Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3026 Your work efficiency is too low

Cha Zhengxian, who originally thought that the opponent had nothing to hide, became furious again and yelled!

But now that we have chased him to Market Street, we have locked Chen Xin'an's location. All we need to do is have everyone surround the exit of that place and conduct a careful search.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Chen Xin'an seemed to be at the end of his rope.

There were many storefronts on both sides. If it was daytime, he could enter any store without anyone noticing, making the Blue Cube people unable to find him at all.

But it's late at night now, to be precise, it's already two or three o'clock in the morning.

Except for them, there was no one else on the street, and all the houses closed their doors.

You can climb in through the courtyard wall, but that way it's easy to be spotted by a drone.

And it is easy to alarm the residents inside. When the time comes, he will be in a hurry and he will be unable to escape.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from beside me, and someone was already chasing me!

Chen Xin'an hid behind the trash can, her body disappearing into the shadows.

A group of about five or six people hurried past, and they were all about to pass. One of them turned around and shouted, "Xuancheng, what are you doing?"

The person who walked to the trash can unbuttoned his pants and said to him, "Brother Dachang, please come to the front and wait for me for a while, my stomach is not working anymore!"

The fish I ate tonight was not fresh. This happened twice. I feel like I’m going to collapse! "

"You damn thing, you have diarrhea when you do business! Useless thing!" Dachang scolded

"We are waiting for you in front, hurry up! The boss said that you can't be alone, otherwise you will give the Chinese a chance!"

Several people covered their noses and walked forward. Xuancheng hid next to the trash can and squatted down, muttering curses.

"A few Chinese people kept me awake all night, and I didn't even drink enough wine to enjoy myself!

Look at all of you who are nervous, you are all cowards!

That is to say, I didn't meet those guys. If I did, I would let them try the methods of our Blue Cube agents! "

There was a sharp pain in the stomach, Xuancheng hurriedly

He was holding his breath, but at this moment, his vision went dark and his mouth and nose were covered!

Xuan Cheng was shocked. He didn't expect that there were people in this place!

Before he could see the other person's appearance clearly, there was a sudden sting on his head, as if something sharp had pierced his head.

The next second, his eyes turned white and he didn't know anything anymore.

"It's your uncle's!" The stench came from underneath him, and Chen Xin'an almost vomited it out.

Fortunately, the clothes were not stained, so Chen Xin'an couldn't blame him so much. With three strokes, five divided by two, he pulled off Xuan Cheng's jacket and trousers.

As for the disgusting things this unfortunate guy was covered in, he didn't care.

Enduring the stench next to him, Chen Xin'an changed into Xuan Cheng's clothes and was still tying his pants when Dachang's scolding came from in front of him, "Are you okay?"

Chen Xin'an originally didn't want to say anything, but she was afraid of arousing suspicion, so she responded vaguely, "Here we come!"

He bent over, picked up his pants, and ran forward.

Those people were waiting in front. Before Chen Xin'an could get close, Dachang cursed at him, "Just follow me. You stink all over!"

The companions next to him all covered their noses with disgust on their faces.

Chen Xinyan looked guilty and followed behind while tying his pants.

It just so happens that I didn't intend to get too close to you to avoid being recognized.

Dachang said as he walked, "Be careful, that Chinese boy is nearby. Several groups of people are searching this area. Don't let that boy escape again!"

A group of companions agreed and said one after another

"Brother Dachang, don't worry, as long as we find him, we won't let him run away!"

"Our second team has never made any mistakes in arresting people! If the leader hadn't told us, the guy named Chen would have been beaten to death by us!"

"That's right! Being the enemy of our Blue Cube agent is considered unlucky for that guy! The group of people he dealt with before were all idiots! Now let him have a taste of our power!"

A sharp whistle sounded from behind, and everyone turned around quickly!

In order not to occupy their respective communication channels, the large forces of the Blue Magic Cube coordinated and used copper whistles.

Each team leader has one, with the thickness of the refill and the length of a finger. When he blows it, he can listen to the frequency to identify basic information.

Now this whistle means that there is an emergency.

Dachang sneered and said, "Someone was ambushed! I don't know which group of people is so unlucky..."

Before he finished speaking, the boss's voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Boss, I'm Park Dachang! What? Impossible! My people are all here... What, Cui Xuancheng is with you? Then who are the people around us?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Xin'an behind him.

Unexpectedly, it would be exposed so soon. Chen Xin'an was a little helpless, straightened up and said to Park Dachang

“Your work efficiency is really too low!

You still have to go back and forth several times to places that others have searched!

Time is wasted doing repetitive things, how can this be done? "

Park Dachang and his companions were dumbfounded. Looking at the guy in front of them, someone shouted, "He's that Chinese!"

Unexpectedly, the person following him turned out to be the target!

Everyone panicked, and one agent subconsciously took out his pistol and fired several shots at Chen Xin'an!

While he was pulling out his gun, Chen Xin'an had already made a move and kicked the light pole next to him. His whole body was like an offline arrow, and he jumped out with a swish!

With the sound of gunfire, Chen Xin'an was like a ghost, constantly changing his position, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight!

Park Dachang rushed over, grabbed him and fired.

The subordinate's arm cursed at him, "Don't shoot blindly if you are not under attack!"

The colleagues around him all looked in shock, and the man who fired the gun was breathing heavily.

Being at such a close distance from Chen Xin'an, if other teams hadn't discovered Cui Xuancheng who was knocked unconscious, everyone would have been kept in the dark for how long.

If the other party had just attacked everyone, with his skill, it would have been a perfect hit. He didn't know how many people in his group could survive!

Everyone who looked down on Chen Xin'an just now was speechless. All they felt in their hearts was fear!

Park Dachang picked up the copper whistle from under his neck and was about to put it into his mouth when the men next to him suddenly looked at him with fearful eyes and exclaimed in unison, "Brother Dachang, be careful!"

careful? Be careful about what?

Before Park Dachang could react, a strong wind suddenly hit behind him!

His body had already felt the danger coming, but his brain hadn't reacted in time.

This prevented him from reacting so quickly.

Someone suddenly reached out from the side, grabbed the rope on his chest, pulled it down, and the copper whistle fell into the opponent's hand!

It's Chen Xin'an!

Park Dachang had already seen the other person's appearance clearly, but he couldn't figure it out at all. This guy had obviously left, so why did he suddenly appear behind him now?

Is this guy a ghost?

The man who fired just now raised his gun again, but before he could pull the trigger, he was stopped by his companions!

"Are you crazy, idiot! Do you want to kill Brother Dachang?"

With just such a moment of hesitation, Chen Xin'an had already fled quickly. Everyone ran wildly, trying to catch up with him, but they saw the other person running faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the night!

Cold sweat flowed from everyone's forehead.

If Chen Xin'an had murderous intentions just now, none of them could have blocked the other's attack, including Brother Dachang!

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