Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3025: Being played by this guy

The group of agents who were originally chasing them turned around and ran back. Li Qi and the others all breathed a sigh of relief. They were almost discovered!

"Let's go!" Although he was worried about the boss, Li Qi still greeted everyone, turned around and walked forward.

Everyone didn't talk nonsense and followed closely behind.

"Chen Xin'an, you can't escape!" Che Zhengxian looked at the dim surroundings and said with squinted eyes.

“I know you can hear me, so you’d better consider my offer.

With your current reputation, you don't have to do this at all.

And you don’t need to resist, as long as you raise your hands and capture him, you can save your life!

Don't worry, the boss is just talking. He also appreciates you very much and will never really attack you! "

"What about my friends?" A voice suddenly came from the wall not far away.

Cha Zhengxian, who had not expected to receive a response, was overjoyed and quietly made a gesture to his subordinates.

The subordinates had already cooperated with each other tacitly. After nodding, they covered each other and quietly approached the place where the sound appeared in a semi-enveloping formation.

Che Zhengxian smiled slightly and said loudly, "Chen Xin'an, you have to be content!

If you can survive, that's the best outcome. Why should you care about other people's business?

It's not like you don't know what those people did.

I can only guarantee that they will have a fair trial.

As for the final result, that depends on the judge.

Can you rest assured? "

"Don't worry!" This time the voice came from another direction.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all turned to look at Cha Zhengxian.

Che Zhengxian was stunned. How did that guy sneak past in such a short time? Is he a monkey?

He quietly made a gesture to his men, went to surround that direction, and raised his voice and said

"Chen Xin'an, don't take my kindness as a way to please you!

I'm giving you a chance, I hope you don't waste it.

Do you really think our Blue Rubik's Cube can't do anything to you?

\u003eIf we catch you regardless of the consequences, even if you grow wings, you won't be able to fly out of our hands! "

"Boss!" A subordinate came over with a display device and pointed at the screen above.

This is a drone surveillance pattern, and Chen Xin'an has been discovered.

Looking at Chen Xin'an squatting on the roof of a residential building, Che Zhengxian showed a sinister smile, let's see where you are going!

He raised his right hand and was about to give an order when he saw Chen Xin'an on the roof suddenly stood up and raised his head to look above his head, as if he was looking for something.

Soon, his eyes followed the screen and met Cha Zhengxian!

Seemingly understanding something, Chen Xin'an could not see any panic on his face. Instead, he waved to him, then suddenly waved his hand and the screen went black!

"Asshole!" Che Zhengxian yelled angrily, almost smashing the display!

Drones fly in the night sky and have invisibility properties.

If you want to track a person, even if you keep following him, he won't notice you.

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

But Chen Xin'an is not an ordinary person. This guy has super powers of perception, and the sound that sounds like gnats when the drone is flying cannot be hidden from his ears!

Coupled with the built-in working red light of the surveillance system, even if there is only a small point of red light in the night sky, others can't see it with their eyes wide open, but they can't escape Chen Xin'an's eyes!

So as soon as the drone locked onto him, it was also locked onto him at the same time!

I don’t know what he used to shoot down the drone. It wasn’t a gun.

These are not things that Che Zhengxian cares about. He is furious now and just wants to catch Chen Xinan with his own hands!

No one has ever given Blue Cube such a headache!

Hundreds of Blue Cube agents were dispatched just to catch these Chinese people, but so far, they haven't even seen their shadows.


He was even tricked by this guy Chen Xin'an!

How could he allow such a thing to happen!

Blue Cube has never suffered such a loss!

"Fly the drone again and try every means to locate Chen Xin'an!

Remember, don’t get within ten meters of him. As long as you keep the distance to a certain safe range, he can’t destroy it. "

The subordinate next to him said to him, "Boss, why don't you hang up your gun? You won't be afraid even if you get close to him. Once you lock on to him, you can kill him directly!"

Cha Zhengxian kicked him and cursed, "Are you stupid? This is a residential area! Do you want us to make headlines by shooting here?"

The guy scratched his head and didn't dare to say anything.

Unexpectedly, these guys actually sent in drones!

Chen Xin'an looked at the drone in his hand that had stopped working and grinned.

He is very experienced in dealing with this thing.

He knocked this thing down with one bullet, and he got it when it fell. It was like a child getting a new toy, which made him very happy.

But now is not the time to play around, it is still important to escape.

This drone is about the size of an ordinary 23-inch computer display screen. After folding the wings, the main body is only the size of a tablet computer.

So it’s not a hassle to carry around.

The reason why he brought this thing with him was mainly because Chen Xin'an was preparing for Anhao Group's next development project, which is the research and manufacturing of drones.

This thing will become more and more popular in the future and its applications will become wider and wider.

There are not many manufacturers in China, and they are all in an early stage of research and development.

Now is the best time to get involved!

Moreover, Chen Xinan has a technical advantage, after all, Chaojing Yaohan also makes drones.

Now Jin Enzai has begun to take power in Chaojing Yaohan. When he is completely stable, he will rely on

Chen Xinan to help him get rid of official pressure and regroup.

At that time, Chen Xinan will introduce talents in this field from Yaohan Group to develop his own drone research and development.

Dongchao's drones are of average quality, but the technology is all directly guided by experts sent by the Eagle Flag Country. After all, it was originally used by the Eagle Flag Army stationed in Dongchao.

Now don't think about these things, or consider how to get rid of the pursuit of Blue Magic Cube, because these guys have sent a large number of drones!

Looking at the black shadows circling overhead, Chen Xinan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Just to find me, Blue Magic Cube made it quite grand!

And these guys have learned to be smart and don't let the drone fly too low, just to prevent him from shooting it down again.

However, there are also weaknesses in doing so. After all, it is night. Although there are street lights, the light environment is still incomparable to daytime.

The distance is too far, and the human eye can't see clearly, let alone surveillance.

Even if he is locked by a drone, as long as Chen Xin'an is fast enough, he can get rid of the drone's entanglement.

The premise is that there are no weapons hanging on the drone.

Otherwise, being chased by so many armed drones, even masters like Chen Xin'an and Gong Musashi will definitely die!

He hung the drone in his hand on his waist and ran quickly on the roof, just like the parkour action in the movie, constantly climbing over obstacles.

A drone seemed to have discovered his figure and began to fly over his head and chase him.

At the same time, there were constant urgent whistles from the side, and the people from the Blue Cube were rushing over from all directions!

Chen Xin'an didn't stop, jumped onto the car parked on the side of the road, jumped from the roof of the car, and climbed up the wall next to him.

After running more than ten meters on the wall, Chen Xin'an jumped down and entered another street. This is a small market during the day, so there are awnings on the shops on both sides of the road.

Chen Xinan was moving back and forth under the awning, but the drone above couldn't see the situation below and soon lost his position!

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