Chen Xin'an in detail.

Although this person is ruthless, he does not use such slaughter-like methods when killing people, making them so bloody.

But the only ones who can deal with these ghost ninjas are Chen Xin'an and the others who have such strength.

If it weren't for their actions, there would be no way anyone else would have appeared!

The agent who just reported to him snorted and said, "Boss, this is Chen Xin'an's hand!

If you don’t believe me, you can check all the information we collected. He has always been so bloody and ruthless in dealing with the Da Ying people! "

Che Zhengxian was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

This is really the case!

He also has no good impression of the Ying people at all, but at this point he feels a little sympathy for Chen Xin'an!

Turning his head, he ordered his men, "They haven't gone far yet! Use this place as the center and conduct a radial search in all directions!"

Remember, no shooting is allowed unless absolutely necessary, we will try our best to capture them alive! "

After they left, two figures appeared on the roof, it was Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

"Boss, let's go meet Sister Hua and the others now?" Li Qi asked Chen Xin'an in a deep voice.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and whispered, "You go meet them, and I'll lure these guys away!"

Just when Li Qi was about to speak, Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "We people's goals are too big. If we want to pass under the eyes of the Blue Rubik's Cube, it is simply impossible!"

So we must gather them together to give us a chance to leave! "

"Boss, let me do this kind of thing!" Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an, "If you protect Sister Hua's group, they are much safer than me!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "You won't be able to control the heat of a fight with someone from the Blue Cube!

Ah Qi, if we kill them, we will never leave Dongchao!

So I have to handle it myself before I can rest assured.

Remember the place we went to with Secretary Bu last time? "

Li Qi immediately thought of the place Chen Xin'an was talking about and asked in surprise, "The alley behind the National Bank?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes, that's right there! We will meet there. If they can accept us and help us hide, then we can hide until dawn!"

Li Qi fell silent.

They can indeed be hidden there, because it is like a slum, the situation is too complicated, and even the police rarely visit.

But the people there are very xenophobic. When they meet so many strangers, and they are all Chinese, not letting them in is still secondary. Will they report the news? Will they actively attack them?

These are all unknowns, but we won’t know until we get there. In this situation, we must take a gamble.

Taking a deep breath, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, be careful. It shouldn't be far from here. We will meet at the entrance of the alley in an hour."

If I can't wait for you, I will find you in my own way and have a good fight with those agents! "

Looking at the guns Li Qi held in his hands that he snatched from the ghost ninjas, Chen Xin'an nodded.

Li Qi, who has a gun in his hand, in such an environment, even if he is surrounded by people from the Blue Cube,

The terrible god of death.

It will not be easy for the Blue Cube to catch him. Unless all the elites come out, there are really not enough people for him to kill by himself!

The two parted ways and soon disappeared into the night.

On top of the big tree, Fang Chenggang pressed his hands on everyone. Everyone was holding the branches and lying still, unable to breathe.

Several agents came over, walked around and found nothing, and left in a hurry.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Cai New Year frowned and said, "What did Mr. Chen and Mr. Li do? Why haven't they come back for so long?"

Zhao Hongyi also said anxiously, "We can't stay here until dawn, right? It's not safe here either!"

Yan Chunhua whispered, "Aqi asked us to wait for him here for half an hour, so let's wait some more!"

Zhao Hongyi hesitated and said, "It's been half an hour, right? Will something happen to them? Have they been arrested?"

Cai Xinyin said quietly, "I think they have left, right?"

After all, the opponent is Blue Cube, an agent of Dongchao!

He is now a famous person in Dongchao, so he cannot offend these people for us! "

"Don't talk nonsense!" Fang Chenggang glared at him and scolded, "Mr. Chen is not that kind of person!

You think so, Chunhua? "

Just as Yan Chunhua was about to speak, Han Yunmei beside her scolded Cai Xinnian, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

If the boss and my master were afraid of trouble, they wouldn't come to rescue you tonight!

I risked my life to save you, but you still suspect that you are greedy for life and afraid of death. How heartless! "

Cai New Year's face turned red. Fortunately, it was night now and no one could see his face. He could only say cowardly, "I don't mean that..."

Fang Chenggang suddenly shouted to everyone, "Stop talking! Someone is here!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and a black shadow flashed under the street light, and soon came under the big tree.

"I'm back, are you all still here?" Li Qi's voice came from under the tree.

Han Yunmei happily shouted "Master!" and then jumped down from the tree.

When the others saw it was Li Qi, they all slid down the tree.

Yan Chunhua looked around strangely and asked, "Brother Aqi, where is your peace of mind?"

Li Qi waved his hand and said, "This is not the place to talk, a group of people is already here!

You guys come with me, I'll take you to a place where the boss will meet us! "

While talking, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the alley not far away.

Li Qi stopped talking, just waved to everyone, turned around and ran forward.

Everyone quickly followed suit.

There are many lanes in this area, one leading to another, seemingly extending in all directions.

In fact, this is more like a small building between residential areas. It can be accessed by traffic and is not considered remote.

The place we want to go to now is the real alleyway.

The alleys behind the bustling commercial buildings in the city are inconvenient for vehicles to enter and exit, and some places are even inaccessible to vehicles.

It is a paradise for homeless people and beggars.

It is also a breeding ground for filth and mess.

As if they felt that the person in front was the target they wanted to catch, the group of agents behind them accelerated their pace and chased closer and closer.

The terrain was unfamiliar, and after ten minutes, Li Qi suddenly stopped.

Han Yunmei asked anxiously, "Master, why..."

She stopped before she finished speaking. No need to ask, she had already seen it. There was a dead end ahead!

The pursuers had arrived, and it was too late to turn around.

Everyone was at ease and ready to fight!

Zhao Hongyi angrily scolded, "It's so frustrating to hide here and there, so I might as well fight them!"

But at this moment, there was a whistle not far away, and someone shouted, "I see Chen Xin'an, over there, chase him quickly!"

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